Show sunday school missionary appointments for oneida oncida stake I 1 march centro thurs 17 garden crock creek fri it is 18 cambridge sat it 19 pocatello sun LO 20 dampsey creek mon 21 chesterfield Cheste field ifield tues 22 4 f superintendents will please note tile lie dates and mareall make all arrangements necessary including the conveyance of the missionaries to 6 the lie next place IV V L WEns 1 I 11 II MASK JAMES J HE I 1 Metho methodist ilist sunday 10 am sabbath school 11 a in preaching p m temperence meeting epworth league pa preaching Plea eachin ching thursday Thu pm prayer meeting A cordial invitation and libarty welcome is extended to all A 11 pastor Remar remarkable keble rescue mrs lil michael 11 chaca curtain plainfield PIa infield ill makes the statement that tha t caught cold which settled on lier her lungs the elie was treated for a month by lier her family I 1 physician bys ician but diew boise he told her ehe be wis was a hopeless victim t of consumption and that no ine dicine could cure lawr her druggist suggested dr kit kilas S new discovery for consumption she bought bough a bottle and to toiler her delight found herself lier benefited from first dose she continued its use and after taking ten bottles found herself sound and well now ilow floes dors her own housework and is A M 3 well its as ehe ever wits was froe free trial bottles of this great discovery at riter bros drug store large Iott bottles les 50 acts and S A great liver medicine dr guns improved liver pills are a sure cure for sick headache billious complaint dyspepsia indigestion cos tive riess torpid liver etc these pilli insure pei fet digestion correct the liver r and stomach sto macli regulate the bowels purify and curich the blood and make the skin dear they also produce a good appetite and invigorate and strengthen the entire system by their tonic action sold at 25 cents a lox by riter bros ministers use it doctors prescribe Pres cribs it DR Bo sAKo GI 0 dean sir SIE some time ago a 0 I 1 prescribed pi described bed dr remedy to a patient and have bave seen good results the patient in question was my father rev NV V W balley bailey I 1 have since had a number of cases and if you will give me a reduction such as will pay me to handle it I 1 will willingly do so give your lowest aest price per dozen bottles or per grouts gross let me licar hear from 3 ou soon C C DAILLY M D sold by bv riter biter eros bros dru drug co lo 10 logan an mam ma m if T fa EXI L 0 NE alff 0 N ig CA i OF ALL COUGH CURES a OCTOR A 0 PH sold in in england for Is md ld and in in i america ll 11 m e r i c a for 28 25 cents a bottle I IT ir r rs TASTED ajo COO GOOD I 1 dr ackers english erig ash pills 1 S cars re and headache U RC pleasant plea ant n itla alo I 1 1 C Z w n M t A L LO NEW HEW YORK for sale by 11 arcis roe dra drig co you can save t by gir gf ng WALL PAPER BOOKS BOW mum frames we W opposite post office at the stand fori formerly occupied by jacobson co A general blacksmithing 13 busine busillet Bu silles s will be c on by bv john lunda L bev HORSE SHOE SHOEING ING in till all its r brandies ran clies by israel jacobson wagon and carriage repairs BY C C jensen islain M ai n st S t lo 10 logan ga n I 1 island s I 1 a n d address P 0 box 10 d 0 4 0 0 L lwft W you too are exposed to sudden aldon chances or of temperature ritiro and to injuries w V a er yi asas ITT WB cures HE U ra AT RAINS S ES CUTS TS bour SORENESS isleb STIFFNESS 13 1 3 S SC BURNS A PROMPT AND PERMANENT CURE aa z EW weib in compounding a notation lollon no a part WM wits d ali on 0 n 1110 lian I 1 and on nasli ini afterward it lam its discovered disco verea uit that still t lie a lair W r u LG ai agra y removed rem rc ovod we nt al once put thi i wonder rui preparation at anitia the market et tod and so great has baj been the doma n d that K r e are now introducing iti tile the world under