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Show BRIDGE LAND AND ARCADIA NEWS m Mrs. Gary Goodrich and pis of Vernal visited at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Holgate of Arcadia Saturday. and Mrs. Robert Reed and daughter were weekend guesteof Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Mt. Lion of Bridgeland. Rosita Myore of Salt Lake City is visiting with her parents. Jfcg ,M. Henry MyoPre J Mr. and Mrs. Hale Holgate " turned this week from LaGrande, Oregon where they have been guests of their duaghter and son--law, Mr. and Mrs. Chad Evans. Evelyn Bleazard. returned home Sunday from Salt Lake City where she has been visiting visit-ing at the home of her daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Thompson who are the proud parents of a new baby girl. Stanley Thompson, young son of Mr. and Mrs. Thompson, came with his grandmother for a few days1 visit. Mr. and Mrs. Arch White and Patsy were business visitors in Salt Lake City Wednesday and Thursday. ' Bishop and Mrs. LeGrand Gilbert were Salt Lake visitors Thursday. Mrs. Viola Shepard, of Bridgeland was hospitalized Saturday Sat-urday in Roosevelt with a heart attack. Friends and neighbors all join in wishing her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Eugene Preslar was in Salt Lake City Wednesday to keep an appointment with her eye doctor. She also visited relatives while there. Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Shepard were Mr. and M s. Oral Holladay, brother ' of Mrs. Shepard of Salt Jake City. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Ross of Duchesne were dinner guests of their son, Mr. R. G. Ross of Arcadia Sunday. Mrs, Jack Bleazard and Mike drove to Salt Lake Friday where they attended to business and visited with relatives. .Mr. Morris Preslar stopped for a short visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Preslar Friday. Mr. Cecil Hanburg of Salt Lake visited for a short time at the home of his mother and father-in-law Saturday. Saturday night, fourteen young people from the Bridgeland Ward M. I. A. put on a special dance at the Gold and Green Ball at Altamont. Mrs. Lawrence Odekirk spent last week in Salt Lake where she took treatments for her back and; visited friends, returning to her home in Arcadia Saturday. |