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Show HHHf HBH Hi' GET THE BEST. 9f Unabridged. HH , 300.0 Engravings; 1840 Pagoa Quarto. nB four pages colored plates. Published by G & C. MERRIAM, Spring- field, Mass. AYAHMIiY INDORSED BY B Bancrot'r, rrescolt, BflH . Mottev. George P. Marsh, HHL! Fltz-G'ruenc Hallcck, John G. Whittier, flB N. P. Willis. John G. Saxe, HH Elihu 13 unit, Daniel Webster, flR RuCus Choate, H. Coleridge, HH Sinsrt, Horace Mann, H9R More than FIFTY Colledge Presidents, H And the host American and European HHj Schollare. flflB Webster '"is the Dictionary used in the HM: Government PiiiituigOflice." Aug 1S77. H "El very School and Family should have it HB; j for constant use and refereronce. EH' $ CHt family help in training children to Hflh xt become intelligent men and women. H everal years later, and has one-fifth more matter, than any other Dictionary. flH. - fj he authorized authority iii Courts of Jus- H 1 tice, for he meat.ir.g oC words. I V tymolosica mid definitions far m ad- jU vauc of any other Dictionary. . 1 ocoinn? ended by TJ. S Chief Justi re Waite il as 'the highest authority for definitions THE BEST YS or Schools,-recommeudjd by State Supt's JF of 35 different States fe 50 College Pres'ts k bout 32000 bave been placed in Tublic n Schools by law or School Officers.-II Officers.-II ontains 3j000 illustrations, nearly three l limes as many as any other Dictionary. mhrcc pictures of a ship, on page 1751,illus- I trules the meaning oi more than 100 words. 0 ale of Webster is 20 timoa as great as thai u of any othor senrs of Dictionaries. ALSO Wetosler's National Pictorial Dictionary. , , 1010 Pagron Octavo, 600 Ehgravingo. ' - Is it not rightly claimed that Webster is. H :v THE NATIONAL STANDARD? v t ,'IBI-l"""w"IMBBa" ' BMM,MBaWMBiBLBt:gyCTag3Bas mump IMPORTANT !! Wo give the SOCIAL VISITOR, laroiw and best story pnper in tho country, three months on'tiinl, and pair sleeve buttons and gold plated collar stud for 15 CENTS, Address Ad-dress ''Social Visitor Pub. Co." JJostHi. Maap., Box 3139. AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE. I ICTIn answering this advertisement slate , that you saw it in tho S,SL George Union." AD VRETiSEMENTS. They who by their business would thrive, . To each detail must bo alive; And nine to ten, though e'er so wise, ftlayfliZ unless they advertise ! NOTICE. " THE LADIES' CO-OP. STORE AT Kec-p constantly on hand and for sale, a Supply of everything usually found at a Variety or Country Store. Call and see 6-6m. for yourselves. FOR SALEiT We have a good 'Franklin & Diamond' Dia-mond' Sewing Machine at this office, for sale cheap. It is in good condition condi-tion and is adapted for fancy, as well as common sewing. Call and see . il for yourselves. Price $20, J. W. Carpenter. . Best and cheapest oE all for amateurs. $3 to. $115. Send two 3 cent stamps for new catalogue of Preesses. Type, Fancy Cards, Paper, etc., to the Manufacturers, KELSEY & CO., Merriden, Conn. Seventy-five pages 300 Illustrations, with Descriptions of thousands of the best Flowers and Vegetables in the world, and the way to grow all for a Two Cent postage stamp. Printed in English and German. i Address James Vick, Rochester, N. Y. j6 B PE.IHTIHG NEATLY AND EXPEDITIOUSLY EXECUTED AT THE '&t OKconjc htton' Office AT BED ROCK PRICES ! ONE BLOCK WEST OP l'OST OFFFCE. vick. '8 ILLUSTRATED Each Number contains TMrLy-two pages or reading, many fine Wood Cut illustrations, illustra-tions, and One Colored Plate. A beautiful Garden Magazine, printed on elegant pa. per, and full of information. In English and German. Price $1.25 a year or five copies for $5. . - Address, James Vick, Rochester. N Y. I "Tfor the houseT 3 I Catalogue with descriptions and prices I will be ready to send out by the 18th of August. Forwarded free to all old custo- H mors without application . Sent to all others who apply, for the price of postage, 2 cents. JAMES VICK, Rochester, N. Y. UNSALOGY. I -As I am preparing to Publish the Weill- I orbee, Hale, Doubleday, G.riswold, and I Carpenter Genealogies in book form, all persons by the above names and relatives I of the same, are respectfully solicited to apply for Blanks to fill, which will euable I them to furnish mo the desired information I that I need and aid in preparing thc works I for Publication. Respectfully I Joseph Wetherbee Carpenter, I Box 561. St. George, Utah. 1 So. 1P (H)QniL(mo 1 A Se mi-Monthly Nowspnper J Published at St. Geoige, Utah, by i JOS, W. CARPENTER, 1 EDITOR & PROPRIETOR; "V I' Who will always study the inter- ' ests of the people in Southern Utah, and ever slrive to aid in. the development develop-ment of . wealth, honor and. righteous- j ness, and shall always " fight for the 1 right and oppose the wrong.' I TERMSin Advance: 1 Q.Py 3. year, post paid $.Q0. I Copy 6 mdnths " go. 1 Copy 3 months . , "ll'd 35. Copies for the, mice of nine. I Rates of Advertising: One line one ..year, . ?.00. j One line six-months .. , qo ! One line three months 35. Special terms for large advertisements advertise-ments furnished on-appli'cation. Send all orders for 'Subscriptions or advertisements to ! . ' J. W. OA RPEN TE R , - : Printer & Publisher, Box 561. Si, George, Utah, j i |