Show atol J it II prop rates from to per day convenient to ito all bu business P poi or eions of tile the city electric bells bella hot and cold water steam heat and electric light in every room pool hot and cold baths bathe steam elevator good S sample rooms fire escapes on every floor ninin room on fifth floor fine view of CRY city SALT LAKE CITY UTAH i hel AiBe rican 1 biscuit at ml I 1 b V co to UTAH manufactures of the celebrated SILVER or FINE CRACKERS 27 2 E third abird out 11 S st salt lake city henry wallace vallace figr mgr LI gr TA T A n io tn T THE H HATTER A T T E m grant avenue ogden IV the only ailace place in utah to get your old felt or si k rats bats I 1 made over as good as new by practical batters co 0 TO cl Z aft go 0 to buy sell or change illin JH jenning nning stock to loan or borrow money and to have your deeds mort mortgagee gages bonds wills and all 01 kinds of 0 le lesil leal al documents ducu ments made out also for life tire fire and live stock insurance aud and real lieal estate special attention given to probate court business where can I 1 buy the best Clo at I 1 1 I V ank blics AND gentl r Fur furnishing goods why at A JAMES ES agency of wana maker bi ilion 0 it of philadelphia office aith hatli kimball hios bros main st call all and see sec s samples ba dont forget that TOU on cau can obtain all tile new a all d tat books AT A LARGE LABOE R REDUCTION E 1 U AT J W opposite post office the old books tal taden en in exchange also the ali biggest est assortment of school supplies in lo 10 login garl go to charles england PUBLIC to get your deeds mortgages mortgagee etc made out and notary bork attended to office LOGAN legal notice notice ot of leasing school lauds la in cache county to joau au whom it may concern notice la Is hereby given by the county court of cache county utah territory in pursuance of a reijo resolution lution ot of court duly made deade nl at a regular ing thereof bald on mi october irth 1892 ahat the said county court under and abdin in pursuance of the provia provisions ons of an act of 0 the and legislative assembly ol of the of if etab entitled an art ct to provide lor for Le leaddus ardus school lands and prescribing rules kule and regulations governing tb the a same name ap proved approved march iwa amill U upon poll lee lease all the school lenila in n cache county to v if al cods ili inI la in X county which under section 15 of the act of tile of utah and baigot the lite revised ciatu el 0 tua the united states have been reserved fo for r ti the le purpose of being applied lor for tho ilia ol of said territory Und Undo oreali reald net Ye sidIng upon i ying or holding or clai clalice tail ng poes estory rights te l much lands la nl esmell ath as n e ther persons are required qui red to obtain leased lea ln li order to le be entitled t to blank for isasca containing a copy of staid mild at cud all information formation Ln VIM ill be furnished upon application by the ibe county aunly clerk cleric of said ald bounty county ou nty tt at ilia hla office in tile county court if aoude owe lokan city etab L the act provides that the tie mccu ell lb aseph an fn or con I 1 rolling la ia tiny ilav 11 ir hare re the preference rence tight tal M at tho the rental value all applications for or leases ian ica mutt must bo be filed with the county court tit at or or before it 12 shoon oon on monday Jive ember fth wn COUNTY COURT OF CA ill co B C CD 1 NV FULL FULLI IrL larK I P it county clerk cleric daid 11 ll z maneage Ri arriage guide stfan III 0 abt s ac I 1 g adm all tile do 11 all kiar w a 1 ixko k fr ur cra cr I jr CT PW oly O on ly y SL filanc 67 1 01 cipra f J W SATE atre chicago c h cal ill T keene N II if july 24 esq em des moines iowa SIR T en enclose closeal 50 ets els in et stamps an a for to boxes ot of krause g s ilea acri capsules same as last work like him magic send at once if possible na as 1 I skink am out respectfully t A A deserving praise WO we desire to say to ivr citizens that hat for abl years is dr dinae new cover for consumption dr kings king Is iq new lite life pills buckless Buc klena klens arnica salve halve anti anil electric bitters and lav have never handled ilca remedies that sell bull aimell as nall or thag ila have 0 given such satisfaction wedo we do not hesitate to guarantee antee ethein ever every tinie time and we stand ready to refund tile price if rotis factory results do not follow their use thew remedies have won ion their gic ecat it popularity purely on oil their merits 11 hiiter ater bros drug co saved from death by onions there has no doubt been more lives 0 ot f children saved from death in brou croup 11 or i whooping hooping cou couii it by the use rise of onions than by any other known remedy our mothers used to make poultices of them or a sy tit in which was waa always effectual in breaking up a cough or cold dr gunns gunna onion syrup is made by b combining at few simple remedies with mith it which make it more effective as a medicine and destroys destros the taste and odor of the onion 50 60 cents sold by bros drug co i one touch of nature makes the whole world kin diseases common to tile lace compel the for a common remedy it is id found