Show j if V t i Notice for Publication Department of the Interior IJ ti S. S nt at June Junell H. H 1013 Notice i is fA herel hereby civen I en Ann A fl 1 F. F of cl who on August 10 o. o Hiu homestead serial o. No mJ 5 for the section 1 li 8 3 w. w Special meridian haH fled filed io i to 10 mok commutation i tation proof to claim daim to the till land I described before Edward jU iU U S. S nt at Wj ton Utah on day hi of J July idly 11 1913 j I.- I. names as OS yV Arnold Manon larion Q J IP f rl Abraham nil oU of Utah er rc r. r Charles o c Not Notice ce for Publication of th Interior U J S S. S Land Of- Of t 1 Vernal Utah June H. H 1913 t t. iR is gi-en gi cn that David FV F. F V of who on ont December i. t 7 tead entry euto No No 0 2141 U. l-U. 11 17 I I. I S. S erini rca No for fur tho t R 4 section 27 1 7 2 it 2 tI 3 w. w i. i al al linn hilt filed led II notice nt x af of intention to make commutation proof I to h h claim to tilt the land nl O l dc tic 1 before belore Edward U. U S. S Commissioner nt Myton Iton o on 1 the i day rn of Jr July 1913 l Claimant ll names as ses s Gorse re Pott Iott Lorenzo Pitt James e M. M Pitt nil of I. I Li Lison on hee of or Bluebell l Utah Cho rl r. r Notice for Publication Deportment rIt of nf the Interior U U. S I Land at nt Utah J 21 1913 Notice Is la here hereby b given h ell that Andrew II Jr Peni on of Utah who on No Nay May 19 10 1910 entry serial No 1 the e fj e rOth Lots 1 J anti and 2 2 section 4 30 township 1 P P. ran c 3 w. w Special Spec hn has filed noti notice e of oC intention tc tr make pi prot to establish claim to the land Jond above e described before J Edward Mackie r. r S. S Commissioner at nt 31 Iton ton UtAh on tiny of Au August 1013 M witnesses Simeon IJ ir At Atwood wood Aligns t Pearson Chester II II Sherwood Sher Pearson nil of Altonah Utah I N Notice for Publication Deportment of the Interior IT LT Office Offie Of Of- fie fice nt ot Utah June Junc 7 1113 1013 Notice h Is t hereby civen ii that ht Potter of Mali tuh who ON ott October 3 S 0 Mil made homestead entry erial No Xo for the c d st s H And s sc seIA section 4 mn ranee c 4 w. w Special has liis tiled notice of intention to tomake tomake make commutation proof to tn establish claim lo to the land bind nho c described before U P S. S C Commissioner at ot on th i 2 day In of July ul 1013 1913 Claimant Elf T Fes Francis HI t William M. M r. r Andrew Stevenson Ste nil all of Utah Marion Jolley of or Wino Utah CHI CHARLES DEMOISY R Register if ter NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION n Department nt of the Jn Iu JOlt nor U. U S. S Land Lond LandOf Of cent tit at Vernal Utah June 1 j. Notice is hereby civen cn that Jesse se Peter Peter- pan on o of Hayden Utah who vilio on Nay May Ia iS 1900 made homestead entry No 1521 1529 U. U I. I S. S aerial No Xo for the s and Lot 4 section 5 5 6 township to hip I s. s range 1 w w. Uinta Special meridian has flied filed notice le of intention Hall tion to make lake commutation proof to establish hail lish claim to the land c above described before be- be fore the Ht r and anel Receiver L r U. U S. S Land at nt 3 Vernal Utah on ott the da chi day of J July ul mJ 1013 Claimant nobles names as witnesses Henry Peterson of or Cedarview Utah John Fuell IulI James mutes Barnes James ames Woodward Wood Wood- word ward nil all of hayden Utah CHARLES Notice for Publication r Department of oC the Interior U. U S So I Land aud at Vernal Utah June 7 7 1913 Notice is hereby given Riven l' l 1 that Edward E E. Stet Stephens hen liens of t. t Utah ta h. h who lio on J January Jannary Jan Jan- n- n nary uary 10 1910 mode made homestead entry serial 1 No rom for or the iiri section 10 16 township hll 3 s. s range ranee J lw w. w Uinta Special has haA filed notice a of intention to make commutation coat coat- com mutation proof to establish dub claim to theland the theland theland land above described before Edward Hackie U. U S. S Commissioner r at Myton Hyton Utah on the day o of July 