Show Utah State Press Association Enjoys Summer Outing In Scenic Area About Moab Editors Enjoy Hospitality t Of Moab Lions Club On Scenic Trips I Mrs Wardle Wins Vins First Prize In Duchesne Drawing Draving Mrs Jed Wardle Duchesne was the first lucky winner of the 10 grand prize being given away each week by Duchesne merchants at atthe atthe atthe the drawing held last Saturday at 3 p p. p m. m Hers was the first ticket drawn for the grand prize and she was on hand to claim it immediately If the person whose name appears on the first ticket drawn for this prize is not present at the drawing the 1000 is held over and added to the next weeks prize according to the rules Other winners who received merchandise prizes Saturday in included included included in- in Mrs Martha Shanks two prizes the Haddens three prizes Mrs Joe Cowan Mrs Howard Cowan Mrs James Birch George Averett Mrs Brown Tom Thomas one prize each The complete list of prize winners win win- Winners winners ners and those whose names were drawn but were not present to claim the prizes was not kept This error will be corrected in the future The drawings are held each Saturday afternoon at 3 p p. p m m. North Editors Win Handball Game GameOn GameOn GameOn On La Sal The unusual scenery of the Colorado river was the main attraction attraction attraction at at- traction to visiting editors from all aU parts of the state convening ning at Moab last Saturday and Sunday for the summer press outing L. L L L. L Taylor publisher of the Moab Times Independent was chairman of the summer outing committee with the Lions Club of Moab acting acting acting act act- ing as liS hos hosts to the visitors It was the first visit for many of the editors into that part of Utah which lies along the river above and around its junction with the Green river and afforded the means for these particularly to acquaint themselves with the scenic wonders to be found there Starting with a supper Friday evening for the early arrivals the c convention got under way officially at the Grand County court house at 10 a. a a m. m Saturday morning following ving a game of golf gol by those who had spent the night in Moab Barbecues Barbecue After a sh short rt business session at which a resolution was adopted thanking the club and the town I Ifor for the hospitality shown the visitors visitors visitors tors were loaded into cars cars' and taken to the Warner recreation area on the La Sal mountains There they saw the final turns given to a pig and lamb roasting on spits over a bonfire and then Continued on Page 8 |