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Show s .flM.ilaiii ju,iMlwlh- , M .. . - - - www' Him hi .n n 1 W(fVM,w wtl mmmm JT. GEORGE BUSINESS DIRECTORY. I QJPBiisiiitss Cards rf Jlrc lints artless H (Brevier space.) $o per year, including one H Subscription lo Iho. Unk'n. " : H jo h n mmmlmT" 1 Survejor and Attorney at Law. Office in Courthouse, St. George, Utah ' WARREH- I Having relumed from his suhiirier-oul, ia now prepared to do all kinds of,f-woc ct and iron turning, scrull and other's'awinc, athis old stand. Terms Reasonable. E. T. RIDING, BOOT & SHOE MAKER, N6m St. George, Uta'lu ' St. George Hotel, n Next J)oor To Post Oice. wM MEALS REASONABLE. 'jH JOHN PYfj, PROPRIETOR M ALSO figs AGENT F0U AND DEALER IN Fish Bro's. Wagons,. 'I imbers, Plows, , Reapers, Mower.s, Extras, etc', etc. PURE HOME - MADE DIXIE WISE! For Sale by Thomas Hall, first hous North of the Temple, St. George., Utah. HH i BH JOSEPH ORTON is Manufactur- ing .Boots and Shoes at; his 'old staad , .;B adjoining his residence' .2 blocks jjH west of Public Square' " ("Repairs neatly executed. jjj fll Brooms ! Blooms 11 jSSm For Sale cheap for Cashstore-pay, HH Grain, Flour, Factory-pajy, Canaan HB and Winsor Orders, at nion Office. HH NEW H DRUGS, MEDICINES, CHEIVII- h GALS, AND DRUGGISTS' SUN- BS DRIES. ALSO CROCKERY; HI GLASSWARE, AND TABLE ( H JOHNSON'S i 1 Mm HEAD OF MAIM;; STREET, ! Msohav theJPatent Fountain- Pen, HHjj |