Show republican ECONOMY we commend the republican lelia lei ia etive Ag assembly for its economical administration of public af faits 8 and denounce the democratic governor governa Gover nr and democratic members of the assembly for the attempt to iacre increase a appropriations tir beyond the the income mp of the he territory thus oom compelling tho increase of tabet during tile the hard times or issuing more bonds the above is a plank from the county republican platform in order to cover up the yawning abyss left in the territorial platform which studiously avoided all reference to their sad ead failure of a legislature the republicans of this county or a few of them determined to praise that a aggregation of inefficiency folly and partisans parti partisanship h ip 1 for something or other even if they b broke r oke a 1 haine hame string triny L in so doing but the very last thin tiling our republican friends should have hav e mentioned in reference to that legislature iE was economy the rel re publican majority was only known to favor eco economy lionly in ill one instance during the entire session es that was in celsing refusing to pay the officers who arrested the meya mera bers of that majority dragged them from their hiding places and led them to their seats these officers officer did their alvorn duty they carried carried out the he orders of the presiding pre si d 1 ing 11 officer and the republican members refused to pay thern them for it that was tile the only atta attack ek of economy they suffered during the entire tireless ion As a final act in order to fully their economical tendencies the republicans in both houses voted the public print printing aai away ay to an em employee PION ee of the tribune ri bune although it was submitted to bidders bidders and a deseret news man agreed to do the work 00 cheaper clie aper than the tha man who got it talk about economy when nien men use the peoples money like that they are generally called something else that part of the republican platform denouncing ft tile the minority for something it was powerless powe iless to do is in line with the courage of that tha t party whose representatives representative 8 ran fro from nithe the leg legislative s dative ha halls 11 8 r rather a ther than face half their number of democrats who were chri thrice ce arm armed I 1 V because their quarrel was just jm any party 1 whose majority would flee and h hide ide from a liel ples minority ity does well to now denounce that M minority by mail if the republicans ever sever get control of a another legislature 0 in utah we ne would suggest that they connect their homes bomes with the le legislative chambers by telephone so that whenever wb enever a vote is called they may drop the receiver ree eiver and crawl under tile the bed |