in aa acers ers lara R 11 Tilla the le ie of which 19 is worldwide world wide having largely superseded every other oilier blood ine medicine dicine in use 11 II all tree free those who barf bare used dr kings new discovery know its value and th shohe ose w m ito ho have not lime liae the opportunity to try it free call on the advertised druggist arid and get n trial atrial li little ittle free S send nd your our name arid and addi ess to tl 11 E trick co chicago and get a sample box of dr kings kinge new life pills free as N well ell asa as n copy of guide to Ile alth and household ins instructor tractor free all of which is guaranteed to do you good and cost 3 on bothin nothing bros drug co 11 II wanted A representative ury the greatest look book ever offered to lite public A chi istman present for both old and 10 youna 0 oar coupon pon system we use in selling 1 this great wark m rk enables each purchaser to get the book free so go everyone purchases es for liis his first ii necks ecks work one a lents agents A alady lady lias has just list cleared for lier her first weeks work write for particulars and if you can begin at once send for outfit we gine ghe you exclusive territory and pay large commissions on oil the sales of sub agents write at once tor for the agency of i our county address all RAND cNALLY SI qu cu t Chi chicago cillo i A sure cure for files itching piles arc knon by moisture mois tuie like perspiration cau causing ilg intense itching when warm this lorm forni as well as blind bleeding or protruding yield at once to pr dr pile remedy which acts on oil parts absorbs dumois allays itel itching 11 in ant and e effects a permanent cure 50 ct S drug fists or mail circulars free dr bu sanko philadelphia pi pa sold by eiter bros drug co logan utah and fraklin idalio idaho 11 II sprint spring M medicine dr gu liver pills on account of t their I 1 beir mild action are apeci ally adapted lor for correcting spring aprim disorder ora erst ruch puch is as impure itin blood tired brain and aching and worn morn out body they act promptly prompt on the liver arid and kidneys drive out all im impurities puri ties f from houi tho the blood blond and malaria from the system only one pill for a dose try thein this spring sold at 25 cents a box by riter bros broa drug co first symptoms of death tired feeling dull headache pains in various parts of the alie body sinking it at the pit of the stomach loss of appetite feverish pimples arid and sores are ill all positive evidence of poisoned blood no matter liow how it became poisoned it mus be purified to avoid death dr ackers english blood E elixir elixir lias has sherer failed to remove scrofulous or syphilitic poisons sold under positive guarantee by riter niter bros drug co A areat liver medicine dr gunns improved liver pills are a sure cure for sick headache bilious complaints dyspepsia indigestion costi costiveness venes s torpid liver etc these pills pilla insure perfect digestion correct the liver and eto stomach mach rel regulate the baN baniels vels purify and enrich enricki the blood and make the ellin ekin clear the they also albo produce a good appetite and invigorate and strengthen the entire system by their tonic action they only require one pill for a dose and never gripe aripe or sicken sold at 25 15 ets it i box by biliter aros Drug co 4 good loks good looks are arc moro more than skin skill deep depending ending upon it a healt healthy liv condition oil ot all 11 tile the vital organs lf if abe liver bo be inactive you roil have a bilious mook it if your ato stor macli nali lie bo digor derd you on have a dyspeptic look and it if conr kidneys be allec alluded ted you lieve a pinched look secure good health and you will have good looks 11 electric bitters is tile areat alt alterative erath c and tonic acts direr diree 0 ill these vital organs cures pimpled Pim blotcher blotches Blot ches boils and gives a good complexion pl exion sold at aiters bros broa brud co per bottle A Mecha Mech rats arnts opinion mr john caraghar cara liar a merchant at Carsi carrighar Carag ghar bar fulton co old ohio 1 L ays lays that st patricks pills are arc the best sailing pills he be handles the resi reabon poll is il 4 thal thai tile they produce a pleasant cathartic effect air and are ce certain ertain arid and thorough is in their action try r Y them when you want a I 1 reli reliable atile catl cathartic artie for gaio bv br riter broz bros aruz co 0 i she committed suicide mrs F C oe at watkins walking left this thip letter my husband forgive roo me it if I 1 cause you yon trouble but I 1 so i on lu do not lot know what these long jcak fal wretched m nights a anre re to roe and mn am so 0 tired dirl the pain will M never bo be better it is ilot not easy to take nyo oin o in life but I 1 balie been sick so EO on aoud bye husband I 1 levu lovu live you yon your wile 1 tin ill ic i c but one of eliat giar up instead of using dr miles allies re and biml ici being n g speedily vii rt d of 0 their q go to pifer loiter bros vine drug company logan midi and franklin idalio and ret get an clefant book slid and J i lal bottle free tico U adorato A word to ladies ladies who desire a beautiful clear