Show UTAH STATE NEWS l' l The Thc new motor car service was Inaugurated In on the Oregon Short Line between Salt Lake City and Brigham City last week When the first good autumn rain has fallen alien In Utah the forest service will commence transplanting several thousand thousand thou sand young trees trel in Big DIg Cottonwood canyon Brigham City is freer from contagious contag contag- ious bus diseases now than for many years There is not a single case of disease of a contagious nature existing within the city limits The enrollment for the opening day of the public schools In Salt Lake showed d an enrollment of pupils pupils pu pu- pu pils against on the corresponding correspond correspond- ing day last year ear Mrs Reed Smoot wife of Utah's senior senator was operated up upon u in m Salt Labe last week for the removal of a tumor which formed some f few nY years fears ago as the result of a bruise Ten carloads of peaches a day now are being shipped snipped from Ogden and at the rate the orchard men are gathering gathering gathering gath gath- ering their crops crop the average will be raised soon to fifteen carloads a day Having been granted space at the fair lair grounds during the coming fair the city health department of Salt Lake is preparing to install a very complete and Interesting health ex ex- ex- ex hibit Four more Inmates of the State Stale Industrial Industrial In In- school at Ogden made their escape Wednesday evening making a a. a total number of fugitives now at large of Df six who left the institution within a IL week Fire caused by a n. spark from an engine engine en- en gine Bine falling on a n. painted freshly roof totally destroyed the tho Denver Rio Uio rande depot baggage room and eatIng eatIng eating eat eat- ing house at Thistle The loss was near J. J J. J Morris who shot and killed Joseph W. W Axtell In Salt alt Lake City has been sentenced to be hanged at atthe atthe attile the tile state prison on Monday October 9 Morris chose hanging as the tho method of execution I Morgan Summit r r. r Uintah Washington Cache and Iron counties have all completed arrangements for Cor county fairs to be held this month The county fairs thus far arranged will last from three to six days Suffering from Injuries by being run rUll over Dver by a wagon which may lUay develop Into paralysis Frank aged 14 14 of Ogden is in a critical condition The boy fell underneath the wheels while endeavoring to climb on a load load- sd d wagon wago When President Taft visits Salt Lake O October tober 5 his entertainment while he is Is' within Is-within within the cit city will be Inthe in inthe inthe the hands of oC a committee of promInent prominent prom prom- Salt Lake business men to whom will be del be-del delegated bo gated the task of properly doing honor to the nations nation's chief ex ex- ex- ex ve Joseph Clan fifty years old one o f the best known Italians in Salt Lake committed suicide at his home Thursday Thursday Thurs Thurs- day nig night t by discharging a double-bar- double re te aimed under his chin The shot e entered his Me brain It Is is thought Insomnia had made him temporarily Insane A photograph of a mortgage and promissory noto note reproduced on the back of ofa a postal card and sent through the malls to the tho giver of the mortgage mortgage mortgage mort mort- gage constitutes a criminal violation of DC the postal laws according to thase the th sane case made out against Levi O. O Scofield field of Eureka The institution of the postal savIngs savings sayings sav say ings department of the Salt Lake postoffice has brought to the attention of Df the state board of equalization the Question as to whether deposits in inthe inthe intile the tile national bank of or Uncle Sam Saman Samsan san mn an be entered in the tax list and taxed by the state Within eight months the mammoth waterpower plant of the Davis Weber Counties Canal company willbe will willbe willbe be completed and ready for operation according to the terms of the contract contract contract con con- tract which has been entered into between the canal company and the tho successful bidder Because of the alleged refusal of the foreman to expend 50 cents toward toward toward to to- ward prevention of another tragedy similar to that In which two men recently lost their lives in the Daly West mine thirty men employed at atthe atthe atthe the Ontario darin tunnel at Park City on Wednesday went out on a strike The infant daughter of Mrs G. G W. W of Salt Lake swallowed an open safety pin which lodged in th the childs child's throat A surgeon extracted ex cx- meted the pin and the child has fulty ful Cut ly ty recovered Purchasing two cartridges on the tho pretense of shooting at the targets In a shooting gallery in Ogden Bert Bates of Salt Lake suddenly turned the tho rifle on himself and fired a bulLet bul bul- let Into his brain The Pacific shops at Ogden Og Og- den have resumed their former schedule schedule schedule sched sched- ule of or nine hours a day and six days daya a week the change according to the local officials having been made possible possible pos pos pos- sible Bible by an Increased amount of repair repair re re- re pair pall work to be done dono John W. W Seeley aged 26 was wag found lead In Salt Lake it being evident that he had he-had had Six weeks ago agoa a young woman to whom Seeley had been paying attentions unexpectedly married another The Tho shock was too much for Seeley and he began drink- drink lag Ing il |