Show Your Liver Liveris is Clogged up Thata That's Why Youre You're Tired Out Out cI Sorts Sorts Hove Have No Appetite F CARTERS CARTER'S LITTLE LITTLER 4 v K LIVER PILLS t r few da ys ut ht w CARTE AR EPS KITTLE ITTLE IlVER IVER Cure PILL flea tion Bil and Sick Hid SMALL PILL FILL SMALL DOSE SMALL PRICE GENUINE must bear signature i ii ir p. THE A Sr r Smallest lowest priced wl rt bearing device Write to t AURIS COMPANY JAMAICA New YORK DAISY FLY KILLER alts ormea gf v 4 Lul Li LiMi i t Mi i pill or e a thing f Of r. r or cn r dr 1 o Air Yew York ASSAYS Vo RELIABLE t B BG Er PROMPT J 1 G Gold n and d Salvor l Gold BI Sliver vor and Copper Gold and aDd Salvor refined and bought Write Write for frIo sacks OGDEN ASSAY CO 1530 1636 Court Place Flaco Denver Colorado i Compound Interest com comes s to life when the body feels the delicious glow of health vigor and energy That Certain Sense vigor in the brain and easy poise of the nerves comes when the improper foods are cut out and predigested Nuts take their place If it has taken you years to run down dont don't expect one i mouthful of this great food to bring you back for it is not Dot a stimulant but a Ten days trial shows such big results that on one sticks to it it Theres a Reason Get the little book The Tha Road to Wellville in CEREAL CO LTD Rattle lUttle Creek Midi Mash A BAD THING TO NEGLECT Dont Don't neglect the kidneys when you notice lack of control over the secre secre- Passages become too frequent or scanty urine is discolored and sediment sediment sediment sedi sedi- ment appears No me medicine for such troubles like Doans Doan's e Kidney Pills They tar quickly remove kidS kidney kidney kid kid- ney disorders I Mrs A. A E B. B Fulton Fullon Ski Skidmore more St. St Portland pre says My limbs swelled S terribly an and I was bloated over the stomach and had hade e puffy purry spots beneath I the eyes My kidneys were very unhealthy and the secretions secre secre- ti s much disordered The swellings began to abate after I began using Doans Doan's Ki Kidney n y Pills and soon I Iwas Iwas Iwas was cured Remember the name name Doans Doans For sale by all dealers 50 cents a a- box Foster Milburn Co Buffalo N. N Y A BURNING ERUPTION FROM HEAD TO FEET Four years ago I suffered sev severely rely with a terrible eczema being a m mass massof massof ss of sores from head to feet and for six weeks s confined to my bed During that time I suffered continual torture from itching and burning After Arter being I given up by my doctor I was advised to try Remedies After the I first bath with Soap and application application ap ap- ap- ap of Ointment I enjoyed enjoyed enjoyed en en- I joyed the first good sleep during my II I i I entire illness I also used and the treatment was continued continued con- con conI I for about t three weeks At the end of that time I was able to beabout be he I about the house entirely cured and have felt no ill effects since I would advise any person suffering from any form of skin trouble to try the Cuti CuU- cura cum Remedies as I know what they did for me Mrs Edward 1112 Salina St. St Watertown N. N Y Apr 11 1909 Mrs SoothIng Syrup teething softens tennis I p euros wind 1 colic MITCHElS EYE SALVE Many Wommen r n i who are i F r r J b i Splendid Spend Cooks s It dread having to prepare an elaborate r or orate te dinner because they arc are arc Ire t a not sufficiently strong to stand over an intensely hot C coal o 0 a 1 range This is especially true in summer Every w woman o 0 m man mantakes a n r b takes pride in the table she sets r ra a but often it is is done at tremendous tremendous tremendous dous cost to her own vitality through the weakening effect of cooking on a coal range in a ahot I hot bot kitchen Cautionary Note Be sure you get this stove see It is no longer necessary to wear that the plate nameplate yourself out preparing a fine dinner reads New Perfection Even in the heat of summer you can cook a large dinner without being worn out e t iu Jt f ry i Oil il gk Gives no outside heat no smell no smoke It will wiIt cook the biggest dinner without heating the kitchen or the cook It is immediately lighted and immediately immediately immediately immedi immedi- extinguished It can be changed from a slow to a quick fire by turning a handle Theres There's no drudgery connected with it no coal to carry no wood to chop You dont don't have to wait fifteen or twenty minutes till tilt its fire gets going Apply a alight alight alight light and its it's ready By simply turning the wick up or down you get a slow or an all intense heat on the bottom of the pot pan kettle or oven and nowhere else It has a Cabinet Top with shelf for keeping plates and food hot drop shelves for coffee teapot or saucepan and even a rack for towels It saves time worry health and temper It does all aU a woman needs and more than she expects Made with 1 12 2 and 3 burners the 2 and burner 3 sizes can be had bad with or without Cabinet Even ETUI dealer everywhere i If Li not not at t yours for tor De Circular to the tho nearest agency of ot the Continental Oil Company Incorporated r OI Y i HJ J P. P h r 11 0 To 1 l i oom CASH OR FOIL PROPERTY any kind Mm if It 1 0 Want to to buy soil sell or exchange you s I t 4 IUa SIZ l enre PATENT IDEAS S.- S. They may bring you fA I CM 1 page Ct Gt O Book nook Fire E let fU- fU The instinct of natural 11 erald Go lU rat U Je J.e. modesty to every woman is IS often ort n a Q tt great hindrance to the cure of womanly diseases disease Women a shrink from the personal questions of the local physician Set which seem indelicate The Tho thought of examination Is ab ab- a Wp V p Lorrent to them and so 50 they endure in silence a Q condition of disease which surely progresses from bad to worse L S. S IC k F fl l lIt n It has been Dr Pierces Pierce's to cure a lJ areat w that follows taking a dose of castor reat many women who WIlO have havo found a J o for tor modesty modesty-In la his offer of 01 FREe FrE consulta oil salts or calomel is n about b out th the e Lion by letter 2711 2111 correspondence Is held worst you can endure Ugh it Ugh it as sacredly confidential address Dr li R. V. V gives one the creeps You dont don't Pierce nul alo AT N. Y have to have bave it it D Dr Pierces Pierce's Favorite Prescription restores and regulates the bowels tone bowels tone the womanly functions abolishes pain and builds up pod and move up the puts tho the finishing touch of health on every weak woman 1 liver without liver IVer without th OU t th these ese bad b a d f feelings ee 1 who 00 gives it a fair trial 1 Try them I 1 gy It IC Makes res Weak Women Strong J tArr roc loc a n box bas for a weeks week's treatment all druggists dru druggists gest seller Sick Women Well in the world Million boxes boles a month You rou cant can't afford to accept a Q secret nostrum as a 0 substitute for this non-alcoholic non medic medicine ne ov on KNOWN COMPOSITION W. W N. N U. U Salt Lake CI City y No 29 |