Show THE phenomenal GROWTH OF 01 A YOUNG N organization F arsin ato in Fehr fehrer nr II 11 it ivr ln n aoe 1500 oooo I 1 memoir Is ther lullu lul Tu clash breut greut caw cutian in seat toria city N all tim evel lill VOL 2 1151 ly jl a lallo gralap coin ui lemr po cil filfly fly of yon vieri m ere ell in i tl an of rey rev rall cis E clark Y pt pa acir of the wil E liston chich clim cli ill t curtland lurt land mo ie thero lial had tjien been 1 a I revival cl 01 iring the winter and ami these young koplo ere cro still in ill the warm en thusiA sui ul of the poul il ii its earliest loie ole tho the pastor listened to their eapen ances and suddenly it a gevat adri ians il ns s fell upon liim him broin all the ibe exar of past revivals vala lie could not but feel that the love of ninny would wax cold thit a fw f w 1 fall all away might too lie cot consid isid ej ci ell ed certain aan as v ell c 11 as that jnnny elio 1 would be hilled chilled liy by chuch or fail to act in s with older members chlio v ggs s ome talk of the bendi to doubt ud dl nt now pro iw ailing lalling and a gt ge kiil abat p possibly young coneita cone its il el eio 0 is d to lit leiu C inich at the lle time w glnn arll try they should rather rit lier io ie asked to do inan th tim was a spark that fell am amons conr ready to hindle and in I 1 at ono a lilile class or club aps alvs vps organized 0 01 I 1 a rt plan chich vl icci in 11 lo le set fol ti I 1 ill these t neso ward rd do nt at onto what illy f it leth to 0 o do and do trine will vil take lake care of itself thus was bom boin flie young Pi peoples oplus society of endeavor which vh ch ilow t sume 22 2 frocie I 1 bics tics ic and 1 its n its plat tonn endeavor ande ivor to load lead a t 11 i no lie chi Chii christim istian I 1 life ife and af after ter that creed antl and this little society glow till its ils mem bechil bersh iii reached sixty and in august of that 3 ear the cong of boston p islieb a sketch of it gilr under thu hea healing heading ling ilow how one church cares for its young people this luticue mid and others which followed it were widely lead such interest was excited that several uther cither local clubs of the same na tuio wro organized these soon iaac ii and on oil july 2 1882 the first con bention was held in the wil Willit riu hucia huc ii six sis societies Bocie ties with a of about being represented in tune june 1883 there abero was another convention there when fifty societies were rep I 1 resented esen ted with a membership of ab 4 0 it soon spread far beyond its parent state and in ma it at lowell mass ilass I 1 51 societies represented but it wasat was at ocean park me in 1883 1885 that hat the size of 0 f tile the gathering first excited much attention there being 1 societies represented split ea Convell conventions ti were held ansara at togi in 1 G and at chicago in 1 aws sa at philadelphia delphia in and atut at st louis luuk in SOO 1800 and still new york city cit 1 dij did not som to have heard of the orga organization in her christian people arraD arranged ged az ZI 4 Z 1 1 4 11 11 79 i A r 1 V cipiti ciA iti for the next nest meeting in it that city all and during the iccone week of july jul Y last I 1 thuy they astuni astonished shed and all gotham with them for the came s km them by tens of thousands from froll nil all arts of the nation and canada La with vi visiting delegates delegat eis from froin many othni isilda lads the city took on oil a 3 new look in ill the intervals of their meetings the lie s webe wei e everywhere every where will hid the secular told in glowing lines of theil pleasant peasant appearance and the surprise at alini t thi ir coming with no fuss v li less advertising than any great r ing ever before halil in the city cita in I 1 fact act without even enough preliminary talk to put the reporters on an all it nn bial u lill lookout ell ed upon the city and nude it tor fur the the religious icus of the world every state in the union wai it present ell anil and in it addition edition canada in all liei let provinces proT inces england Engl itna liml spam arlon india syria alrica china 11 illa jaball lull anil the sandwich IsI islands allis tho the brown ara aran all of ludia was 0 o with the fair almaris eshom ins his own many thousand vears ago find and one of tho the best ad dresse was maile by the rev as villian Vit lian deligato froin boualay boullay Bo ay aliski alaska wa 1 I rt presented liy 0 one n 0 of lie in native Indi jit 1 adv dv ard kac was v ib erected giLet ith ivila cherri arica wa ri d by one of her balivo princes guv known its as 1 mr I thomas E I 1 healow He olow of tiei bandoo idoo in li ix barll ni laiq father was wa of a great tribe but his unav unc if u w burped tho and the rightful heir beir tied fled for to alio bl K k enins republic wf there and well it presented by finx tolsoni Teli Tol iono sono of sir mr jue jno hawk ii 1 Clil istian chinaman and a graduate ot of tile tho iowa aind for at elision of dospel work among 43 lili people T lie e are but a 1 I few of many delegates delry dele gatts atts from distant langsand land sand iian abiell r rs 0 intoci cited and elioso woid cl li lii bated alir it u kisst malage mataj on square ga garden closely Vc packed kel belil about of them but it was wall I 1 lily the favored fadore 1 who got in A inucci birger number bolig 1 in various lious