Show I HUNCH THAT HAT WAS V-JAS ALL RIGHT Combination tion Convinced Racing Man There Must Be Something Doing Do Do- ing There ing There Was Doc Doe McDonough has returned to Broadway after an absence of more than two vo months says the New York Press lIe IIo went into retreat on on Fri Friday day November 1 13 1909 The Doc Docis Docis is a great believer in hunches When he gets a hunch good and strong he plays it to tho the limit The Doc Coc never had a stronger hunch than on that November day That it was the thirteenth of the month mouth and a Friday was a combination combination tion worthy of anyone's notice but what was more significant to the Doc Doe I was the fact that In one of the races races- that day there were 13 horses entered and one of the 13 had 13 letters in his name There was nothing for a man to do da under such circumstances but bet the bank roll and then Uen lend the family jewels to Mr 11 Simpson or some other friend Tho The Doc Doe let every everyone one in on on the good thing and there was a play playon on the 13 horse that day dar such as there never was before And nd the hunch was correct Tho The horse ran thirteenth Biographies Worth Reading There Thero occur to me three interesting interest Interest- ing the biographies the Life of Darwin the Life of Huxley lcy and the Life of Pasteur Pasteur which which give the important part of the story of at scientific development develop ment meat duri during durin the tho last Jast half of tho the nineteenth nineteenth nine nino century Now I believe that a thorough mastery of these three books will be worth more to the historical student than any driblets of science that he may pick up in hr an unsystematic unsystematic college collego course course J. J. J 1 F. F 1 I L I l in Historical Ess Essay |