Show AN ABLE DISCOURSE delivered on sunday list by apostle john jowiny JoI inY va taylor IN THE tabernacle on oil the essential principles of the gospel etc tite ate my dear brethren and sitters and friends I 1 am at an entire loss to know what I 1 shall say this afternoon and will have to depend upon your faith and prayers to our lIca heavenly venly F father ather to direct me ine in what I 1 shall fa pay y and I 1 pray that lie will is give giro me a portion of ilis ilia holy idoly spirit which is the spirit of truth and s that I 1 may be enabled to say something that shall he be suitable and ap ato here this afternoon I 1 have just returned from a trip to canada I 1 have been traveling for a few days and am somewhat sleepy this afternoon having M not quito quite caught a up iny rest although I 1 had a very good nights rest last night and I 1 found myself closing my eyes in the meeting this after noon I 1 was verv very hi highly liev edified at tho the funeral services held this morning mornin and wai very much impressed wit with ll 11 that event I 1 felt touched when I 1 saw the young men coming coining and each one dropping a flower or two upon the casket of tho the you voun ng man inan that had gone it is difficult fiffi cult for me to be moved hut but I 1 could not help hell it this morning and I 1 greatly enjoyed the singing 1 1 I always enjoy tile the sill banging binging ging fully as well as tho the speaking on all occasions if the singing 0 and the speaking are arc ai aa good as aa we had bad this mornin morning 2 tile the gospel of our loi loid d and savior jesus christ is before us all and we ave are here tod to d dayto ay to learn of ilis his ways waya that we ave may walk in his paths we are arc told that the word of god came not in olden time by the will of man but holy men of god wrote and as they were moved upon by the holy ghost I 1 trust that I 1 may have the great privilege this afternoon of speaking as I 1 may be moved upon by the holy ghost that is IP the inspiration of our father who is in heaven without IN this I 1 believe it impossible to speak to the edification of all present with tile tho assistance 15 of f 1 mar spir it 4 f believe every individual can call be edified and blessed to some this tin s may seem to be a remarkable statement to make to think that the spirit of god can adapt itself to a whole congregation whose circumstances differ probably in a thousand or ten thousand respects as the case may be but such I 1 believe is the intelligence and giwer and adaptability and flexibility of alie holy spirit that it will adapt itself to the hearts and beelin feelings 0 s of all and all will have joy and pleasure in the remarks if the speaker is fortunate enough to enjoy that holy sp spirit i rit while lie he is talking we have heard a remarkable statement here this morning from elder young 0 if I 1 understood his words correctly lie said that lie he thanked t alic lie lord bortl for having 11 a 1 perfect fact knowledge of the d duties u tic S of this life and of th the e life which is to conic come I 1 understood from his remarks that lie would td gain eternal life if lie ho only kept the co commandments ninian of god od in this world I 1 suppose you all understood him in the same manner I 1 had my lily eyes shut at the time but my illy cars were open now this is one of the most remarkable kable statements that I 1 eyer ever heard in all my life here a human hitman being 0 L got ot up ill and stated that he lias has a perfect knowledge of whit is required of him in this life and has a perfect knowledge as I 1 inferred from liis his remarks that lie ho would gain eternal life in the life vi tj come if he kept the commandments ments of goil god this remark makes tile me think of it ft saying of our ard and savior to the effect that if any man mail would do tho the will of tile the F father a titer lie should know of tin doctrine I 1 whether it was of god or whether ile he jesus spoke of alim himself it seemed emed e then our savior promised the children of men that if they did the will of tile the father they should receive this knowledge now it seems that brother y young oung has arrived to such a condition in liis his life that lie he knows the will of god and know knors he will I 1 gain gaill eternal life if he will only do tile things that the lord has commanded banded of him lint but the great with inith pomo is what i the he will of the rather father tile the question is what is the will of f the F father ather so that they can do it I 1 will commence where elder young left oil off at the 0 etli verse of the second chapter or of the acts of the apostles epostle kp ostle s after peter had reminded the people that the apostles were moved upon by th the spirit of prophecy and the gift of tongues and not dri drunken inken with wine as some supposed ile he told them thein saving g this is that which was spoken by the prophet joel and it shall conic come to pass in the last days saith god I 1 will pour out of my iny spirit upon all flesh aad your sons and your our daughters shall prophecy alad your men shall see visions and your old men shall dream dream and on my iny servants and on oil my handmaidens hand maidens I 1 will pour out in those days clays of my spirit and they shall prophecy after peter made