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Show "ATE DIVISION IV OF UTAH. M" .In the Matter of lhe Pb. Fyank p. staton, Deceased Order of Publication ofNV to Creditors It is ordered that notice -editors of Frank p ed be glven by the admJnls ad estate, by publIcalon chesne Record, a newspaper 7 -cl published in the Pne . state of Utah, at 1 neT la 0mr3frrWeek8' t0 within f Sa!d admini , n four months from the publication of lhe notice Witness the clerk ot said r with the seal thereof affi 20 day of December, A D n (Seal) EDWARD MACKIE, u Notice to Creditors Estate of Frank p. staton d ed. Creditors will preaen't I with vouchers to the undersK Duchesne, Utah, on or before V day of May, A. D. 19n, EMIL MUXZ, Administrator of the Estate of p,' P. Staton, Deceased. Date of first publication Decfn 30, A. D. 1916. . '- o |