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Show DEPLORABLE DEATH. Mr. John J. Cyphers died unexpectedly, on Saturday evening, at the City Hall, about 6:30? He came from Jersey City, N.J., last July, and assumed the duties of Chief Clerk to Collins & Stevens, contractors of the Oregon Short Line and other projected railways. He was formerly at the employ of the Jersey City R. R. Co. In October he came to this city, where the office of the company he represented was located, in order to better facilitate the business of the firm. About the end of the year he commenced drinking and continued uninterruptedly to do so until almost the day of his death. The excessive use of stimulants naturally brought on nervous debility and in order to alleviate his sufferings, he began the use of bromide of potassium and ??. On Friday evening he took a dose to superinduce sleep. On Saturday Mr. L. S. Stevens, of the firm, came from Salt Lake City and when he found that Cyphers had made no voluntary attempt to arrest his downward career, concluded it best to place him under confinement. He did so, secured the services of an attendant and two physicians. Cyphers was under the injurious influence of intoxicants when taken to the City Hall and his death, which was caused directly by the drugs that accumulated in his debilitated stomach, which was in a congestive condition, and indirectly through the too free use of strong drink, was not a surprise to those who had been watching his downward course with solacitude [solicitude], but it was a sad blow to his wife, who was in Salt Lake City and unable to reach him when telegraphed for, until yesterday morning. His wife, who is completely prostrated, has the sympathy of the community. - Ogden Herald. |