Show FACTS FA FAVOR I FORD M. M 1 jg The 1939 Ford V 8 is a beautiful modern motor car Its 85 engine gives you ou economical well balanced performance over oer the thc entire speed range 67 2 The Thc structural strength of the Ford car frame bracing axles hod body makes not only for safety but durability and long life Le J Ford hydraulic brakes are exceptionally large larga and strong i in proportion to car weight 4 The Ford car is stabilized for comfortable table riding Its the distance between front and rear suspension is inches Scats Seats are toward the thc center perfectly balanced The car does not bob or dip and can have very little sway e 0 o These four points power strength safety safely comfort are arc by far the thc most important essentials in any motor car They form the thc basic value of your our investment With Willi this solid foundation to build on the theFord theFord theFord Ford V 8 has been made beautiful spacious easy to drive It is richly upholstered and has all the thc modern features wl which cb add to the lux lux- luxury ur ury and pleasure of motoring You can sec these things when you take atrial a atrial atrial trial drive but hut do not forget that the main value is in the things you do not readily see quality of materials precision of manufacture fundamental engineering e i VB EXCELS IN THE TIIE THINGS THAT COUNT r PIERSON T MOTOR USED CAR BARGAINS 1 1 Plymouth Coupe 1933 Model lodel Practically Practically Practically cally Y N New ev Motor 1 1 Plymouth Cou Coupe Coup p e 1931 model 1 I Ford table Convex Collve r to 1 le Roadster 1931 model 1 I V V 8 8 Tudor Sedan 1935 model 1 I V V 8 8 Pickup 1937 7 Model lodel SON PIER MOTOR CO AUTHORIZED FORD DEALERS Duchesne Utah Get Your bookkeeping and s stationery stationery sta sta- I a-I needs at the Record Office I L l mi miN N I fv 2 l K 9 rt I i Pop t M ea S Sake take ake up small space but they fill a it abig CANS calls big demand for qualify BEER DEER BOTTLES JUGS lucs DRAUGHT DISTRIBUTED D BY O OR rr P. P W. W CARROLL VERNAL UTAH o 0 7 G h RI rd Important Schedule Changes and Additional Service DENVER SALT LAKE LAIE PACIFIC A YS Effective Sunday June 11 1939 Q 2 2 BUSES TO SALT SAL LAKE LAIE CITY CITY Will Will leave at a a. a m m. m and p p. m. m 02 2 2 BUSES TO DENVER DENVER will leave at 1130 a a. a m. m and 1201 a. a m m. m For Information tickets A. A J J. J GERRY Agent Phone Stanton Garage Salt Denver Lake Pacific Stages Unit vu ol er l S U yS S I ti rte T T i J i l J t 1 if this camel holds records EVEN for going without going without more drink td I could he last if he had to start dry x Your car and your our en engine c o oil cant can't rt last either if Y you keep starting startinA dry tl this s Summer You can cant can't t help it rt with any oil that always tva s drains rains down oti n to the crankcase crank crank- case completely But you Sou can certainly cere I A hd help it b by getting ettin your our en engine ne OIL u NEVER all down in in the crankcase a. a no matter how long you park OIL OIL- 44 PLATING is is lastingly knit close to inner inner inner in in- in- in ner engine surfaces by the thc action of erm Processed oil oil- oil pat oil pat at- at Its strong H power power of attraction r r fastens non non detachable detachable PLATING OIL-PLATING A throw throughout bout your our en engine ine Does chrome chrome- P plating drain down Neither does doess Y 7 s OIL PLATING Therefore in advance of starting its it's ready to slide every f worl working ng part into easy motion without without with with- uy a P out rag rasping in dryness And since OIL PLATING OIL PLATING doesn't fl fly Y off or fry u up F it helps your engine to shatter the record record rec rec- t 8 4 ord for without more going without more oil That's r why to OIL PLATE OIL PLATE today with Germ Processed oil at Your Mileage leage b Merchants Continental Oil Co CONOC GERM PROCESSED Oil PLATES OIL IL L E Y YOUR U ENGINE DO YOU WANT VANT TO ENJOY YOUR VACATION Then let us prepare Y your car with a motor complete lubrication lubrication lubrication lubrica lubrica- tion washing and polishing job fob and official state road inspection r lOn I 3 C General Dealers L i F Frank ran k R Reed ee d' d s s. S service Repairing |