Show INSURGENTS IN ALASKA Select Candidate for Territorial Delegate Delegate Dele Dele- gate in Opposition to Nominee Juneau Alaska Th The insurgent Republican Republican Republican Re Re- publican convention which met here hereon on Friday and nominated James Wickersham as candidate to succeed himself as territorial delegate to congress congress con con- gress passed a resolution separate from the platform dem demanding the removal removal removal re re- re- re moval of Governor Walter Valter E. E Clark and asking the Republican national committee to depose L L. H. H Shackleford Shackleford Shackleford Shackle- Shackle ford from his position as committeeman committee committee- man from Al Alaska Mr Shackleford is the leader of the regulars who held a convention at Douglas Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wednes Wednes- day and nominated Ed Eth S. S Orr of Valdez Valdez Valdez Val- Val dez to run against Delegate Wickersham Wickersham Wickersham Wicker- Wicker sham next fall Serious charges against Governor Clark and Jand Committeeman Committeeman Committeeman Commit- Commit teeman Shackleford are made in the resolution |