Show The Board of County Commis- Commis of the Count County of Wasatch I j in the State of Utah Ordains as follows S I. I That the Uintah Power and Light Co a corporation its successors successors and and- andas as assigns assigns assigns as- as asb signs herein referred to to a as th the grantees are hereby granted the the right franchise and privilege to erect maint maintain and nd oper operate te along through upon and under un under under un- un un- un der the public streets alleys lanes and highways ays posts cables wires conduits implements supplies and appurtenances ap appurtenances ap- ap ap- ap required necessary and convenient to the operation and maintenance maintenance main main- of an Electric Lighting and Power System through and by which elect electric ic pow power r a ancl anU l current for Cor lighting aad power yer is to be provided Lor for or the use of the inha inhabitants of the said Wasatch County and f for r the said Wasatch County Coun Coun- ty for the period of fifty years from th the date of oC the acceptance a of this fran fran- fran fran- chise S II IL This fran franchise hise granted for a 1 term of fifty years from d date te of its acceptance During the first ten ye years yeats rs of the life liCe of this franchise that said Wasatch yasa ch county county coun- coun ty by and through h its Board of at County Commissioners will and shall at all times timea use every lawful ways and means to protect the said Uintah Power Light Co a corporation its successors and assigns against any and all encroachments encroachments en er upon or interference ence with by bJ any person persons persons partnerships associations ms or corpora corporation ion ion- of the r rights and privileges herein granted and to use all and every lawful means t to to o prevent any competing association p partnership corporation o person or persons per per- S sons ons from Cram erecting or c constructing ting any army S l lighting h g system m or systems ov over r ripon upon I along afong or under any of the streets streets' highways high high- va ways s of said said 4 Wasatch county alread actu actually lly occupied by the grantee in violation of the rights of oC t the e grantees herein their successors successors' and as assigns but not to prevent or pr prohibit the construction construction con con- s by others of a competing line S S o or orlin r lines s upon such streets treet or or highways in III I Such wires and cables cables' as may b be I II placed pl under ground shall be placer placed 1 I in suitable in-suitable condu conduits ts for such purposes purpose's all posts and poles erected and used 1 by said grantee its successors and assigns assigns as as- as signs shall be sound and reasonably 7 r straight and at all points where there I i is s any unusual st strain ain shall be properly 7 braced and stayed in a substantial anc and 1 I workmanlike manner and at all points S shall be placed s so as not to i impede ped o or r l interfere with travel or ordinary use se o of f I Ithe th the streets or highways or with th the exercise of oC any rights or privileges o of f the said laid Wasatch county This Tiis grant grail grantis t ts i is s made mide upon condition also that al all 1 wiring of oC all description placed in li 1 buildings for lights or other purposes by sa said d grantee its success successors rs or assigns as assigns assigns as- as signs shall be ma made e in in accordance with all improved and nd modern methods 3 of of insulation IV 1 As As a condition of of gra granting ganin ng this franchise franchise fran Iran chise the grantee herein hereby t agrees for itself its ts successors successors successors' or or ass assigns as as- s signs gns to enter to an agreement anc and I compact with said Wasatch county by byan r rand an and through its proper officers at an any anytime anytime p time during the liCe life of this franchise for a period of not more more than three years and to rene renew renew said c contract at al all i times during the life o of t this is Cran franchise hise to provide furnish and deliver to said oak Wasatch county electric current t to light any of the streets places an and I public buildings with arc lights o of f standard candle power direct current single or double carbon ar arc lights as a amay may be required by said county at a stipulated price not to exceed eighty eighty- four dollars per year for Cor each such I li light ht said lamps to be kept and in continuous good re repair air and and ancl to to tobe be supported sup ported by poles which shall be reasonably reasonably reasonably reason reason- ably sound and straight said poles tu to tobe tobe 3 be not less than six inches in diameter at their tops and to be placed no not it t less ss than four feet in the ground an and d 3 of such length as is necessary to sup sup- yort fort all lamps at an elevation of 2 22 3 feet from fro the socket ck t to to he the ground d or surface of the street v j This franchise shall be accept accepted d within thirty days days' from and after the passage thereof thereof and approval of this ordinance and the construction and equipment of the Electric and Povl Power Pov r system herein mentioned shall b be commenced com com- within three months from Cram the acceptance hereof and said system s shall hall be under operation within eighteen te teen en months from Cram the the acceptance acceptance of tt th this is franchise dad and d all appliances appliance ll when o