Show INDIAN RETURNS THE MONEY Conscience Kept Him Awake All AM Night So That He Could Not Sleep So Gave Up Coin Coln An Indian once asked his neighbor for tor some tobacco The neighbor put his hand in his pocket and gave him hima a handful The next morning the Indian Indian Indian In In- dian came again and brought a ter-dollar ter which he had found founds between between between be be- tween the tobacco The neighbor was was' surprised at such honesty and asked the Indian why he had not kept the money It is Just like this he answered In my heart I have a good man and a abad abad abad bad man The good man said The Tho money does not belong to you give It back to its owner The bad man said It has been given to you it belongs to you The good man replied replied replied re re- re- re plied That is not true and such conduct conduct conduct con con- duct is evil the tobacco belongs to you but the money belongs to him who has given it away by mistake you must give It back again The bad man answered Think no more about it and do not let such a trifle disturb you Keep the money I was In doubt as to which voice of my heart I should listen to At last I lay down in bed but the good man and the bad man quarreled so all aU the night in my heart that 1 I had no peace so I h felt obliged to bring you rou back your money |