Show A WHITE LEAD MUST J t t ORGANIZED AFTER aften MUCH negotiation BUT VERY veny EFFECTIVE the tb price of at rie pig lead hiir 1 3 declined but that of at tho muto alato rhill has A while hae marc I 1 not the load of tile the united states is ia divided into branches the first is devoted to the mining of the ore tile the second to tho the sm smelling elting and refan refining ing of the miners product and the third to lo the manufacture of tho the pig lead into sheets pipe shot and white lead and its kindred products in ili the last two of these branches several distinct trusts havo have more or less complete control tile greater part of tho the lead ore mined in the united states is smelted smelter in cub colorado kansas K in sas missouri and illinois in all of these states there aro are local co combinations M bi among the sm shelters smelters elters B t though gh it has haa often of ten been attempted no general combination has as yet been organized gani zed every attempt therefore to control production and prices lias has ended in in failure and however strong tile tho local combines combine may be they have little effect upon tile general market in hi 1830 1800 the leading shot manufacturers formed a trust which now has complete control of this important lead product similarly other minor lead products are controlled conti oiled by moro more or less strong combines cut tho leading T trust in tho lead industries is the national lead company recently incorporated tinder the laws of new jersey this company waa originally organized as a trust in october 1837 previous to that time the tha coiro cor dois of lead iu ili the lead leading n cities organized as are tho shelters smelters sm elters borsand and re finers today thus in new york six large establishments had bad united and secured a charter under tho the name of the national load lead and oil company cut but such local CO combines were wera not strong elou enough gh to suppress competition and whenever attempts tempts a were made to raise prices buyers went to other producing centers at this stage of affairs the national lead leaa trust was formed no attempt was made ns its lins has beeri been tile tho case with other trusts to keep matters staci et nor did those who planned it deny that their object was to form a trust their aim ahn was declai ed cd to be to decrease competition introduce economics in ili production and sale and thereby increase in profits A trust rust or agreement was drawn zip providing that as soon as those who held rt 1 l majority ot of tho the stock of nine corporations therein mentioned should subscribe to tile tho agreement and transfer their stock to the trustees tho the trust agreement should go a into effect oy by 1889 twenty companies had joined tile the trust since then eleven cloven more mora have leave been taken in ili or purchased outright there aro are therefore thirty one different corporations in tile trust truse of these four are sm smelling elting and refal refi nuis plants and three aro are linseed oil mills file ho remaining twenty six being botha ahe manufacture of whito while lead find and its related products tho the trust now controls all but about aper 4 per cent of the lie annual p product product of white lead a and d it lias has a smelting smelling sm elting and reining refilling capacity to nearly all of its material at the same time its linseed oil mills produce moro more than enough of oil to cupply ilia amount used by tho trist in ili its bi 1 ar are outside of tho the trust rust there aro in in tile united stare only 1 two important por tant plants rl ants engaged in white lead production ilia alio trust therefore has abio absolute lutis control of the white lead Lu business siness during tile first 1 year of its ils existence tile tho trust operated at a loss to tile the extent of 26 Oi GUO according to tile tho of tho the trustees abis was v as due to the competition on oil the part of independent works some borne of the most important of these tho ilia trust in 1869 and by moans means of the higher prices thus made possible the trust mado a profit of 1 I 1 1 olia in ili the trust increased its net profit to this large increase iu ill tho the profits made by the trust was the direct result of the higher prices of white lead inaugurated by ilia trust as compared vi with ith the alio prices existing before the trust secured its monopoly the average monthly prices of pig lead and nd white lead in oil in now york have itaco been as follows since PRICES 01 PIG MAD IT AD 1887 ISK 1683 3 im 1830 ISO cents cents cents cents cents per ill ib per ill ib pur lb per ill ib per lb ib Jani sanitary tary csc 4 february IS 4 am 3 7 3 3 am 1 ki march t tt T 1515 ah 3 1 12 uz april 4 47 1 15 aas cz ALAY M ay iy iss 31 18 4 43 21 4 28 juno june 4 63 3 2 10 0 aw 4 42 at 4 ta july 30 3 ss W ato tc september ri CUO W 40 ua october 4 io 10 58 N son 67 63 4 11 CU 1112 81 15 30 41 1121 4 ZI NEW YORK PRICES OF WHITE LEAD 1887 1 im 1889 1890 ivil il cell chuta is cents cents cents canta cents per I 1 ib b per lb ib per lb ib per ill ib pir ill ib january CM 1413 6 cal 0 february CW 70 GAO fw Sl Mar arch cli G am xa april r sa 6 ab an 7 ah ill 7 23 U w 0 may ill X am cio june 55 il a filly 5 7 63 70 GM ca august am 71 70 da d a 0 07 september COB I 1 M 0 october 61 7 11 N gia 70 G ca 7 5 i december GAI aco IM 07 0 the average yearly pi ices of pig lead aud and white AV bito lead respectively have been as follows 1887 88 7 aises 1 1880 1890 18 ITJI ISM ceif canh C lots cluts per it ib per lb ib per ill ib per ai pr lb ib wilta load lead sst UM aw baij 0 OITS OIT iza S pig pie lead 4 M TW TW iw 33 ask 2 tho the prices of white lead as given above aro are tho thi lowest prices quoted by the trust for large arge quantities from the inai n m 1 given above je deducted tuo the rebates paid by the eruct to largo on condition thit that tile trost prices should bo maintained by them in ili 1889 1880 this rebate was one fourth of a cent per pound oil en purchases of ten tons or more per year in ili ISOO 1800 al lie etem wis tru changed toa to a system of discount 1118 COUnti to from 4 to 10 arr cent of tile the L trust lust price according to tile amount bought the object of this was to the largo large jobbers from boiu cutting tho the ariens fixed by tile trust tru sr in palmary J iu uary int this thia rebate system was abolished do ducting these theao rebates reb ittes which affected largo large pur purchases chaes only tile differ difference enco in ia price between pig find and white lead silo shows a a increase bioco binco the formation of tho the trust rust tho the present price 0 of f pig load lead in now new york I 1 ia s 4 0 0 to cents per ilet pound and white lead in oil tills for front 62 ga 1 cent to 6 aj cents c ea its per ponus poun I 1 for tavel gwehe il e to tons tois is and a over tile tho differ enco between tho llie lowest notations i for white lead and pig lead 13 is therefore cents per pound thus the largo large increase in ill tho the net flat profits made by tho the trust during enrin the past three years has not been bi ought blought about by economy in production a as was declared to be the object of tho the trust ti ast but by the higher prices which it was wa able bable to exact from consumers the ability of the trust to maintain mainla irl those these ln high gli p prices rices shows how complex complete is its control of tile the white lead industry |