once nce erected and equipped shall be I k kept ept and maintained in in accordance w with ith the dire directions tion of said county and andaU andall all aU a ll arc lights placed on poles shall not b be e less than twenty feet from the ground ond and all poles shall b erected be erected a and nd maintained in with the d directions of said county of W Wasatch atch VIAll VI VI All AU work being done on the p public bl c I s streets highways and tind pu public lic places i in n locating poles po posts ts wires or appl a an ances es tp to conduct said electric current shall hall h ll l b Q done don under the supervision su Ifa of If a and nd d direction of a competent offic officer r or or- a agent which h s said id co county nty may majr ay desi designate n nat nate ate or r appoint for that p aJl excavations e made in said streets highways highways high high- ways or pu public lic places by bi the said lid grantees their or Of assi assigns assigns' ns s shall hall b be bC placed in good condition and r repair after said excavations are made s and a nd all aU grading shall be replaced of t the he same quality of mater material il ilas as the s same ame was constructed of pf when the exCavations excavations ex ex- were made whenever 1 ever ver sai said c county shall grade or re grade an s str street treet S et highway or public pl place c alon along over or across or under which said grantees their heirs suc successors ess rs or 01 assigns assigns assigns assigns' as as- signs signs' shall have laid conduits or pipe c or located poles or p posts for ove over head wires then said grantees its successors or assigns I shall shall at their expense change said conduits poles or posts or other appliances to to conform to the street or highway graded grade l or re- re graded re-graded upon an order from the said county and in accordance with its directors b 5 VII I The TIle glan grantee tee herein rein its successors a and d assigns shall be alone lia liable tf for all damage that may be sustained by a any y person by reason of the the use of of public U highways for for its its' poles lines lined and equipment equipment equip equip- equipment ment as herein granted and shall bear all c costs of co conducting ducting the defense to any and all ll actions that may be brought a against the said county by reason of its use of the public highways highways high high- ways anti and pay ay any and all Judgments that may be recovered against sai aid saiji t county fo for such dam damage 5 5 VIII 5 The grantees grantees its successor successors arid and assigns as is- is as assigns signs in the construct construction on and erection of th the said electric light and Po Power er system stem may use and occupy f for the fhe poles used and necessary in thel construction con con- and operation of said system such portions of the streets highways highway ys- ys and nd public grounds as said as-said s said County Commissioners m may de designate ignate and d in erecting said paid pol poles s an and in constructing ssi system and i in the maintenance c of i the same shall have due regard fo for or orthe r the safety and preservation of all property property prop prop- erty and their rights right's of all p persons whomsoever including the rights o of f said Wasatch county IX IX Whenever incandescent incandesce t sixteen candle power lights for dwelling or o r busi business ess houses or r either o of th them m o or r. r for Cor Wasatch county are installed a Uniform uniform un un- rate of n not t to to exceed seventy seventy- i five cents cents' per month for br the first light and not to exceed sixty cents pe per r month for or each additional light installed installed installed in in- stalled in any such buildings shall be charged until such time as meters are introduced by bythe the said grantees grantees their successors or or assigns Upon the installation installation installation in in- of meters by the said grantees grantees grant grant- ees their successors or assigns the cost to the consumer f for r lights all things being considered shall be in proportion to the cost of similar lights to o th tho th ink inh inhabitants ab tants of oC other cities o othis of f this State X This ordinance sha shall take effect upon upon upon up up- on acceptance acceptance approval approval and pul lica tion S S XI XI The said grantees their successors or assigns shall bear all ll e expenses of oC publishing this his ordinance Approved this day o of July u 1913 j. j t j S E E. J E.-J 3 l Voting esS Yes es John W. W S M Y i z E. E J. J I Gumming Cummings C Chairman ain 1 of S County co Corn m missioners Wasatch County Utah h S SEAL EAL A Attest test Chas E. E Bronson S County Clerk St State ate of Utah C County of Vas Wasatch CS s I Chas E E. Br Bronson County Clerk in and for Cor Wasatch county State Sate r U Utah tah do h hereby reby certify that J. J fore Ore of going and annexed is g a full lull tru true aj c correct copy of an ordinance gramin t to o the Uintah Power and Light Co a F Franchise to erect and au m maintain n an Electric and Power Paver S System within the County of oi Wasatch S State tate of Utah passed and ani approved ed by t the he Board of Co County nty Commiss Commissioners J jUly July uly 10 1913 and now on file in m lIly ry o office J In witness whereof I have hereunto o s 's set et hand and my affixed r my official s seat seal this 10 h day of July A A. A D D. 1913 S Chas E. E Bronson SEAL County Clerk II |