Show i Short Stories Stories' of the W Week Meek ek i John X Palmer and family are arc fishing shing on n Rock ock creek this his week Mrs has has' recovered sufficiently u f recent t illness to tobe be aro around nd again arain arainE E. E R. R returned d jast Friday from his visit at Newman Grove Glove N Ne Ne- braska George and and Bert Allred have l leased ed edthe the Prichard barber shop and took possession possession pos pos- session this week Rev C C. C S. S Rice left Sunday for Roswell Roswell Roswell Ros- Ros well Idaho for a co couple of v we weeks weeks' ks' ks visit with his parents Orville Dart und end wife moved out moved out to their North My Myton tun bench home the first of the week A break in the New Hope ditch a few days ago ago necessitated necessitated the sh shutting ing off ofT of the water for a few days ays The law office of Robert B. B Croix was moved toyed this week to the building building build build- ing just vacated by Bert Allred The Pioneer store Duchesne announces announces an an- that it does not sell the cheapest cheap cheap- est goods on the Reservation but it does does' se sell l the best goods for the money The Th store has in stock an exceptionally lly fine line of dress goods Ad Adv v. v I Tom Firth Filth of was driving the stage from that town to Myton n Tuesday J Jackman Herrick the Duchesne attorney attorney attorney at at- torney was in town on on legal business siness the first of the c week j The Spot Cash store will save saye y you u money on groceries hardware groceries hardware sash and doors Misses Alberta Bjornson Hazel HazelI Hemphill Helen Morrill Morri i and Maude I F Fontaine c celebrated Pioneer day at Roosevelt Fine i line e of shoes j just st arrived d and a full line of dishes added to our our stock C Come me in and see see if y you u can beat our pric prices s. s Uinta Cash Cas Store Francis M. M Jolley and Leroy Larsen both of Winn were down own to to make arrangements for submitting final proof on their homestead entries The Spot Cash store will exchange merchandise for hay and grain Wright Potter of Boneta with Andrew Andrew Andrew An An- drew Stevenson and Fr Francis E. E Reynolds Reynolds Reynolds Reyn Reyn- olds as as his witnesses was down Wednesday Wednesday Wed Wed- to make final proof on orr his home- home ste d. d An advertisement of the next Indian Indianland Indianland Indianland land sale which h occurs on the of oi Septem September er appears in this issue of the Record Some extra good pieces of oi land are advertised in this sa sale e. e Watch for Jor the Spot Cach store prices in the next issue t of ce No 83 Wasatch county granting a fifty tear fifty fifty- ear I franchise to the Uinta Power Light 5 company for the use of str streets ets anc and highways for electric wires and ard light I poles appears in this iss issue c. c Hay grain flour hardware and fishing fishing fish fish- shing sh- sh ing tackle tackle tackle-at at prices that will amaze you ou Uinta Cash Store Mor Moroni mi Leetham from Provo yesterday for a few days' days visit Vern Leetham Gid Pay Jn Jake e anc and Fr Fred d Ferrel all of Provo came in with h him m to get a look at the thc best part of oi i Gods God's footstool H. H H. H Harvey the prosperous Lake I Fork ranchman delivered a batch of new spuds to the Calvert Waugh Vaugh store stor Saturday so some of them weighing weigh weighing weighing ing fr from m fifteen to seve seventeen t en ounces each Probation Officer Dan Lybbert passed pass ed through gh town Saturday to Ogden having in James Darling u B 15 ll- old old ar-old old boy of Taft who was committed committed committed com com- to the state e industrial school for statutory offence by Juvenile Judge ge Davis Mr Lybert his appointment appointment appointment ap ap- as ns probation officer about a month ago Coal ConI oil machine oil and gasoline at prices right Uinta Cash store V The AThe The heavy rains of the past ten days have caused ca a great deal of damage to roads on the Reservation and to the railroads as well wen as wagon roads out out- side Th The Gate and Indian canyon roads were impassable for several days passengers on the stage line line- being unable unable una una- ble to get through Indian canyon All the creeks and rivers of the tho Reservation have been running banks full fun I r C. C W. W Anderson was down from irom AI- AI tonah Lonah 0 on business Wednesday D. D M. M Frost and D. D Barry have re returned returned re- re turned 11 e J from their fishing trip on Rock creek reek Mrs Katherine Kathorine F Fenton Nutter carne came carnein in last night for a couple of weeks weeks' visit with My Myton ton friends Frank Till left Monday to return to Sunnyside Mr Till has been doing contract work in the asphalt mines there and states that there are arc mountains mountains mountains moun moun- of asphalt there sufficient to pave the whole United States There are j ledges of it as much as feet thick I Ian an and l of the very ery best quality carryings carrying j j from 10 to 15 per cent oil It contains some sand and is ready for use in paving paving paying pay pay- ing nothing being ne necessary but grinding grinding grinding grind grind- ing it Cured meats and lard at the Uinta Cash Store Come in and let us quote you prices I |