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Show ffHfi ETA accumulate money without self-If self-If fUPOM CSHH denial. A re you looking . forward to the day when you will have all you now want and deluding yourself with the idea that you will then begin to accumulate money? That day will never dawn for you. Each day will bring a new want and if you continue to indulge in-dulge in them your life will end in want, while self-denial to-day means future indulgence. Start a self-denial Account to-day Watch over it now and in the years to come, it will watch over you' BANK OF DUCHESNE W.L. DEAN, Cashier. "We take care of oifr depositors. " mim Watch This Space We will have a sale every Saturday on different articles of Dry Goods and Clothing closing them out below co. Saturday Jan. 20, 1917 Ladies' Union Suits $! .00 value, " .70 Misses' ' " .85 "... .55 " .75- " .50 , .65 " .45 Boys " .75 " .50 .65 " .45 - " .60 " .40 Something Different Next Week Watch for it. Sanitary Mar ket Kohl & Firth Successors to Odekirk & Sons . Money to Loan on Farms IN UINTAH AND DUCHESNE COUNTIES No cash commissions charged. Quick action a specialty. THE IRRIGATED FARMS MORTGAGE COMPANY, DENVER, COLORADO. For information and application blanks apply to the Bank of . Vernal or the Myton State Bank. Teams Wanted to haul Elaterite from Duchesne to Helper $10.00 per ton. Raven Mining Company Fred C. Ferron, Manager Pucliesne Trading ipany. We handle only staple lines of Groceries and Dry Goods. Fair and square dealing. Farmers' Produce Taken at all times. Agents for the Famous De Laval Separator. Duch esne Trading Company. Moving Pi&ure Show The Great Serial "LSBERTY" will fee shown every Tuesday night The thrilling gtJJRCJ flp JHE 'SUBMARINE wi" be Serial shown EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT i Hotel ' Arlmgton AMERICAN PLAN Steam Heated Rooms i i"i"fnm I. in l Ifc i nr --' - - Under Management of . . Rfirs. Tom Firth. ' :! . i i ' i Head your Dairy Herd with a purebred Sire Buy a "grandson of Rag Apple Korndyke the famous Holestein Friesian bull who now has 27 A. R. O. daughters, 13 of whom have butter records ranging from 20 to 37 pounds in 7 days. Geo. Dean, Duchesne. I have taken over the entire output of the Duchesne Milling Company, consisting con-sisting of the Famous Duchesne Flour, Bran, Shorts, Chop, etc, I will also handle Hay and Grain as well as all kinds of Grass and Garden Seed. In order to handle this business I am compelled com-pelled to sell strictly for cash, so please do not ask for credit. Located on the old Perry Drug Store corner, Dnchesne, Utah. A. W. demons. : -n 'I Strawberry Mercantile Co., I Strawberry, Utah Groceries, Dry Goods, -Notions, 1 Feed Yard in connection . We are cheaper. special sytsJS ; . - t . LOST. Parcel containing lavender silk under-waist under-waist and two pink crochet yokes, between be-tween Postoffice and Duchesne Trading Company. Finder please leave at the Record office and l'eceive suitable reward. re-ward. ' . ' 33-2t o - Help"" Support - ;i, a home industry by shipping your cream to the Duchesn t Creamery. We will pay 33 cents per lb. for butter fat t p less transportation. ti ti Duchesne Creamery. Jb ' : n mmmmmm, y - i STOCfil WANTED. Will pasture and feed stock until April 1st for $2.50 per head per month. Good feed and good pasture. Geo. C. Odekirk. |