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Show AWARDS. List of diplomas and prizes awarded at the fair of the Agricultural and Industrial Institute of Cache County, Sept. 1881, to the following individuals, for the articles specified in the several classes: CLASS A-FIELD CROPS. Best squash, J. Owens, 2d prize. Best broom corn, Wm. Painter, diploma. Best two brooms, Wm. Painter, 1st prize. Best corn six weeks, E. Stumpf, 2d prize. Best 2 beets, Robert Swensen, 2d prize. Best 7 beets, P. E. Ricks, 1st prize. Best 2 summer squashes, Ira Allen, 1st prize. Best bunch sweet corn, Ira Allen, 1st prize. Best bunch Spannish [Spanish] corn, Ira Allen, 1st prize. Best 2 cheeses, Hyrum Co-op. dairy, 1st prize. Best sack of wheat, A. Goodey, 2d prize. Best specimen wheat, A. W. Hegiger, 1st prize. Best 2 squashes, R. Neilson, diploma. Best oats, C. Gibbs, 2d prize. Best shelled corn, C. J. Larsen, 1st prize. Best ?? cheese, W. S. Hansen, diploma. Best loaf bread, Mrs. Hayball, diploma. Best ?? ears sweet corn, Wm. Watterson, 2d prize. Best 5 ears pop corn, Wm. Watterson, 1st prize. Best sack dried apples, John King, 1st prize. Best 1 bus. ?? wheat, John King, 1st prize. Best bundle ?? wheat, L. A. Mosemann, 1st prize. Best bundle hulless oats, L. A. Mosemann, 1st prize. Best sack Mammoth spring rye, diploma. Best sack lucerne seed, L. A. Mosemann, 1st prize. Best sack black eyed marrowfat peas, L. A. Mosemann, 2d prize. Best sack white marrowfat peas, L. A. Mosemann, 1st prize. Best sack Yorkshire peas, L. A. Mosemann, 1st prize. Best ?? new white kidney beans, L. A. Mosemann, 2d prize. Best Swiss ?? bean, L. A. Mosemann, 1st prize. Best horse beans, L. A. Mosemann, 1st prize. Best winter rye, L. A. Mosemann, 1st prize. Best bottle wine, Mrs. Mattison, diploma. Best bottle wine, Priscilla Jacobs, 1st prize. Best broom corn, Wm. Painter, 1st prize. Best loaf bread, F. F. Squires, 1st prize. Best specimen of butler, Samuel Holt, diploma. Best squash, Samuel Holt, 1st prize. Best 2 sacks flour, Deseret Mills, diploma. Best bottle wine, E. Thompson, 2nd prize. Best sack New Zealand wheat, S. C. Nelson, diploma. CLASS B-VEGETABLES. Best cauliflower, Henry Thomas, 2d prize. Best peck potatoes, Timothy Jones, diploma. Best 1 dozen carrots, Timothy Jones, 1st prize. Best 2 red cabbages, Joseph Jones, 2d prize. Best turnips, J. Saulsbury, 1st prize. Best 2 red cabbage, J. Saulsbury, diploma. Best peck onions, Samuel Perkins, 2d prize. Best peck silver skin onions, John Leishman, diploma. Best peck red onions, Thos. Leishman, diploma. Best 3 cabbages, John Leishman, 2d prize. Best 3 flat Dutch cabbage, John Leishman, diploma. Best peck Denver onions, John Leishman, Sr., 1st prize. Best turnips, Geo. Barrett, 1st prize. Best cauliflower, John Carlisle, 1st prize. Best summer squash, Samuel Stumpf, diploma. Best 4 turnip beets, Samuel Stumpf, diploma. Best three radishes, Samuel Stumpf, diploma. Best ?? leeks, Samuel Stumpf, diploma. Best 1 red cabbage, Samuel Stumpf, 2d prize. Best 2 ?? summer squash, Jos. Hardman, 1st prize. Best white carrot, Henry Hughes, 1st prize. Best cucumbers, Geo. Hibbard, diploma. Best Dutch Savoy, John Leishman, diploma. Best 2 cabbages, F. G. Ralph, 1st prize. Best musk mellon, A. Allen, diploma. Best watermelon, A. Allen, 1st prize. Best plate tomatoes, John Jacobs, 2d prize. Best peach blossom potatoes, L. A. Moseman, 1st prize. Best neshannock potatoes, L. A. Moseman, 1st prize. Best 2 stalks celery, H. Worley, diploma. Best 3 stalks celery, H. Worley, 1st prize. Best pumpkin, Samuel Bergess, 2d prize. Best under ground onions, Thos. Lockyer, diploma. Best 6 carrots, Rasmus Neilson, 1st prize. Best 3 beets, Rasmus Neilson, 1st prize. Best peck potatoes, Thos. McNeil, 2d prize. Best 3 beets, Thos. McNeil, 2d prize. Best dish raddish, Geo. Hibbard, 1st prize. Best 3 cabbage, Beason Lewis, 1st prize. Best 3 cucumbers, W. Watterson, 1st prize. Best pepper, Velinda Flunk, 1st prize. Best 3 kohl rabbi, Mrs. Bitters, diploma. Best tomatoes, L. A. Mosemann, diploma. Best tomatoes, L. A. Mosemann, 1st prize. Best carrots, L. A. Mosemann, diploma. Best turnips, Wm. Partington, diploma. Best champion peas, Wm. Partington, 1st prize. Best dwarf peas, Wm. Partington, 1st prize. Best Yorkshire peas, Wm. Partington, diploma. Best 3 pumpkins, F. Hurst, diploma. CLASS C-FRUITS AND FLOWERS. Best damsons, Thomas Jones, 1st prize. Best green gage, Robert Roberts, 2d prize. Best blue plums, Robert Roberts, 2d prize. Best late peaches, J. O. Biglow, 2d prize. Best peaches, Wm. Rowe, 1st prize. Best fall pears, J. Adams, 1st prize. Best winter apples, Ira Allen, 2d prize. Best apples, Ira Allen, 1st prize. Best plums, J. Unsworth, diploma. Best peach, Hans Thorson, 2d prize. Best winter pears, Hans E. Neilsen, 1st prize. Best dried plums, C. Liljenquist, 1st prize. Best grapes, Andrew Nelson, 1st prize. Best egg plums, Andrew Nelson, 1st prize. Best display of fruits, John Jacobs, diploma. Best pears and plums, John Jacobs, diploma. Best collection of grapes, John Jacobs, diploma. Best hand bouquet, John Carlyle, 2d prize. Best peaches, I. C. Thoreson, diploma. Best honey, Catherine Hibbard, diploma. Best hand bouquet, Geo. Hibbard, 1st prize. Best fuchia, Mrs. Lamoreaux, 1st prize. Best plate of grapes, Annie Hymore, 2d prize. Best potowatomie plums, Jno. Parry, 1st prize. Best pears, Wm. Watterson, 2d prize. Best collection of jellies, Mrs. Hitchcock, diploma. Best walnuts, Mrs. Tarbet, 2d prize. Best apples, Eliza England, 1st prize. Best box flowers, Emma Seamons, 1st prize. Best everlasting flowers, Mary Perks, 1st prize. Best green gage, L. A. Mosemann, 1st prize. Best blue plums, L. A. Mosemann, 1st prize. Best table bouquet, L. Petersen, 1st prize. Best wallnuts, Mrs. Maughan, 1st prize. To be continued. |