Show recapitulation while looking p backwards over the ho political li history of cache county bounty since the division came it t will iv ill not do for our contemporary to overlook the lie following 1 the class legislation leo gi proposed by the republican publican lle party in the interest of certain favored industries dus tries and by which that parta proposed to ignore a hundred equally deservi deserving ng factories in butali and bestow a portion of the peoples money upon on oil a chosen one 2 the persistent efforts of the republican party to defeat tile the home rule measure which they knew was proposed for tho the good of utah and by a friend of her people 0 3 3 their disreputable of of f campaigning carried on by means of misrepresentation and undue influence 4 the gross and glaring libels in ill the republican organ and an d the slanderous charges V circulated by republicans over the city during the lie last n municipal campaign on we have lave ample evidence that a candidate on oil the republican ticket who hg IBS bince become a city officer made false statements to various persons and afterwards admitted not only that lie told them I 1 but that they hey u ivere arc false 5 the unaccountable conduct and position of the il republican leaders tit at the closing of tile registration lifts in logan 0 0 the unjustifiable action of thelle the republican publican club in pro protesting 9 against a reregistration registration re of this tit is city 7 tile the unpardonable doings of republican tricksters trick ii who ho tr tried le d to destroy the confidence conf irenec of the aco people in the sincere declaration of the church leaders I 1 if f the people are arc as fair and as impartial as we ave take them thein to be they will loss lose no time in conder condemning nning 0 those whose conduct the presidency have already censured |