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W South U Cit Cit Temple Tempi Street S Salt lt L La 1 Free Superfluous Hair Cure Guro CureA A Positive Remedy That Removes Any Hairy Growth and Does Not lot B Burn m the Skin SENT FREE TO YOU FOR TRIAL f fIt kt k t if f It I la is ta easy y now for any woman to KATO have a beautiful face handsome arms a and boat bust free fret from aU superfluous hall hair It doesn't matter maUer whether its it's only a few hairs bairn or a regular regu regu- lar 1801 mustache or goatee or how light or hear Leary the growth Is le It 1 can cau be destroyed la in a few mn with the Elec tro la T nr wonderful hair hall destroyer can be bo used 4 on the rhe ace neck arms bust or any portion of ot ofU U the bod body with perfect safety BaCety It Is la not like other m It will not Irritate burn burnor or scar the most tender akin IJ DO fro matt matter r how haw howlong long tong It Is left on and It never neTer falls to remove remOTe even the most obstinate growth almO almost t Instant I ly It If you Jon want a permanent lasting euro care not no merel mere merely temporary relief Elec tro Ia tro-la tro Is le what wha you should use uie for tor it ft goes to tb the tha hair roots and kills kUla them We ba have hare decided to send Bend a trial m Elec Klee tro-la tro to any man or woman who writes for fork It to prove proTe that it does doea all aU we say ay upon receipt of 61 ofa f fa a two cent two stamp to help cover COTer cost of mailing The regular re sized sited bottle Is 1100 and your mone money will wUl be refunded If It Elec tro Elec tro not do all aU ws we claim El We dont don't o ask lo you uJ to take our word falc for what tro Elec will do Just Jast fill out Trial cou coupon pon pOD below and mall w with a a. two centa two cent stamp today FREE TREATMENT Fin Fill In your Jour name namo and aDd address on dotted lines below belo and tend send It to Ko Ko Rec Co 00 ti 61 State bt St t. t Chicago O. O enclosing a awo wo two cent ent ft tamp stamp to belp cover corer mailing and we TO will I send Bend at once a fro free trial Y bottle that show what U tro tro-ls tro r. r will do tor for you V Y u m tt n Good Reason Why did leave the cost cast ol oJ that tank drama Because he wanted to be bo the tank ASK FOR FOB ALLES ALLENS FOOT-EASE FOOT be powder to shako bako Into your shoes bowl I R n. n tiara n. n Corns Conn Nails Nalls 4 and Sweating feet Buster Blisters and aDd Call spot pots pot Sold Bolt everywhere 26 Ito s. s Dont Don't accept an cap ant Sam Barn plo pie EBB Address Allen Allea S S- S d. d Le Roy nor NY NT Had the Same Samo Trouble Howell They Howell They s say y that the new queen likes to have her own way Powell Powell Powell-My My wife is a queen j allright all allright aU right Consolidation You say Im I'm a liar sir r You claim that Im I'm a thief thier sir Say Say Well 7 y Lets go Into partnership You get the money and I will pay the taxes FOUND ND RIGHT PATH After a False Start In 1890 1590 I began to drink coffee coffea At that time I was healthy and enJoyed en en- Joyed life At first I noticed no bad etre effects ts from the tho Indulgence but in course of ot time found that various troubles were coming upon me Palpitation of ot the heart took unto Itself sick and nervous headaches kidney kidney kid kid- ney troubles followed Cd and eventually my stomach became so deranged that I even a light meal caused mo me ser s se u ua Distress failed Our physicians physician's prescriptions to help me and then I dosed myself with patent medicines till I was thoroughly thoroughly thor thoro disgusted and hopeless II Finally nally I began to suspect that coffee cot cof I fee was the cause causo of my troubles I experimented experimented experimented ex ex- by leaving It off ort except for ono one small smaIl cup at breakfast This helped some but did not altogether relieve relieve relieve re re- re- re lieve my distress It satisfied me however that I was on the right track So I gave gave up coffee cortee altogether and began to use In ten days I found myself greatly improved my nerves steady my head my kidneys kid working better and better my hearts heart's action rapidly Improving my appetite Improved and the ability to cat ent a hearty meal without subsequent suffering restored to me And this condition condition con con- remains Leaving off ort coffee and using aid Id this with no help from drugs as aa I abandoned the use of ot medicines when I began to use the food tood drink NamE NamE- given by Co Battle Battlo Creek Mich Theres a 11 reason and It is explained explained explained ex ex- Jn In n the little book The Road to In nver ne rend the lite above letter leUe A c one from time lime to t. time They are r genuine true rue and fall tun of ter t |