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Show iaily fluto' Line asss J I Duchesne to 5 Talmage and Boneta. Passenger and Express Business Solicited. John Pillings Proprietor For Sale or Trade Notices under this heading will be charged for at the rate of one cent a word per each insertion. It will be the endeavor of the Record to make this column the great market place of the west basin. You have something you do not need that some one else wants. Some one has something he does not need that you want. Advertisements Adver-tisements for the sale or trade of the most Insignificant article to the highest high-est priced piece of real estate can be disposed of in this way at a few cents cost. Stock ranch 100 acres deeded ground located in Lake canyon, 22 miles from Duchesne. Best cattle range in the basin. Address Stockman, Stock-man, care of the Record. $50 Reward Will give reward of $50 for the trunk lost by Captain Abbott, Fort Duchesne, on our line. Duchesne Stage & Transportation Co. Large oil store lamp. Sell or trade for produce. W. C. Perry. Lot and frame building west part of townsitc. Price $300. C. R. Barton, Duchesne. Finest town property and residence in Duchesne for sale for $3,500. Four lots 200x150 feet. Bautiful shade and garden. Splendid barn and outbuildings-.- Address Property Owner, care of Duchesne Record. Steer calves for heifer calves. H. C. Nicol. Subscription to The Record to anyone any-one who can go and won't go to the four days' celebration on Lakefork. A reward of $25 will be given to the person or persons who will furnish evidence leading to the conviction of the party or parties who got away with Captain Abbott's trunk. Duchesne Du-chesne Stage & Transportation Co. cLost Steamer trunk. On the top is carved II. Abbott, and on the end is written H. Abbott; has Duchesne Stage &. Transportation paster on same1, addressed to Captain H. Abbott at Fort Duchesne. Finder please notify no-tify the Duchesne Stage & Transportation Transpor-tation 0. and receive reward. 6-tf MYTON LOTS FOR SALE. . Lots 5, 6, 7 and 8, Block 56, west end of E street, Myton, Utah. Write W. R. Anderson, Greuola, Kans. I Odekirk & Co. has it. Adv. A Recent U. S. Government Report makes plain your need of a UNITED I STATE ISS..- ! CREAM SEPARATOR - 1 - - : With Guaranteed Non-rusting Skimming Device The Scientific Staff of the m, . , , c . ;J n- , tv m Y t . T"e tests definitely established I, Dairy Division in the United fLofatM, . . ' . Q,i-- tv. r a . , tne tact that evenmmute particles t btates Department of Agricul- t- , , x . , a 1 . of iron (rust) caused certain undesir- ture recently conducted a series of 1 u n 1 i vrrTr u L , able "avors and that in every in- experiments to learn -what effect, if tlx. , unv imn iet i,,. , stance when butter was scored a few ! any, iron (just; has on cream and j, n n. 1 1 I Dutter days after the making, the samples 1 ' in which iron (rust) was present 5. scored lower than the butter made ; ygi from cream which contained no iron "' (rust). I n UsinS nitec States ij .IU Ml" - -ream Separator with non-rust- ; ftf 'l. riks j ng skimming sections of solid J yfpvHl I nickel silver you avoid all risk of 1 Lj rJ cream and butter with an "off" j ; ' I L llflS e S skimming sections are A ihjfeilk positively guaranteed never to ' l ' 1 rust. No other separator manufao t I ' J) W turer gives you a printed non-rusting I JlXx 1 I ' guarantee. i emonstration gladly given t A ght at your home, without obliga- tion. Duchesne Lumber Co., Agents, Duchesne, Utah |