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Show A DISCOURSE. By Prest. Joseph Smith, being the funeral, fu-neral, sermou of elder King Follott ; from the Millennial Slar (continued.) You mourners have occasion to rejoice re-joice (speaking of the death of E'der King Follett); for your husband and father has gone to wait till the resurrection of the dead-until th perfection of the remainder ; for at the resurrection your friend will rise in perfect felicity and go to celestial glory, while many must wait myriads of years beforethey can receive the like blessings ; and your expectations and hopes are far above what man can conceive con-ceive ; for why 1 as God tevealed it to us ? . I am authorized to say, by the authority au-thority of the Holy Ghost, that you have no occasion to fear ; for" he has' J 1 v 1 gone lo the home of the just. Don't JLU mourn ; don't weep. 1 know it by the testimony of the fefoly Ghost that is within me ; and you may wait for your mmM friends to come forth to meet you in the morji of the celestial world. Rejoice, O Israel ! Your friends LW who have been murdered for the truth's 1 sake in the persecution shall triumph gloriously in the celestial world, while ." their murderers shall welter for ages mmm in tormenl, even until they shall have H paid the uttermost farthing., I say H (his for the benefit of changers. 91 I have a father, brothers, children. B and friends who have gone to a world of spirits. They are only absent for a moment. They are in the spirit 5 and BBI we will soon meet again. The time will soon airive when the trumpet '1 shall sound. When we depart, we shall hail our mothers, fathers, friends, Wmm and all whom we love, who have fallen B j .-asleep in Jesus., TherewiJ be--no S iSMmm fear of mobs, persecutions, or maJicioiis H lawsuits and arrests ; but it will be an eternity of felicity. mmm A Question may be asked "Will Hl mothers have their children in etcrni- ty ?" Yes ! yes ! Mothers, you shall mmm have your children ; for they shall BH have eternal life, their debt is paid. jflBHi There is no damnation awaiting them, HHh for. they are in the spirit. But as the HI child dies, so shall it rise from the BHI dead, and be forever living in the BBH learning of God. It will never grow ; HH it will still be the child, in the same HflB precise form as it appeared before it SuSsi died out of its mother's arms, but pos- VRSE sessing all the intelligence of a God. JBft.rtfciBB Children dwell in the mansions of GBB glory and exercise power, but appear , HfH in the same form as when on earth. Vfifral Eternity is full of thrones, upon which dwell thousands of children, reigning IHh on thrones of glory, v.'i!h not one cubit. flHHI added to their stature. IHH I Will leave this subject here, and iH m ke a few remarks on the subject of HH baptism. The baptism of waler, with- HH out the baptism of fire., and the Holy SH9 '(D'onliniiei tjunl pne BIB T : j$ "" Continued from first page "f. ;VGhost attending it, is of no use; they ' are necessarily and inseperably con nected, A.n individual must be born ; of water and the spirit in order to get vfintd' the Jdogdom-oC rQod. In the Ger-v Ger-v man, the, iext bears me out the same as p the revelations which I have given apd; taught for the last fourteen years on that subject. I have the testimony to : "y put in their teeth. My testimony has been true all the time. You will find it in the 'declaration-of. John the Baptist. Reads,-from the German, John says, ' I baptize you with water ; but when . ; . Jesus comes, who has the power (or , ; keys), He shall administer the baptism ;!' of fire and the Holy "Ghost," Great God ! where is now the sectarian world 1 ' And if this testimony is true, they are all damned as clearly as anathema can doit., I know the text is true. I call :,' " upon all you Germans who know that : it is true to say, aye. Loud shouta " , of "aye." . s Alexander, Campbell, how are you t r .going to save people with water alone? -7l5; T For. John said his baptism was good ' f for nothing without the baptism of Jesus Christ. "Therefore not leaving the tt-:K principles of the doctrine of Christ, let' ; us go on unto perfection, not laying ' again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, of the doctrine of baptisms, and "; of laying on of hands, and of resurrec tion of the dead, arid of eternal judgement. judge-ment. And this we will do, if God permit.' ' (Heb. 6ih chap., 1st to 3rd v.) Xr), There is one God, one Father, one ,Ocj -Jesus, one hope of our calling-, one -t , baptism. All these three baptisms only make one. Many talk of baptism ). not b&inx essential to salvation ; but r f; this kind of teaching would lay the i . foundation of their damnation. I have i: the truth, and am at the defiance of the I world to contradict me, if they can. i '''' ' I have preached a little Latin, a lit- tie Hebrew, Greek, and German ; and I : I have fulfilled all. I am not so big a J :t 1 nu f fool as many have taken me to be. 1 . The Germans know that I -read the m ' ' r " -German correctly, " ' ' ' ' f . r. -i i !JV' p ; ' -TO BE CONCLUDED. ,J V .' - , , ' '! .-;! : ' , f: |