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Show TRY OUR CHOICE MIXED BIRD SEED. Put up in right proportions for promoting the health and perfecting the song of Canary birds. Sold at the Pioneer Drug Store. FINEST STOCK of confectionery ever brought to Logan, at the Pioneer Drug Store. IMPROVED FARM WAGONS, a large stock of improved steel skein Studebaker farm wagons, just received at Zion's Board of Trade. 49 tf JUST ARRIVED at P. A. Neilson's a well selected stock of men's clothing, hats, caps, and furnishing goods. The best ever brought to Cache County. Prices low. 15-tf FOR A NICE REFRESHING SMOKE try our "Pride of Logan," "Pioneer" or "U. & N. R. R." cigar. They are unequaled. For sale at the Pioneer Drug Store. LOG CHAINS, ox yokes and bows at Zion's Board of Trade. 49-tf FARMERS do your trading at home. Z. C. M. I. will pay the highest price for your wheat, oats and barley, and then sell you the best goods at the lowest prices. CARPETS! CARPETS! A nice line of carpets at Z. C. M. I. Hemp, ingrain, tapestry and Brussels. Call and see before going to conference. 4-tf CIDER MILLS at Zion's Board of Trade. 49 tf SCRAPERS, wagon covers and tents at Zion's Board of Trade. 49 tf ADORN YOUR HOMES. A full line of beautiful chromes, cheap, at Cardon's. tf Z. C. M. I. HAS the largest and best assorted stock of fall goods ever brought to Logan. FINE SPRING CARRIAGES, buggies, light wagons, &c., at Zion's Board of Trade. 49 tf Z. C. M. I. are paying the highest market price in cash or merchandise for wheat, oats and barley. ATTENTION, FARMERS! The celebrated Windsor Harness Oil Blacking is unequaled for harness, carriage tops, saddles, etc. It renders the leather soft and pliable and adds greatly to its durability. For sale at the Pioneer Drug Store. NOTICE. A meeting of the Providence and Millville irrigating district will be held in the Public Hall at Providence, on the Second Monday of October, for the purpose of electing five directors, a secretary and a treasurer, and to determine upon the rate per cent of tax to be levied for the year 1882. By order of the Board of Directors, per Joseph A. Smith, Sec. 3-3t WM. H. OHLSTEN, PH, M. D., Surgeon and physician, Richmond, Utah 5-tf ANNOUNCEMENT! Geo. P. Bissonnette, the well known rubber stamp manufacturer, has returned to Logan and wishes to announce to the public that he is prepared to make stamps in all its branches; and promises satisfaction in all cases. He will be pleased to see his old friends, and new patrons at the Cache Valley House: Respectfully, Geo. P. Bissonnette 5-2t CITIZENSHIP PAPERS. Having been appointed deputy clerk of the First District Court, I am prepared to issue First Citizenship Papers to applicants. Chas. [Charles] Frank Logan, Utah, Oct. 20th, 1880. 7tf J. W. MELEY, is prepared to do all kinds of plastering, including cornicing and centre pieces, and one, two or three cost work at lowest rates. All work warrated [warranted] or no pay, to be received by any architect. Cornicing, 55 cts. per foot. Centre pieces, $2 to $5 each. Apply by postal card or opposite Charley Frank's on the Island. 49 tf BOYLE & COMPANY, dealers in fine & medium furniture wholesale and retail. Also pictures, blinds and perambltators. Upholstery a specialty, Main Street, Ogden, Utah. WANTED! A large number of choppers, logger and teams, to haul lumber. Single teams make from $4 to $5 per day in cash! Apply to or address, W. S. Woolley, Supt. Bear Lake Lumber Company, Paris, Idaho, 4-lm CASH PAID FOR PRODUCE! We wish to announce to the producers of butter, eggs, chickens, fruit, grain, &c. That we pay for those articles the highest price in cash Demers & Reece, Third Street, one block west of Z. C. M. I. Logan, Utah. 1-3m NOTICE. The annual meeting of the land owners in the Logan and Richmond Irrigation District will be held Oct. 10th, 1881, at 1 o'clock p. m. in the 5th Ward school house, Logan, for the purpose of electing officers for the ensuing year and to determine the rate of tax per acre, and to transact such other business as may come before the meeting. Robt. Henderson, Hugh Adams, Benjamin Hymas, Francis Sharp, James Kirkbride, trustees C. Larsen, Secretary. 2-5t S. W. DARKE. WM. FULLER Land office agents, the U. S. Land Office has been removed, and the undersigned suggest to persons to call at their office next door south of Jennings & Sons, when we will advise visitors how to proceed with their papers and thus save them trouble and possibly keep them out to the hands of sharpers, who watch for strangers. Look for the sign in big letters, Land office attorneys. Always on hand to make out papers for all land entries and final proofs. S. W. Darke & Co. CARL J. CANNON, Third St., next door east of post office, Logan, the tailor! has lately received a very fine assortment of French, English and American cassimeres [cashmeres]. Keeps constantly on hand a fine selection of the best Utah cloths, 35-tf. HANSON & CO. One door east of Tithing office, the pioneer and leading merchant tailors of Logan. A fine stock of home made and imported goods and ready made clothing kept on hand. Gentlemen's own material made up. First class work and lowest prices guaranteed. N. B.