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Show CACHE COUNTY CROSS CUTS. NEW Lime for sale at the Temple Block. je18-tf SOME sewing machine fixtures that were found have been left at this office. Call for them. PERSIDENT [PRESIDENT] ARTHUR'S Thanksgiving proclamation appears in another column. Hear it ye turkeys, and tremble! [unreadable] of Zion's Board of trade announcing that they are paying the highest price in cash for hides. 9tf CONSTANT additions are being made to the stock of C. C. Johnson's music. His business has greatly increased lately. PREPARATIONS are in active progress for the grand Sunday school entertainment to be given a week from to-morrow night in the Tabernacle. THE second term of the district schools will begin next Monday. Entrance checks can be obtained to-morrow at the 11th ward school house. WE have just received a fine stock of French and English cloths for gent's suits and overcoats. Call and examine. O. Hansen & Co. [Company], tailors. THE Fourth Ward Store is taking subscriptions for stock, and taking steps toward incorporating. It's a good healthy institution, under first class management, and stock in it is a good investment. A FEW days ago we were shown a very fair sample of writing ink made by Mr. Newton Hill, which he contemplates introducing. He says he will make it for $1 per gallon, which is cheap enough. Try it. NEXT Tuesday evening's lecture will be delivered by Elder John T. Caine Jr. [Junior]. Subject "Physiology and Hygiene." We understand that it will be illustrated by charts, and we have no doubt but that it will prove exceedingly interesting. THE ball in Providence Hall last Friday night, given by the Logan Amateur Brass Band, was largely attended and a very enjoyable affair. During the evening the band played several selections, in a manner that showed rapid and praiseworthy progress. CONDUCTOR EVANS, whose run is from Blackfoot north expects shortly to start for Chicago as a delegate from his division of the U. & N. R. R. [Utah and Northern Railroad] to the conductor's convention, to be held there on the 15th and 16th insts [inst]. His wife will accompany him. Pleasant journey! IN this issue C. C. Johnson, music dealer, calls attention to the merits and cheapness of the New York Singer Sewing machine. He sells this machine at from half to two thirds the price of other machines, and warrants it to do as good work. Call and examine [unreadable] its merits. ACCORDING to the statistical report there are in this Stake 15,741 [?] souls belonging to the church. This does not include children over eight years of age who are not baptized. Were these included it would swell the number to about 16,911 [?], and nearly one-fourt of these are children under eight years of age. THE Chicago Enamel Paint Mixed ready for the brush. Will not peel, blister nor chalk off. Is unaffected by any change of temperature. Unsurpassed for beauty, durability and economy. One gallon cover from 200 to 225 square feet, two coats. Call and see samples, and get prices, at the Pioneer Drug store. A NEW and full stock of millinery and fancy goods for the season at Mrs. James', half block east of the U. O. Store, Logan, consisting of coats, and [unreadable], wool jackets, hoods, corsets, underwear, skirts, infants [?], cloaks, silks, [unreadable], velvets, ribbons, feathers, flowers, ties, veiling, lace goods, gloves, jewelry, &c. LARRY [?] ASH, Sr. [Senior], ESQ. [Esquire], gunsmith, is [unreadable] a new building adjoining his gunstore. By the way, he always keeps on hand a good assortment of all kinds of ammunition, and a good stock of guns, rifles, pistols &c., and sporting goods in general. Give him a call for anything in his line. He will always do [?] well by you. See his adv. [advertisement]. ONE night last week Wm. [William] Buder, having imbibed a little too much "tanglefoot," attempted to force an entrance into the house of Philip Philips, an engineer on the U. & N. R. R. Before the attempt proved successful, however, Mr. Philips arrived on the scene and administered a severe chastisement to the intruder. Buder was subsequently arrested and fined. RICHARD GODFREY, ESQ., of Weston, recently discovered a fire in his stack [unreadable] While attempting to extinguish the flames, he discovered another blaze, which could not have originated from the first, and as there was no plausible theory [?] as to how either fire started, he concluded both must have been the work of an incendiary. His stacks were destroyed, involving a serious loss to him. |