skin free from pimples bols boi a blot blotchy blotches ches and should continence commence at once to use rise dr gunn gunil it improved liver pills aliey eliat ideary look ok about your enes e CB and make thera bright iri glit and will ure cure headache from froin whatever cause it arises remember you are only only required bequir e d to lo 10 ONE L ani at lcd haj time which ia m coated gitlis pill pine e ugar sugar and will ill I 1 not io gripe or produce any unpleasant sensation t told lold old at 25 5 cents ell is by kitar bros drug co logan butali awl and franklin idalio idaho 0 liver complaint Billiou the chief symptoms symptom i 01 if this are arc depress depression iOD of spoils foul cila c tedi ton tongue glie bad tasting mouth ino ulli disagreeable breath dry skin with blotches blotcher blot ches and crupt eruptions ions allow comple nion and yellow eyes tired aching ailiin shoulders dull pain in right side faintness dizziness dizy iness and irregular bowels chii complaint in all it informs its forms ran pan he readily cured by taking dr ganns improved liver pills as directed and a lingering lin spell of sickness will often lie warded olf off by th air use ive sold S old at 20 25 cents a box bv mier 1 I us drug brusco drusco Dr usCo co logan utah and ana franklin idaho tle doctors are guilty grave rare ini are made by physicians physic ans in ii treating heart disease tile the rate of sudden deeths doit lis is 13 daily increasing 11 become vic tinis of ignorance of physicians physic ans in the treatment of thi this 9 11 disease ono one in four persons lias has a dis dischel cael heart shortness of breath Lr eath palpitation atilt and fluttering irregular Irre Kular pulse Pi ilso chocking Choc kins sensation iii breathing Brent liing pain iain or tenderness in side shoulder or arm weak or hungry spell are arc symptoms of ill art Disca disease Ec ir dr mile new cure is ia the only reliable remedy thousands testify to its mund erful curfs books free sold by riter broa druz drue company compan logan utah anil and Franl franklin clin idaho idabo 6 this is pretty good mr john 0 C goodwin ii I 1 carpenter of dinville danville ill u writes rites about two beeks a ago 1 0 a 1 i lie heavy avy saw log fell ell upon mv iny foot very verv badly cru Ehin g it so io that I 1 was una unable ble to walk malk at all I 1 sent for a bottle bottie of ballards snow liniment and kept my foot well saturated with it it is now two i H beeks since this happened and my iny foot is nearly well and I 1 am antwork at work had I 1 not used snow liniment I 1 should hivo have been laid up at least 2 months for healing wounds sprains ns sores and bruises it has bus tie no equal no inflammation can call chiss axis m where here snow liniment is used you can call use thi sletter beware of all white Lilli liniments mentS substituted for snow liniment there is no other liniment like ballards inow now liniment sold old by hiter broa drug co logan utah and Ii anklin idalio idaho 3 J L 11 1 BIH BULL UP IP THE BUTCHER ti 1 graders rEAU EBS Sf efad arand AD second street logan THE handsomest SHOP in III town and the finest K pbs W i rj r raj kejza legal notice in the court or of the county of bacle 1 territory if utah I 1 I 1 in the nl atter of the 1 slate of hiram W bow insixi 1 11 decea ed order to show muse cause why order ot of sale of real benl fhate should not be made enoch H B tripp the of 0 the tateos luram W jiom howman ilia n cluel Ased having filo file abis petit 4 1 tion luit herein ini lor an order ot cleof 1 alf a portion of tile the real cruse of said decedent ed t for or tile kiib purposes aes therein the nii bet acet forth 1 it t is therefore ordered by bytha the paid court ill tl at t fil perso persons ns interested ed in the estate of said ebid tie dc colled coll ed r before the probity Pro bite court on ea Q I 1 tho c lush lull day ot of dec ISM ia nt at 11 in the forenoon io forenoon ot of un said cid tin di at the court house in logn loann a cit city in said county of 0 cache to 0 how chow calffe uk vm an order hould boula not botne ile granted t to 0 the bald vall po enuch of the real sinie estate of tile the said bald deceased its shall phan he be tie me cos cosgary cenni sary rr arid and that tant it tt copy of this order lie be published laatt in the airn I 1 a nem paper printed and publia bed tn in lid eaid V ache co county WILLI k ii 0 0 1 D W 1 i judge u d g e 0 of r 1 r lobate court cited NOT nor OIL wa territory Terri torr of utah I 1 I 1 counte of ancho as 1 I collins 1 1 vl IV vullmer Fi illmer clerk of the probate court in and tor for tile the utility of cache in tile the territory of do bealy certify that tant the foregoing Is ft a full true eill and correct copy ot of tha original orl sinal to in show cause m why hy on an order of 0 vale sole ot of real estate raould i not be made in the matte of Illint leAV W bowman deceased slow now on it me cle and of in my iny office witness my band and the be seal of paid fald court at in my y ot ociee lee I 1 in i logan I city utah atall ahja r ath tit tin alny y cl of f Nove rater SE beall ala A 1 11 ISM C D W ja r R C clerk I 1 e r k n of lr raab afe bale court by A 11 CLAYTO deputy nerk clerk |