-We pay the highest price for wool. Temple and tithing orders will be taken. N. B.-Those owing the firm will please settle with O. Hanson. LOGAN MEAT MARKET (Formerly Z. C. M. I.) Just south of Logan Branch Edward Newberry, Proprietor. The Choicest cuts of beef, pork, mutton, veal, etc., etc. Game in Season. Home cured hams and bacon a specialty. 48-tf THE MOST POPULAR of all sewing machines is the light-running new home best made simple strong swift sure has no equal is always in order and will last a lifetime surpasses all others. Johnson Clark & Co. 30 Union Sq. New York Chicago Ill. Orange, Mass. JOSEPH DAYNES, Salt Lake City, Utah. FREE TO EVERYBODY! A beautiful book for the asking. By applying personally at the nearest office of the Singer Manufacturing Co. (or by postal card if at a distance) any adult person will be presented with a beautifully illustrated copy of a new book entitled Genius Rewarded or the Story of the Sewing Machine containing a handsome and costly steel engraving frontispiece; also, 28 finely engraved wood cuts, and bound in an elaborate blue and gold lithographed cover. No charge whatever is made for this handsome book, which can be obtained only on application at the branch and subordinate offices of The Singer Manufacturing Co. The Singer Manufacturing Co. Principal office, 51 Union Square, New York. 42-9m ESTABLISHED 1846. Fire and burglar proof safes. Round corner, smooth finish, combination lock, with conical break-off spindle-cannot be driven in or pulled out. Also round screw door burglar proof safes. Estimates furnished for bank work and vaults. Beard & Bro. Safe & Lock Co., 918 & 920 N. 2d. Street, St. Louis, Mo. Send for catalogue. Z. C. M. I. CLOAKS! Before going to conference ladies, supply yourselves with cloaks, dolmans, dresses, and notions. Gentlemen get suits, hats, and boots! A splendid assortment in all lines. R. S. Watson, Manager. Suits! Conference! Conference! Conference!! Conference!! NO. 3 VICTOR. Simplicity simplified! Improvements September, 1878: Notwithstanding the Victor has long been the peer of any sewing machine in the market-a fact supported by a host of volunteer witnesses-we now confidently claim for it great simplicity, a wonderful reduction of friction, and a rare combination of desirable qualities. Its shuttle is a beautiful specimen of mechanism, and takes rank with the highest achievements of inventive genius. Note. We do not lease or consign machines, therefore, have no old ones to patch up and re-varnish for our customers. We sell new machines every time. Send for illustrated circular and prices. Liberal terms to the trade. Don't buy until you have seen the most elegant, simple and easy running machine in the market. The ever reliable Victor. Victor Sewing Machine Company, Middletown, Conn. Western office, 235 State St., Chicago, Ill. Southern Office, 8 North Charles St., Baltimore, MD. GEO. A. LOWE, Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah, general agents for P. Schuttler's Chicago, farm, freight and spring wagons. Ame's steam engines, Dedenick hay presses, Cooper & ?? mills, ?? turbine wheels, Furst & Bradley clipper plows, South Bend chilled plows, sulky and gang plows, iron feed cutters, Schuttler barb steel fencing wire. Dealer in all kinds of agricultural implements and headquarters for Chicago tongue scrapers, railroad material and all kinds of contractors' supplies. Full stock always on hand. Geo. A. Lowe. 51-3m THE GREAT CARRIAGE manufacturing house of the world, Emerson, Fisher & Co. Cincinnati, Ohio, [unreadable] top buggy for $100, and a strong, durable phaeton for $120. The uniform excellence of these vehicles, resulting from care. Selected material and good workmanship, has given their carriages a favorable reputation throughout the Union, in localities where they have been used for years by ??, physicians, farmers and others requiring hard and constant use, and has made the firm of Emerson, Fisher & Co. the acknowledged leading carriage builders of the American ?? These top ?? are in every state from Maine to California, and Great Lakes to the Gulf and hundreds of testimonials have been received from every part of the country evincing the entire satisfaction of purchasers. Upward of 85,000 carriages manufactured by Emerson, Fisher & Co. are now in use, attesting their great and ?? popularity, and in order to meet the demand which has increased year by year, the facilities of their mammoth establishment have recently been extended, enabling them now to turn out in good style, during the busy season, about 400 carriages a week. The unequalled facilities of this firm enables it to produce good carriages at a far less cost than the work of small makers in country wagon shops, and that class are now purchasing largely of us to supply their local trade. Send for illustrated price list of carriages. Emerson, Fisher & Co., Cincinnati, O. |