1913 Claimant unities names ns is witnesses witnessed Axel Ael Pierson Byron Ji rou Spratt Fred O. O E. E V. V Sa Sadler Her all o of Duchesne Utah t. t Charles Rc Register lster Notice ice for tor Publication tion Department of the Interior U. U S. S raid Land Office at Yer Ver Vernal lol Utah June f 9 1 1913 13 Notice is berel hereby Rin Livett n that Snyder of ot who Vho on l April 8 1912 made macic homestead No entry serial 7 for lor the e ne i. i Sec 19 and v wH nw section n JO roo 0 township 1 l s. s rm r. Cw w. w Uinta Special Meridian has hns filed n notice or to tomake tomake tomake make commutation proof to establish claim to the land Jand hover described before Edward Edwart U. U S S. S Commissioner nt at tou Utah on oa the da day f 1913 Claimant names Domes as os witnesses seBr Lot Powell J James a toes Gurr James Powell oil all of Utah Henry Mired Allred of Bluebell Utah Charles DM Iy Register ter of NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION t of the Interior U U. U 8 S. Land Of Of- flee at Vernul June 6 Notice Is hereby j. j given cn Hint Reuben E. E Wilier I i of oC Utah who on September 14 If M. M made t od entry No U. U 1 S 5 S. S serial No for the e e ne ne n and c cV cHI tle seVi section Election H 14 14 township to 4 s. s 2 w. w Uinta Special meridian has lias filed notice of or intention In t to com COut m muta 11 ta tion Uon proof to establish claim to the land above described before befort Edward U U. U US U.S. S S. Commissioner at Myton Utah o OH i the d day of J July uh 1913 Claimant names annies no witnesses au-witnesses William Leetham Hulda Van Yau Wyck John Carlisle L. L all ull of My- My y ton tou Utah I DEMoisY Register Notice for Publication Department of the Interior P. P T. T S. S Land Office at nt Vernal Utah Otah June 17 1913 J Notice i is hereby I en that Edward P. P Evans of Mountain Home Utah who on October 16 6 1911 1111 made homestead entry serial No for the sw 4 Be seW s sw Sec 13 18 and He sc 4 sc seVi aej section 1 H. township 1 I B. B r. r Uinta Sl Social cial meridian has hus tiled notice of intention to make thou tion proof to establish claim to the laud land 1 ove des described before Ed Edward I U U. S. S Commissioner at itt Ny Myton ton Utah ou on I the day Ill of July ISIS 1913 Claimant names as witnesses Clarence A. A Peacock Oscar Jo Jo- eph ph J I n. n West Georic Lindsa Lindsay all of Mountain Home Utah DeMo By r S Notice for Publication of the Interior U U. S. S Land at Vernal Utah June 1913 Notice 1 ii In hereby given that that Francis A A. of Lu fork Utah who on July 23 rI wade made entry No l t U. U I. I S. S for the s DC 5 tOwnship 3 8 ran range eo 2 w w. Uinta Special mer tiler idian has tins flied Bled notice of Intention to make commutation n proof to establish claim to the hand above described before Edward clde- clde U U. U s S. S at ot Ny ton Utah on the Mth day of July Jub 1 1913 13 C Claimant names as t I mt William m II 11 Stone John NU Miles s 's William Daniel of Hu Utah Lake Cork Charled Rc l teJ Notice for Publication Office Department of tb the Interior U U. S SL Laud Dd nt ot Vernal Utah June Juno U il 11 1913 Notice Notice- la is hereby given Blackburn of inn Utah that who Charles E. E 23 25 on July lob made homestead Q for the sw section entry 31 H SI serial 1 la 8 5 S we wet west t. t Uinta Special township Merid tan ian h baa filed tiled notice of af intention to make commutation COulm proof to establish claim to the land and described before Edward Commissioner at lily Myton ton Utah I on Og the Jay J of July 1913 Claimant names us witnesses Ses Thomas lson Austin G G. Burton tr t I tou Durton D D. M. M Todd alLot Winn S rorY Re Rex Rex- ster r 1 i THOMAS THOl W. W ODONNELL O'DONNELL S AT V V Vernal l Utah NILE HUGHEL CIvIL ENGINEER VERNAL UTAH J. J A. A WILSON VILSON Attorney and Counselor at Law Vernal Utah Conveyancing Real Ette Notary Public Insurance EDWARD MACKIE U. U S. S Commissioner My Myton ton Utah LAND FILINGS FINAL PROOFS sad and rd