Show H A L T I 1 C I 1 for delegate to Gon oress FUNK J ot 01 weber MCF fur for commissioners to lAici tc university lands I E A IVALL ALL WILLIAM NrIL LIAl I 1 FARRELL WILLIAM NELSON SALT LAKE COUNTY COUNT y LIBERAL L TICKET fur for recorder JOSEPH lietman AN for clerk II 11 nr ier MELOY loy for assessor WILL J LYNCH for collector FREU FRED J LEONARD JLEONARD for sheriff WILLIAM WILLI AiNt mcqueen N for county attorney WALTER MURPHY for treasurer AV P LYNN for selectmen JOHN P V HERMAN BA BAMBERGER IMBERGER U JOSE JOSEPH it MORRIS borms for surveyor EDWIN HAN rILAND JR JK for coroner MORT G R for superintendent ol of schools E al COLLINS for justice ot of the icaco for constable B R n THE kogai brick pipe V tile th co Is now prepared to furnish iral claps building brick in any quantity at bleir yarn two blocks N west cat ot of main street on tle the north side aide ot of town JNO A office offic at mcalister song opposite tabernacle main st logan ward edward 1 smith justice of the votary ruthc I 1 lical ustate agent and business promptly Attend fd to 10 COURT HOUSE mo N miss hattie carters Cart erys millinery lilli Milli nery parlors are now open olien knitli nn all excellent line of rail fall at low prices inspection invited aal Itis faction guaranteed IAIN ST LOGAS Isi isiaih AiU BUY YOUR arnom GEORGE 01 1 0 RGE it bauge 1 TO J C LEs all kinds hinis of choice fresh meats sausage etc cac fish and came in season free and prompt delivery to all al parts of the city 6 hi read M D physician and ami surgeon Surge cn office over U 0 store for formerly morly occupied by dr harkinson Parkins tho co lain alain street loan bo an keeps on hand a li fine neline line of watches clocks and jewelry wo warrant all goods cowls to be as represented fine match repairing a specialty cwm NOTARY PUBLIC attends to al ill matters pertaining to notarial nork translation of legal documents from arid anil to the scandinavian languages a specialty office at court house logan J STODDART wit STODDARD at MILLERS MILLER all have put iut the latest improved roller process machinery ill n their mill at cash or cr exchange fsr fr f r wheat will be ru running n n i n a by oct 2 iab NOTICE I 1 hi bale e in my possession one red and n hire hull bull calf no marls or ir b brinds visible the rhe above deseri boil animal if nut not binl 11 1 taken duay arfin thib tah ta nill le be hold III lit at SuL Ui tiou to tile the rash cash bidder diler bi on monday mon Y nov aist chir A tb richmond city lourid nl at loc k m C T it IFIL try I 1 richmond city cliche co utah nov 6 mr M r vm V 5 m a n fe v r 01 fg F furniture urn g a a ture iture VB V a b at I 1 nw I 1 to cal a ik 0 W 11 ZVI ba A N D 01 A T 13 |