Show RANCHERS RANCHER'S ODD WATCH CHARM CHARMA CHARMI I A splinter o of bone an inch and a half long will be the watch charm worn wom hereafter by y D D. L. L Maupin owner owner owner own own- er of a large laige b bee be e ranch in Inyo county California The splinter of bone was removed from the lumbar portion of his spine in an unusual operation performed performed per per- forn formed ed by Doctor Wellborn Wenham of Los Angeles and Drs W. W II II Newman and andE anda E a P P. Bailey of Long Bea Be h h h. h For years Maupin had been an almost helpless Invalid and physIcians had no way of diagnosing his trouble Recently he told physicians that a number of years ears ago he be slipped and fell while rolling a abIg abig abig big stone and that he suffered what he supposed was a sprain Taking this clue the physicians suggested an operation It was found that a piece I had been broken broleen off aU ono one of his vertebrae vertebrae verte verte- brae and interfered with the muscular attachment Today Maupin Is feeling I like his old self |