OTHER LAND OFFICE BUSINESS My Myton ton State Bank Building ALBERT BJORNSON M M. D. D Physician and Surgeon My Myton ton Utah Fees as per Fee Bill Utah County M Medical A Association I Don B. B Colton Arthur V. V Watkins COLTON WATKINS Attorneys and Counselors at Law Vernal Utah JOl Block Telephone 33 D. D L. L CARMODY CIVIL ENGINEER M MYTON TON UTAH w W. W E. E GOSSETT GOSSEn M. M D. D PHYSICIAN A AND N D SURGEON DuChesne U Utah il Call CIl C Promptly Answered at at All Hours FR FRED D MOTTER Real Estate Loans Loans' Insurance Notary Public ROOSEVELT UTAH ERNEST H H. BURGESS BURGESS' S I I Lawyer Ro Roosevelt sevelt Utah AM Al A. A M. M TODD SURVEYOR MYTON lYTON UTAH CHAS J. J W AI- AI AIL L Law Attorney Heber Utah J. J T. T McCONNELL 10 ATTORNEY AT AT LAW TEI VERNAL N L UT UTAH UTI I Practice before U. U S S. S Land Office Dr W W. J. J. J Baler Baker Dentist Office in F Francis ranc s Building My Myton ton u Utah tah St Elmo I l o 7 V J Registered Perch ron Vill stand strand for the seas season ea n nat nat at Ny Myton ton Saturdays Sundays Sundays Sun- Sun days and of each week The other days of t the Ii e week he lie w v will i 1 II 1 be at the Harris Harrie miles below helow I HARRIS BROS The My Myton ton T F For r Merchant T Tailoring Tailoring- Millinery Clot Clothes Ladies Ladies' J dies dies' G Gents Gents' V Vr r CI Cleaned nea and and Pressed G Gents Gents' nt Hats Hafs Cleaned and Blocked including straw e and Panama E E. A A. DUBENDORFF Prop i 1 I Ir r- r Notice for Publication S Department of time U U. S S. 5 Land Office nt Vernal Jul July 5 6 1913 Notice is hereby given that Marion Q O. Gold Golding I nJ of Bluebell luebell Ut Utah h. h who on Oct October S. S l tl 1 homestead entry No oO o. o O w. w for for the time st- st 8 seq see Sec ec 10 and s si sH s sw faction 11 2 p. p range 3 w. w Special meridian hnS fUel Hied notice of Intention to make commutation tion proof to establish f to the time loud land above noo t-Ic t described l. l before Edward U. U S S. S nt at r My Myton ton Utah on the do day of t. t 1913 Claimant norn unmet as witnesses Joseph A A. A Am Arnold sa 8 1 P. P Dalley Daile Aura Ahra hum hU Stevenson cuson Charles Hn Ray Kay all of JuLie lUne bell beH Utne S M ft tol lr R Notice for Publication I Department of the Interior V. V 1 S. S Land Office wt at Vernal lt h July 8 S 1911 1913 Notice Is s her hereby b Sl given cn that J James UIS t 1 L. L Oman of Utah who lio on nn April 16 JI mode made homestead entry No 2312 U. U J. J S. S serial No NC OC 04 for the these se seel section cHon ion 31 n. township 1 s. s 1 I t w. w Uinta Special has hns tiled notice of intention to t ion tion proof to c claRa claim to the time land nb I e described before Nackie I I P. IS S S. ot at Nylon Utah on the do day of 1913 nanu as witnesses M. M Potter lotter R. R Evans Andrew John W. W Oman 1111 of Utah Charles Dc Register Notice for Publication ot of time the Interior U. U S. S Laud Office at nt Vernal Jut July 9 1913 1013 Notice ot f N Is her by given riven cu that John X of or Myton Utah who mho on oti J. IW 1909 made hom homestead entry t serial No for times se seVi seY and ands ands- sn S sect section 12 to n township 3 N a. H. H r range 2 w. w r Special I hns has filed fileti notice of Intention to 1 commutation proof to establish to time hand described before Rd U. U S. S n nt at Myton Utah on the day of AU lISt 1913 1912 names as witnesses John F. F Andrew Andrew-A. A. A Rogers James I L. L Taylor Frank Frnnk all allot of Utah Y Register RegisterS S NOTICE F Fa FOR R PUBLICATION De Department of the time Interior U. U S. S Land ornee Of or- thee nee nt ot Vernal Jul July 9 J. J 1 1913 13 Notice is herel hereby given civen that Heber lieber R H Goff GofT of Duchesne Utah who on May Mn 11 1907 1007 made entry No 1 97 serial No for the time c s n section 26 tn tos 3 H. H 5 w. w y Vinta Uinta Special has hns flied filed notice of intention to tomake make commutation proof roof to establish claim to time the land above c