the nam of 1 Qi I icca 8 AD anti ti 11 abrines al IT IS PERFECTLY HARMLESS AND SO SIMPLE ANY AMY CHILD CAM USE IT S TAT I 7 the bs br b r over and apply tile iho mixture for or a few ew minutes slid and llin film hair disappears m it by gnagie without the slightest bt orin jur when A lie wet jt it is any oner preparation 0 orrin ir imai vl lora pur poa of kjall Is abu have ban aalst in niebla G ba banot bt biard ardor or bagron their neck find a priceL 83 boon boom in Quo enli ariti anti dr ani 8 feny sc s fuere growth an r impie sent in all by sira 1 ed from 1141 tinn rend money a 0 M fly ithier v ith fun full critien birri pow lenco strictly this inet is in 1 ionest and art n straight domard in every fijn A urd ord it con tal u s wf vve I 1 n v I 1 is yon yan i n dal tl wj walli t ii u un PI ani nd you yon w will ill A anil nd vvera veri ver t ii in g ns as represented arr rl cut tot tila gilt ft mid and to IY addred qu r E 11 CH E PP MAL CO coa race street 0 VOU voa on r jetter nt ian pot post office to lo unnur tam urs in d ea ivery ive ito will wl I 1 1 rny B 0 for any caha off allure colial to any ilir I 1 jini it iare eva evry r battle narmi teed WWI art to T illies who lai Todori and it 11 among their friends 23 ot of queens anti ao 6 wo via will are it sim DRESS IS 15 yards toft beat wilt larva bottle and pita N 13 3 a silk to select from sent with order good Sil soland laric of ef co Commin slon t A ta 1 browns bo xv ii s sarsaparilla parilla A great grat health restorer is found in n browns sarsaparilla Sarea parilla it is a searcher of the system cleansing the blood which is thelise th the elife life dinv inv invigorating ig orating the liver and ana kidneys to a healthful action and giving new zi zest st to the appetite app by rendering 0 the stomach a proper servant of the physical nian man in that it brings about thorough dl digestion which without our food joes does us lis but little good dont suffer buffer that tired fired exhausted haustad ex feeling that comes from general debility to make inake your life miserable when it a few bottles of Bror Br oTTna raa sarsaparilla and dandelion with iodide of potassium will readey furnish you lasting relief formula printed on bottle and recommended by physicians and druggists ma f L only by the brown bro med mag mfg co Teave north kansas kani for eale by riter bros logan INEE R IL 00 V TORE headquarters FOR drugs patent Nedi medicines cines paints ra ints oils etc make a specialty of the finest of imported and domestic wines liquors ales beer and ab 02 for medicinal purposes ra R I 1 RV CO CIO 0 LOGAN UTAH FRANKLIN IDAHO V S s1 sa BURTON gro r F FELT IN W C BURTON CL prest S e ecy cy it treas egr mgr v co ill incorporated C 0 R F 0 ita T E D Lu lumber niber saab doors etc t ll 11 i va 3 VT FAR Y AR I 1 R 39 N A T 10 N 11 T M A E E L CEDAR POSTS DIM IV S burton II urton E III weilor Yard Cor eighth south first east ats 11 G I 1 blardy elins elias moriis 11 on is 1 0 11 II blardy 11 II dimwood Dim tood y W C burton fig write for catalogue eft a H g ayr ryr H iata s P abla 1 c R 0 orm t a COLORADO MIDLAND RAILWAY SUPERB SCENERY ALL STANDARD GAUGE shortest line linc between OGDEN SALT LA LAKE K E AND AND A ALL 1 1 WESTERN POINTS a 10 DENVER COLORADO SPRINGS PUEBLO and all points hast vii via glenwood enwood GI springs spring aspen leadville and manitou Man itou S C R Y UNEQUALED U N E EQ U 11 E N T unsurpassed through pullman sleepers and tourist cars bet betheen veen denver deliver and ami san q jilt francisco Franch co through the livirt heart of tile rocky mountains the most moat comfortable a lit e the alie af estand anil the grandest of all trans tralis continental routes trains leave union depot ogden at a in and SW p in rio rande grande 6 western depot salt lako lake city at am 1 in find and li ii in IL 11 C BURNETT G ac AGENT ENT 41 west leond south street salt lake city |