Show ENJOYABLE DANCE AND SUPPER The dance and supper given by byl Mr l r. r and aud l I Mrs rs H H. Calvert Wednesday ni night ht in iii honor of the marriage of their son George Georg-e M M. Calvert to Miss Kate Milne were occasions long to be remembered cred by y those present Some hundred and fifty tifty invitations invitations invitations in in- had been heen sent out and when the music started shortly after nine o'clock the haU l was well filled Up to midnight the band played for the dancers After the supper the orchestra stra composed of Robert Krebs S. S M. M Shelton and Miss Lillian Babcock performed During During- the evening ening J. J L. L Means leans sang and a as usual Jo Joe had to come back hack with another song Later he also recited for which he rece received ed a well mer round of applause Elaborate preparations had been made for the midnight supper which was served ed around one of t the lar large e cottonwood cottonwood cottonwood cotton- cotton wood trees west of the Myton Drug Drug- store Ample seating capacity Capacity ca Ca- was pro provided by the erection of large tables which completely circled the tree Japanese lanterns were used a as decorations The Time spread was expensive e and daintily prepared prepared prepared pre pre- pared and needless to say this feature of the entertainment was enjoyed by everyone from the time salted almonds to the ice cream and cake 0 0 |