this explanation people said men and brethren what shall we do then peter answered them in this wise repent pen tand and bo be baptized every one of you in in the name of jesus christ for tile the remission of sins and yc 30 3 0 shall receive the gift of the alic holy ghost for tho the promise is unto you and to your your children and to all that are afar far off even as many as the lord our god shall call now it is evident that men should receive the holy ghost in order to be saved this is ilia promise to tho the children of men upon the earth the tha savior requested baptize of john Jolin put john forbade him ayi saying 11 1 I have need to be baptized of theet thee and cornest thou to me die and jesus answering said unto him suffer it to ile be FO thus it be cometh us to fulfill all the savior was one in whom we are arc told there was no guile yet at in order to comply with this his law of righteousness he went down into the lie waters of baptism and was there baptized by john thereupon the ilia holy gliot descended upon him in the form of a love dove and ft a voice from ile heaven avell said this is my beloved son in whom I 1 am ain well pleased on off one occasion nicodemus Nico Mcca domus demus a n ruler of the jews I 1 believe came to the savior by night ile he was ashamed to come in the daytime and I 1 want to tell you my brethren and sisters on this particular point that there is a great number OfIl of people eople who ire are ashamed ashamed of the gospel in the daytime or it at lily any time if anybody is present but it is all right perhaps in a dc desert ert or on the top of a mountain that is my testimony ony the result of ray my observations well an individual of this disposition went to the savior by night and said It alibi we know that thou art a teacher conic come from god for no man can do a csc a miracles miracles that eliat thou doest ex cx cc ceby with him jesus ans wat ir nim sayong except a man mail be a born again lie he cannot s ece cc the kingdom of god nicodemus asked liow how it was possible for ft a man to V bo be born a again fa ain to this jesus replied except it a man inan be born of water and of the spirit lie he cannot enter tho the kingdom of god goal that which is born of tle tile flesh is aleli and that which is barnof born of the spirit is spirit marvel martel not that I 1 raid faid unto thee ye must be b born orn again the wind floweth where it listeth and thou li the sound cof but canet not tell whence it cometh and whither it gottli so po is ever every y one that is born boril of the spirit 2 jesus also told him ve a speak peak that we do know and testify that we have seen and yo ye receive I 1 not lot our witness if I 1 have told you nou earthly things and yo yc believe not how bow shall ye believe if I 1 tell you of bea heavenly venly thin things 0 1 TI so the savior tau taught ht that one must be a born of water and odthe of the spirit otherwise one could not enter the X kingdom of god john the baptist came baying axt repent ye for the kingdom dom of heaven is at bull hand and speaking of jesus lie li 0 E aid edid 1 I indeed baptize with water but one mightier 1 than I 1 cometti co nieth the latchet of whose shoes I 1 am not worthy to un unloose looze lie shall baptize you with the holy ghost and with fire the hc question is hane we received thc jhc holy ghost this re aniros ule of a f abing aying a of paul tile the apor itle to tile effect iod god had plated placed in the chuich chinch apostles prophets pastors teachers evangelists s t et helps and governments these were for tile tho perfecting ot at the saints the work of ilia alie ministry for the ho edifying of the body of christ till we all como come in the unity of the faith und md of tile the knain knowledge aled c of the son of god I 1 unto a perfect man inan unto the stature of the falness of chiat that we WC bence henceforth forth be no more children tossed to and fro an and carried about abou t with ever every y wind of doctrine when E elder I 1 der yo n remarked that he had a perfect knowledge and thanked the lord to fo it it made rne me think of these things we arc told that no iio man can say that jesus is the christ but by the holy ghost evidently elder young was im im iv by the same spirit today to day f to say say that lie he fail a perfect knowledge 0 of 4 these thing ti lings 3 I 1 want to draw your attention a chapter in Galate Galat ons colis paul had been preaching a doctrine belonged to a church which was orani organized zed arith apostles and prophets be t s and inspired men one of these hall had taught a doctrine that men should receive the holy ghost by ill the laying t on of hands hy by those who had tile alic authority to preach tile the gospel and administer in ill the ordinances thereof lie ile taught that the holy ghost ministered unto tile children of men the gift of wic wisdom doln tile gift of li healing caling the gift of tongues tongue 4 the gift of the interpretation terp of tongues and the gift of pi and lie says that all chete gifty gifts 0 are arc given unto the children of men the spirit of the lord dividing them unto men severally Feve rally as lie ho will paul on one occasion when writing unto tile alie galatians Ga lations isa said if illy any man mail preach any other gospel unto you than that they