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Show TabiomaWews by Florence Turnbow Tabiona began their cleanup clean-up campaign Saturday by first cleaning the outside of the streets. The fire engine: was used to control the many fires. People are still urged to continue on in the clean-up. The D.U.P. ladies enjoyed an evening of entertainment at the home of Mrs. Jennie Jones. Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Clista Defa were the hostesses, serving the ladies a delicious salad and pie luncheon. Mrs. Afton Giles gave the lesson on the pioneers; Mrs. Grace Giles finished the history of Samuel Winterton. Other ladies who were present were Mrs. Thelma Nye, Mrs. Martha Giles, Mrs. Ina Vantassell, Mrs. Deon Rhoades, Mrs. Vivian Curry, Mrs. Elm a Clark and Mrs. Jannette Turnbow. Tabiona High School students presented three short plays last Monday evening at the high school. They took them on an exchange assembly to Duchesne, Altamont and Vernal. Ver-nal. Norma Curry and Art Morin were in one entitled "Lunatic". Junita Sweat and Leah Chavez, Sherrie Williams, Keith Rhoades, and Beverly Clark were in ,rThe Bishops Candle Stick". Primary officers from Tabiona to attend Primary Stake Leadership last Saturday were Crystal Hackett, Flora Fabrizio, Wanda Ivie, DeEtta Casper, and Florence Turnbow. They learned new songs for the May family hour that will be presented in each ward. "The Miracle of a Teacher" will be by the Primary May 1st, Mr. and Mrs. Castieberry from Salt Lake City are newcomers new-comers to Tabiona. They will run the old Merthan Moons ranch this summer. Another new family which have moved to Tabiona are Mr. and Mrs. Rex Jinkens and family. They live at Gayle Wagstaffs . old house. Mr. Jinkins is employed em-ployed at the Wagstaff sawmill. Mrs. Jannette Turnbow is in Salt Lake City with her mother Mrs. Jane Davidson. Mrs. Davidson has pneumonia. Jannette went Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Don Eversole and family to Provo. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Van Tassell and family spent three days visiting Mr. and Mrs. Brent Chugg of Providence. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie C ha twin and sons of Heber. Tabiona Seminary students who attended the Seminar at Roosevelt Friday evening were Keith Rhoades, Owen Van Tassell, Tas-sell, Boyd Turnbow, Art Morin, Eugene Chavez, Kathleene Young, Beverly Clark, Junita Sweat, Joy Turnbow, LeVere Fabrizio, LaLona Humes and Norma Curry. Ralph Erickson, Seminary Advisor, Ina Van Tassell and Flora Fabrizio accompanied the youths. Nearly Near-ly all participated in the meeting. meet-ing. Mr. and Mrs. George Clements Cle-ments of Provo brought Joseph Rhoades home Friday evening. Mr. Rhoades has been visiting at Provo, Pleasant Grove and at the Salt Lake Temple the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Don Eversole enjoyed a visit last week of Mr. Eversole 's mother. Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Carter attended a testimonial Sunday evening at the assembly hall at Salt Lake City, for Mr. and Mrs. Fred Nash, who are going to the East Central States Mission. Mis-sion. Mrs. Nash is Mrs. Carter's Car-ter's sister. They are from the a Mill Creek 7th Ward at Murry. Mrs. Orpha Michie is in the Heber hospital. She entered Saturday. Eugene Chavez sprained and tore ligaments loose in his elbow last week at school while taking track. Tex Giles also received injury to his foot Friday while jumping. Mr. and Mrs. Gengt Dals-trum Dals-trum and family of Salt Lake City enjoyed the weekend at Mr. and Mrs, Jack Young's. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Collett visited Sunday afternoon. Visitors at Mr. and Mrs. Curt Jones1 over the weekend were Mr. and Mrs. Lee Giles and family, Lnnda Stone and family, and Loretta Casper and daughter all of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Leonal Webb received word that Gean Jackson Jack-son was killed Saturday when a car fell on him. Mrs. Jackson Jack-son is the former Lola Hardman, Mrs. Webb's sister. Robert Casper received his call to the service. He leaves April 12th. Mr. and Mrs. Doug Carlile and Mrs. Nora LeFevre of Heber visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Carlile and Mr. and Mrs. Walter LeFevre. Bernard Winkler and Udell Winkler were the speakers at Sacrament meeting Sunday night. ' Fred Erickson received his graduation certificate from Primary. He was voted on to be ordained to the office of a deacon. Jerry and Marilyn Lee and son Michael Charles names were read and approved for membership of the Tabiona Ward. Mr. and Mrs. Dean Webb of Kearns were visiting Tuesday Tues-day at Mrs. Mildred Webbs, Ada Stanley and Deon Rhoades. Mrs. Webb recently returned from California where she visited her mother, Mrs. Mildred Stanley, who is very m. |