clinic hs s or lii add 1 impromptu meetings in the parks aloi et flow ine lil eting L tins 11 they conid be culled called ill politics rvin tile the try details us its istead by tary john willi willit i t icher hail had al autha L t lie charm of romance ami kind 11 fresti fresh en thiis iain among the antle ii borers pre tho the lead ju iu tin till organization nith next ale aie tile coll w ill 4 19 societies the alie baptists with 0 the lie methodists with 2 2 01 ii if the melli baist Pio protestant with bo be included that de nominal ion ranks third anil th alia 3 disciples of chiist with 1337 ili hi ill adl canada thero aro 1577 1377 boci soci aias vi us aralia 23 1 iu in england am ai r it ii tarke 21 21 mexico lexi 19 tile wet binti s 12 1 hidoa U china 0 9 jahmi ahalt G 6 lull so ro on the lands in ili lessening mi abc Q aw lif t toril boril lit inso so calleia jy I 1 ain ili ind ail iii ir running nii ining up till tu to o cr W ill ier OTH tary daer cirr concluded ili am sirruia sir siv ninni rui ll 11 wl willi 1 this touch of humor christian endeavor EnT eavor Is Into urban interstate laic inter unil it it be liuo till that aio attl find khatun 1 interplanetary simply tl it it ib I 4 upon I 1 linds jod 8 law of it progress thi hiou jn deu lug endeavor and nil aaion full details Ic tails of the conventions yo proceedings cc ce edings have been published mill and widely reid read it then to hay endeavor Eni laor blaik Cla ikas as they rail call the lite lile ili til ebi evident derit and iu in a sc ne the fonn founder or of the llie or deil lol at the opening and was presented with a gavel mada front from the gran lie of the lie cot iier tone L abill blick black walnut of the pulpit ol of the parent chiti ch williston at portland cortlan 1 me ke mr william blaw trea treasurer of tho organization tool took the chair for the time and rev dwight U X pratt lie rev darks clarks successor at williston anade U clr pre speech among tho the eui s al E 1 J W BAER nent men who addressed the lie convention rev dr charles F deems deem 3 president merritt C E gates of amherst Amli erst cot col lege bishop samuel callows ral lows rev joseph cool cook lion ion whitelaw reid il lion ion john Windi ilon hon SL 31 depew anil and general 0 0 howard the throng outside of the great madison l son square garden at each cich meeting when it was announced that no more could get in was well worth seen seeing As the thou thousands sandi of delegates wined tinned away it was it a plea pleasure suro to look upon the fresh fresl young ayoung faces thero fumes of liquor no harsh words all wore the general badge of tile endea or society a of white celluloid slipped clipped on oil a i ribbon and bearing bai iring the name and ami emblems of tile society y in ili addition many wore state designas des designations ignat ions and those f from rom the west often carried banners of crini anin son bon nad aid aud and gold fur a few minutes ill madison Ia diton square shone with theira thi ir iray and then lien they away to minor keelins me inee elins tings to tho parks to tho the Dat cattery tery brooklyn Bio oklyn bridge and noted places an important feature of the convention was tho discussion in regard to opening tile hie world s fair un oil Sunt sunday lay rev 1 11 V hunter of if terro haute lud opened tile matter by asking for a 1 vote and there was a thunderous ious no which seemed to shake the building ho went on oil to toll tell how tile the unite i states slates senate hall had made the grant rant of aid C conditioned on the fair boil closed on oil sunday whereupon lii dali gate called for thre cheers fur for tile denare ini binl I U cy were given with a I 1 will A committee appoint d pt t lat lait la it t rw convention it at then i arted 1 protesting aal agabi int 1 ilich aci suit dav Opell opening illg which were adopted later li tir when dr dark clark read re d the boffl ial un all nonnce mont that great britain lull iud cana canada ill would clo close e their exhibit xhi bita 3 ou on sunday there it ii tremendous outburst and th llin alij ohio s baud band of dingers gave it a rousing ton with a 1 chorus to the effect that 0 hi ci wont go it if ilia flie woi ids is ia 01 03 sunday which the con injure alls ely all another ither very cut cm ii burus iw arill anil enter tAlling incident inci dint was wa the control for the banner two aso ait it st louis louia a wonderful tit banner I 1 composed of badges of ed i of so borill cielieN ie was displayed imil and the in an mado that each year it s licul I go to that state te nilor or which had bad shown the gica test 1 increase last year okla allot u L tool k the baize amid r hicie ased lic r liet liti w ettz am V 1 ay iy liten MILl I TOX tee te ii 1701 foll 1 in the year starting starling wit willi one year there avas equal limit I 1 alif ito inner N ent to lo manitoba it appears 1 in lite collat that new york vork leil in the hie number of societies lith 33 then ii ballel l wilh i ls 1 l illinoia with willi 1177 ohio with 1303 1 M anil and 10 on oil down all theio alir o illi dilts dints and many more liona lio nl 1 that no class C r hoople can ca nj py fun fill I 1 eler th tarui iii chi an aal 1 of jf all chris chinh bialas thaid e of if ill aim ivor erelli cm most fully ally tu to iino title ro that rillon IKI t r ia us tu nuke our Oc amires lifs J T D I 1 I 1 uiki |