Show H Hayden Items 1 I Pion Pioneer cr da day dav was cc celebrated here in grand old uld style An ex excellent excellent j program wag wn rendered in the he forenoon rind and a n childrens children's j dance hall bull game bucking buckin c contest con conn conI I test and horse e races s in the afternoon afternoon af af- and ond grand ball at night Ii The TIie 1 q J l i e vas played by th he- he l sin single lc ni mea i l j the latter Ut by a n score of 10 to t tc 8 hi 11 th e horse races the black of Arthur Hutchcon Hutcheon won l Joseph sc h Lambert and anil t of f I Roosevelt spent the Joe Sims Signs was down from the thc new S1 say saw sawmilL milL He says they thc will he be sawing lumber in J about two days The baby haby of Mr lr and amI Mrs errs Pct Peter r Duncan i is still quite ill It t is reported that Johnny luell Fuell the thc lad who accidentally shot himself with a 22 rifle a 3 short time ago o is is improving and aud that there are arc h hopes pcs for his recovery X Ve have had a a good deal of ofrain ofrain rain latel lately in ill this vicinity ity 4 |