Show NATION T NAILER lit it bears false witness and must eat its words THE republican ORGAN la Is denounced na as a malicious liar by six men regardless of party nov 14 1802 1892 JOURNAL in ill the nation of november 11 1892 there was wag an ail article entitled 11 Mil hillo iville bulldozers and charging me with abino of tile greatest groa teat afren cs that a person could be guilty of that of prove ting legal voters I 1 from rom voting arid and intimidating the judges of election av now air editor in justice to to me would you be kind enough to 0 give ino a elfort space in our valuable paper to place tile the facts before the people of logan I co in and tile county tire the title of tile the article is an ail insult arid all ad such I 1 resent it arid and brand tile person mho it there ns as a liar jar in its first paragraph there are two lies it charoon me tat with shamefully intimidating voters and the jud judges cs of J election Jec tion ind oll outraging arid and mr air samuel amuel holt felt be beckus causs lio lie hall had circulated the nation extra there were nere no words used mod by tie me that would intimidate ann any person not if lio ho role the roost cov cowardly ardly person on caioli baith so far Is as clr 11 r samuel licit holt 19 18 concel ned I 1 do not think lie will say to any living person that I 1 shamefully almsted him libin on election lay day nor even spoke disrespectfully of him to him nor about him hill of on that day but is iia his friends seek to make it appear that lie has hag been made a martyr to ft a fallen cause 1 I will state that whatnot not at the time of the election hut but on tile the sabbath Sabbat li day at 2 p r na m on the door step of t the milleville millville Mill ville a Afe meeting eting house the said samuel holt did stand and thrust under linder the rio rioe noie e of almost every who bo entered there tor for the pur purpose PO se of Nor worshiping wd god arid and partaking of tile thu sacraments sacrament that vile sheet called tile the bation extra which charges J L ItaN hawlins lins with ith an infamous statement arid and denounces boea that cher as a liar I 1 did at the close of tile meeting lie de clounce that as wrong and told tol mr holt ilola t that hat I 1 thou thought a man mail 0 ol 01 his age and experience peri ence should know bettea ard I 1 still say eav it iland and will ill continue to denounce any sul cuili it s us lis aliu no long as god gibb tile me strength to do so so tar far as aa the statements made about tile me the bulldozers attempting to the judges of election and intimidating voters ie concerned I 1 say they were concie conci eed cd in a malicious brain and brought forth from a corrupt heart re as the following will show rillow I 1 I 1 hope you on will ill publish this letter and t alie lie annexed written ritten A statements of six men who were present at tile the polling place nov 8 1892 yours MARTIN WOOLF tho JUDGES wo we joseph holland john king testify that we rr were judges of election Klec tion admill at mill ville nov still etli lis ta and w cereas the valio is of nov alth 1892 states that martin woolf conducted in 1 a I shameful and abusive manner thereby intimidating alie les of election arid and threatening them thell and whereas it states that tile the said martin woolf threatened and intimidated voters anti and whereas it states that in an officer from logan came here bero and shut him up or said lie he would do d so we denounce as a via licious ie he JOSEPH HOLT Ke Ite publican JOUN kirg democrat judges of election OTHER JUDGES we the judges 9 of the school election held field in ill noy nov still 1892 climso ciaio read the article entitled millville milleville Mill ville cull bull do dodril erIl in Vad idof of nov I 1 ith lla and state we occupied tile sime saine room as ai the judges of the regular election and were present when Aless rs li Hammond ammonds 8 and humphreys gotze wore challenged and bavand say and pronounce the nili clein said paper per wherein it charges barges martin woolf as being guilty of unbecoming conduct and of intimidating or trying to intimidate tile judges of election or any any voter as agrosa and malicious lie JUNRY HENRY CHANDLER CHANDLE Ii JAMES FY joity T GA RR judges judge of election AND TUB coss rABLE I 1 IJ J 1 flaex olaer constable of michille Mil till hille ille P precinct acin say that I 1 wa pi bifi at the polls I 1 0 on election day and hall had no occasion ap nt to peak to or order mr air martin woolf to conduct himself in ia adv other way from that in which chevas lie was already d joing n g ant and I 1 pronounce the article in tire Nation A nd conot of nov 1892 as false arid and malicious joseen P constable of ill milleville millville Mill ill ville |