described before Edward Mackie IT V. S. S Commissioner nt ut r Ut Utah h. h the time Un on day of AU August 1913 names witnesses Geor c A. A William UI K E. Gossett Jens C. C Nielsen K ncr Nit Nielsen all of Du Do Utah Charles Dc DeMoisy Register ister Z otice for Publication Dep Department o of the time Interior U. U S S. S LAnd Onice nt at Vernol Utah July ul 3 1913 Notice is hereby civen tha t Janies omeR F. F Woodward of Hayden Utah who on omi Octo h her r 27 1205 mAde No 1 1010 JOIO U. U 1 I. S. S No for the time n ni nw se seW t. t section clion S. S town township hio 1 JR s. s range c 1 w. w has lint filed filed- notice 0 of ot intention to five year ear proof to to the land above d scrib e ed cd l. l before lefore Edward U. U S S. S Commis Commissioner stoner nt at t Myton r Utah on the 1 UI oCl of oC l' l Alienist J 1913 ns nR witnesses John G. G of I ud itch John Joint V. p urd John I nil of hayden den Utah S CUA amy Register I S Notice for Publication Department of f the time IntErior Interior U. U S. S Land Office at ot 1 Jul July 9 0 1913 Notice is cn that Fred r of y Who ho on n D December hr j entry serial so OuSt for Lots 4 and 5 5 31 U. toT fon 4 f s. s range ran ere e S 3 I c. c Special meridian has hns filed notice of intention to make tank cou commutation mu tation proof to establish datum to the time land lond described before ard Kd Nackie U. U S S. S Commissioner at Myton Iton Utah on time the do cIa of Au 1913 Claimant names as ns witnesses ss s's George Wendell Durn Or Orson on W. W Attains of Myton Utah r Richard Yan an Pelt William ach both hoth of Out U Utah t alt Charles D Register Notice for Publication Department ot 01 tho the Interior U. U S. S Land Office nt at Vernal June 27 1913 Notice is ia hereby hereby- Liddell o of Ny ton Utah who on 28 28 23 1903 made entry No 2194 1 U. U J. J I. I S. S serial 1 Xo No 0 for time tile f seM le section 2 township 4 8 R. range 2 w. w Uinta Sp meridian hns filed notice of intention tion flail to make commutation proof to stob lish liell claim to the time land above described be fore Edward Nackie uS u.S. Commissioner nt at N Myton ton Utah on the time da day of August 1913 Claimant s as ns witnesses E Ellis his 21 31 J Jones ones Stephen Wagoner Joseph E. E Holder Edward Ed A. A all nIl of ol Myton Charles DeMoisy Re ister Notice for Publication Deportment Department of the tima Interior u. u S. S Land Laud Office at nt Utah June 26 1913 13 Notice is hereby given i that R n. McNeil M of Ny Myton ton Utah Utah who on an on 1908 made homestead entry No U. U I. I S. S serial No 1 for time the se ld seW section 6 townships s S s. ran range c 2 w. w UintA special meridian hns haR fUel filed notice of intention to tc toma ma Ice commutation proof to establish cla claim lu t to tim the tho land Jand above nho described before belore Edward Mackie Nackie U U. U S. S Commissioner nt at I Myton Utah ou on the time 1213 da day of ot August S 1913 Claimant names ns os witnesses Ellis Bills r M. M f. f J Jones E. E Harris S Charles P. P all till I of Utah Otah Charles DeMoisy I Register lster Notice for or Publication Department ent of oC the time Interior Interior- Interior U. U S. S Land I Office at Vernal Utah June Iune 9 1913 Notice is hereby given that Ethel of Altonah Utah who on em lIst August 2 21 1009 made mude homestead entry serial No for or the time sw ne ne n ua SC Sec 19 It and nw Vi n SW swi section 20 township to 1 I s. s range 3 tv Uinta special meridian hns hus flied filed notice of or intention to make commutation proof to establish to the mud above e described before R Edward ackie U. U S S. S Commissioner COmmiE at Myton Utah on the da day of July uh 1913 mimes ns os witnesses Lot Powell tIl James Janics Gurr lames James Powell nil mill of Altonah Utah Allred Ailred 01 of or Bluebell Utah Charles churles Del Register S Notice to Water Vater Users State Eti Engineers Engineer's Office Salt Lake City Gity Utah Utah- 25 1913 p Notice is lit given that J F. F Mo whose post |