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Show SBhIH USING- TOBACCO. ESSm ivjm.'.'Tf . How many of our youth are seen HHv ow ,. -. r going along , the street smoking or bHBH chewing tobacco I "Well," some fljH MtU'A "wiU say, .cnot very many :" Of course HK& ; there, are not very many, but there jH ; are more than there should be ! and EBBHl h' ' we are sorrv see ihem spending BraK their money for shall we say it ? BBS Uni" , , Yes Weeds ! Trash! that injures BH j-j ,., 4,i -the health, wrecks the constitution, de- WRSm ,;.'i . , grades, and makes oils beneath respect H. .' in decent society. You may eat cloves HHP ,f)M a; ; or use any kind of scent you choose, H fiire'i: .;.:.but your breath is still offensive and - conaius Le tobacco odor. Shame R i1? icit 9nJ0U to let such stuff get the up- B , ih n i Per nan3 of you, so you cannot quit 1 v t useing it without i's making you iH rut . peevish, sick and low spirited.. II ; j7 "j-J ' j ys rea(i what the Lord says I u l ; about tobacco ; "Tobacco is not .for . jj) . the body, neither for the belly, and is J " " not'ffood for man, but is an herb for . bruises and all sick catfle, to be used rr. "wi judgement and. skill," Doc- ,i. t . trine and Covenants, Sec' 81, par. 1. a,, ,jS Is not this strong proof that you should ,.vC . not use tobacco ? or have you no faith in God nrtd His teachings through His i Servants the Prophets? or do you j not stop to consider what you are do-, do-, ' ttt , ing? Consider thy ways and be , ' iK Wise,' for "Wisdom is the. principle thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding. " And If any of you lack' wisdom, let .him ask of God, that givefch to aJl V t ' men nberiiily," ancr'Hf 6raidelhnot and it shall.be given hjin."' :, We -are-sure you d'esire:to be re spected in society, and prefer health instead of sickness,; therefore yp(, ; .He-seech .He-seech you to cease the- use. of tobacco at once. 1 " 'Well'5 some of you may say, "dad uses it and why can't I ?"'or "so and so uses it and I have a right io do so if I wish," Yes you have right to do so if you wish, for every man has his own agency to do. just as he pleases, whether good or bad, -and all will be judged according to their works ! but is it becoming a young man, gentleman, gen-tleman, or Latter-Day Saint? Read the 81st. Section of the Doctrine Doc-trine and Covenants, Study the precepts pre-cepts there set forth, practice them, keep the commandments of God and become happy. |