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Show NEWS OF THE WORLD. BOTH OUT - Washington, Feb. 24 - After a session of about four hours on the Utah contested election case, the House committee on elections, to-day, on motion of Hazeltine, adopted the following: RESOLVED, That Allen G. Campbell is not entitled to a seat in this Congress as a delegate from the Territory of Utah. RESOLVED, That George Q. Cannon is not entitled to a seat in this Congress as a delegate from the Territory of Utah. RESOLVED, That the seat of the delegate from the territory be and hereby is declared vacant. The detail of vote on the last two paragraphs of the resolution was as follows: Ayes - Calkins, Hazeltine, White? Waite?, Townsend, Ritchie, Pettibone, Miller, Jacobs, Paul, Holtzhoover? Heltzhoover?; total 10. Nayes - Ranney, Atherton, Davis, Jones, Moulton; total 5. The first paragraph declaring Campbell "not entitled to the seat," was unanimously adopted. Substitutes for the second paragraph were offered by Moulton and Ranney, which in effect, set forth that Cannon's private character did not involve his disqualification to the office of delegate under the existing statues of the United States. The substitutes were rejected 10 to 5. Chairman Calkins was authorized to prepare a report on behalf of the majority. Each member will be requested to submit his views in writing, to be printed and embodied in the district files for further references. Calkins expected to be able to submit the majority report to the House by Tuesday next. It is not definitely determined whether the minority will combine upon one report, or the several members submit individual reports of their views upon the legal questions. THE UTAH SITUATION - New York, Feb. 23 - A special has the following from Salt Lake City: The "Mormons" are greatly excited over the situation and are doing all they can to prevent further congressional action. To-day petitions to Congress are being signed in all parts of the territory, one by women and another by men, praying Congress to halt. A petition for businessmen will be circulated to-morrow, and many Gentile merchants will sign, as they believe that the revolutionizing of government will unsettle values and prove disastrous to business. In two weeks petitions, with 100,000 Utah and Idaho signers, will be in Washington. Some leading Mormons have already gone east, and Apostles Smith and Thatcher start to-morrow. Whether they are authorized to make concession is unknown, but the feeling is that unless they are, their mission will be in vain. ANTI-MORMON - Milwaukee, Feb. 22 - A large meeting to-night adopted strong resolutions calling upon Congress [unreadable line] polygamy. -- San Francisco, Feb. 22 - A large anti-polygamy mass meeting was held this evening at Sacramento. Addresses were made by several speakers, and a strong anti-polygamy memorial to Congress, calling for effective legislation, was adopted; also a resolution appointing a committee to correspond with other committees and urge agitation. |