Show Use of Dial Telephones Is Inaugurated Here Wednesday Afternoon Change from front Manual l to Dial Operation Takes Less Than Half Minute I Fish and Games Club Gets Good Start As Fishing Opens With the opening of the fishing season only two days away sportsmen sports sports- i men are directing their attentions to this sport and the Duchesne Fish and Game club is taking advantage advantage advantage ad ad- vantage of the increased interest by building up support for its ac ac- ac- ac The club now has 42 paid up members according to Ernest Thatcher vice president of f the club almost double the membership membership membership mem mem- reported at the election of officers last week Plans are beIng being being be be- ing made for a concerted drive for memberships among fishermen who will try their luck in Lake Canyon next Sunday It is expected expected expected ex ex- ex- ex that many of the out out-of- I town fishermen who customarily use basin waters will be glad to support the local organization who whose chief interest is the plantIng planting planting plant plant- i ing of additional fish in local waters wa wa- Officers and committee Uee members elected and appointed at the recent re- re cent election were Wm H. H Lawson Lawson Law Law- Lawson son president Ernest Thatcher vice-president vice Claude Davis Secretary Secretary Secretary Sec Sec- Treasurer Ed Carman Cannan and IG G. A A. Goodrich membership committee committee com com- Ralph Halstead Franklin com Davies and Chris Cluff activities I I committee Plans for a fishermans fisherman's Riot at Moon Lake within the near future are being formulated and will vill be announced soon the activities committee committee committee com com- reports In the mean time timea a pron promise se has been obtained that the the road to Lake Canyon will be worked on on Friday Priday and Saturday and Mr Cluff and Mr Halstead are going to the lake Friday to seine out as many of the chubs there as possible Three loads of legal sized fish have been promised the club to tobe tobe tobe be planted in Rock Creek Yellowstone Yellowstone Yellowstone Yellow Yellow- stone and Strawberry Two loads were reported planted recently in Moon Lake To increase interest in opening day fishing Mr Thatcher announces announces announces an an- that the Tavern will give a half case of beer to the person weighing in the largest fish there thereon on that day i i I I Record Editor Makes First Toll Call Over New Nev System With a rapid snip snip snip of a pair pall of shears and a quick pull on a board to which was fastened a series of Insulators the cables leading to the old switch switchboard switchboard switchboard board were separated and the contacts contacts contacts con con- of the n new w equipment allowed allowed allow allow- ed to touch and in some 20 seconds of time Wednesday at 2 p I p. p m. m Duchesne Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- chesne was cut over to the dial telephones Mrs Nina Burger for several years contract manager of the Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- Du- Du chesne chesno office and here from especially for the occasion occasion occasion occa occa- sion made the last call on the old system talking to Mr Troth at Roosevelt to tell him Wm the change was ready Almost immediately afterward the first toll call over the new system placed by Roy A. A editor of the Uintah Basin Record by courtesy of the Mountain States Tel and Tel re reported reported re re- ported to the Salt Lake Tribune that Duchesne was operating under the dial telephone system Officials Present Present to witness and assist in inthe inthe inthe the change were we're Andrew Horn state Commercial Supervisor F. F L. L Pickering state Traffic Superintendent Superintendent Super Super- Superintendent Arthur Brown plant suI superintendent superintendent su su- su- su O. O K K Fotheringham Roosevelt Manager and Wm Earle line foreman for the southern south south- ern District for the Mountain States Tel and TeL and B B. B A. A Mese Mesa Supervising Foreman and Paul PaulMoore PaulMoore PaulMoore Moore Foreman for the Western Electric Company who installed the equipment No sooner had the change been made than the equipment took up upa a steady buzzing and clicking as curious users started calling each other to see how the new dial phones would work Officials present kept up a steady watch immediately plugging in wherever the action of the mechanism indicated indicated indicated in in- that anyone might be having having having hav hav- ing trouble in the new dials The only trouble experienced experienc experienc- ed at any time came when a heavy bolt of lightning struck and put one phone out of commission It took anly a few minutes to correct the trouble when it became became be be- came CaIne known kno Fourth City Duchesne is the fourth city in Utah to be placed on the dial system tem Coalville Hurricane and Parowan in the order named having having hav hav- ing preceded it The fifth to be changed to the new system willbe will willbe willbe be Garfield some time in the near future according to the telephone officials Salt Lake City is scheduled scheduled scheduled sched sched- for the change some time in 1940 An investment of approximately in equipment was necessitated necessitated for the change in Duchesne including the switching S apparatus Continued on Page 8 I Use of Dial Telephones Is Here Wednesday Afternoon Continued From Page 1 and the new phones throughout th the e city These phones pare are re of the latest lat latest lat lat- est type containing the dial 1 mechanism bells and all aU in a single piece of equipment In Roosevelt Roose The equipment is housed in a small airtight building especially y constructed construct d for it by H. H A A. A Pierson Pierson Pierson Pier Pier- son from whom it is rented There will be no office and n no operators in Duchesne All to toll business information etc will be handled by the Roosevelt operator operator operator opera opera- tor who will answer the Oper Operator Operator Operator ator call on the dial A dial i is s installed in Roosevelt through h which all Duchesne phones are accessible accessible ac ac- to the Roosevelt opera opera- tor Arrangements have been n made however er for the payment o of ot bills to Mrs Hildur Johnstun for those who desire to take care o othis of of f this business locally Installation of new phones and equipment has been done during the past two months and everything everything everything every every- I thing is now complete with the exception exception exception ex ex- of the removal of the old phones which was Vas expected to t take ke I only a few days |