have received let him he a accursed in ili another place lie he speaks in language something like till tins s though 1 we ive or an angel from heaven pa r cacia any other gospel let hini him he be accursed paul by the of prophecy which was tile the holy ghost foresaw forca iv that there would be a period in the history hitter of the world when men would be preaching doctrine at variance with the teachings of christ and the apostles and I 1 feel chati that I 1 should lc be very careful in my lily 1 labors amon the people to preach solely the principles of the g gospel 0 aipel of our I 1 lord ord and savior jesic christ I 1 am going to draw your attention tor a few moments to the still ath chapter of the acts of the apostles I 1 want to draw the antei attention I 1 tion of tile the cong congregation re gation to tile the fact that eliat there was a certain I 1 nan man called p philip cilip who ii went ent down to the city 0 of f samaria and preached the gospel unto them and the people gave gave heed unto 4 the things whis which lie 11 preached c lied unto them for unclean 1 spirits PI ans li crying arith loud voices came out of many that were v ere po possessed seit with them and many taken with palsies and that were lame were healed and alier was great joy in ilia city hut but there was wa 3 a certain t ain man mail c called simon which beforetime bc ill in the same city used sorcery and bewitched the people of samaria 0 giving out that himself was some g great reat one to whom they the all gave heed from the I 1 least east to the greatest baying this man is the great power of god and to him they had regard because that of ion long 0 time lie had bad bewitched them with sor ceries but when they believed philip preaching the things concerning ning the king kingdom I 1 oin of god and tile name jesus christ they were baptized both men and wor women corrion rion th then en simon himself believed also and when lie was baptized lio lie continued thi lical with arit n philip and wondered be beholding holdim 0 the miracles and signs which were done now when the apostles which were at jer jerusalem heard that samaria had recci received the word of god they sent unto them peter anil and john now here is a peculiar circumstance in ill the preaching of the gospel it seemed it was necessary to send peter and jolin john the query might 0 arise why did not philip per perform forin the rein lining ining ordinance I 1 must explain that philip evidently held only the aaronie priesthood and could not perform the other offices hence peter aud and john camo came down for as yet the spirit of god had fallen upon none of them only they were baptised baptized sed in the namo name of the lord jesus then laid the they their hands on them and anal they received tile the holy ghost and when simon saw that through laying on of the apostles balei hands 4 tile the holy ghon was given lie offered them money saying C give me ilia also this power that on oil whomsoever I 1 lay on hands lie he mav may receive the holy ghost but peter licter said unto him thy money moncy perish with thee because thou hast thought that the gift of god goal may inay be purchased with money thou hast neither part nor lot in this matter for thy illy is not right in the sight of god repent therefore of this thy illy wickedness and pray goil goal if perhaps perli aps the thought b of thine heart may lie be forgiven thee for I 1 pre that thou art in the gall of bitterness and in tile the bond of iniquity then ansi answered vered simon and saia bai d pray ye to the lord for ili me that nosic none of tache thin bilings 0 which yc ve have is spoken come collic upon me and they when they tail had testified d and preached the word vord of tile lurd lord returned to jerusalem and Prea preached ghego alie gospel acl in many villages of the samaritan now I 1 have taken pains to draw your your attention to this fact that ilia alic laying on of the apostles hands was nieces necessary sary in order that the people iiii might glit receive tile alic holy ghost gho now this feature of tile the gospel is an important one and it 12 is is one that 1 I in common with other ly ministers linister s of the gospel may may speak of the holy G ghost cicat Ls is given lay by laying on oil of hands of those having authority to preach tile 90 gopel ICI and administer in the ordinances thereof paul told timothy not to neglect 0 the gift 0 ift which war wa 0 given him bill by prophecy find ami ly by the laying on oil of hands fiands I 1 believe that this is the only way under heaven whereby a man mail can call receive a permanent gift when peter I 1 eter laid on his hands lor for nion man to deceive the ilia holy ghost it remained with thern them continually asa as a companion the savior told liis disciples to tarry at jerusalem until they should lie endowed with power from on oil high lie ile told them that if ile he went vent not away the holy ghost ilia comforter would not come unto them it would lead them into all truth and should show them things to conic come and a man or woman who sees things to conic come must be a prophet or prophetess when you ask the people of the world if they believe in prophets they tile will tell you that they do abut that they do 10 not belie believe vein in modern prophets now speaking |