Show I A A REAL TREASURE HOUSE Mrs J. J W. W Madden who lived over overa overta ta a a grocery store run on her behalf by her loster son Ed Halley died recently re- re at Memphis She was an Invalid invalid invalid In in- valid and had not left her room In 17 years years and mystery surrounded the whereabouts of her fortune consisting 5 of at rentals and other dividends from I considerable holdings as she didn't I I l believe in banks Halley engaged a I friend to assist him in the treasure treasurer r r- hunt They discovered in f gold and silver under the carpet and j behind old pictures the day A. A Policemen were used to guard the theE E premises and the final days day's hunt ended In in all being deposited deposit ed ed In the savings bank Halley and his friend have booked for tor a trip round found the world to celebrate the discovery discovery dis- dis r covery overy of the domestic gold mine |