Show MEALS A inu I in Suit Lake I served byThe by The MAYFLOWER CAFE at nt South Main POPULAR Main POPULAR PRICED Luncheons Luncheon Dinners and Sandwiches S HOTELS HOTEL P PLANDOME PLA L A K D 0 M E SALT LAI LAKE E lib SI 53 State St. St Rates 1 to 52 2 When In R RENt RENO NEVADA ADA stop at nt the I HOTEL GOLDEN GOLDEN COLDEN Reno's Renos larrest and most enact popular la r hotel hotd APARTMENT HOTEL Block mock tram from rota Temple Reasonable Rates Hates day week or mouth month Completely ely furnished 70 10 n. n No Temple Salt Lake Loke PHOTO ENLARGEMENTS ROLL KOLL DEVELOPED 8 enlargements Mc at nt your our Drug Store Stor or mail EN LARGO P. P O. O Box 57 Salt Lake Lak 16 PRINTS Itoh Dev Des and IS 16 prin prints Mc 16 1 Reprints Me HEX REX PHOTO OGDEN UTAH VENETIAN BLINDS Order your Venetian Blinds Blinda made to order and 9 shipped within 5 days Finest tn quality and fi finish vl Write for o i information and order blanks Dealers wanted UtAh wanted Utah Venetian Blind Factory W W. So Salt Salt Lake PACKARD AUTOMOBILES The New Ne Packard 6 Delivers Dellvera Now in Salt Snit Lake 1 for 1123 1128 Equipped Jackson Motor CI Co Motor Avenue 2nd East Salt Lake HEMORRHOID TREATMENT Hemorrhoids PILES and other r rectal disorders disorders dis die orders cured without the knife For literature literature literature litera litera- ture and information write SURGICAL SURGICAL NON-SURGICAL CLINIC Templeton Bid Bldr Salt Lake City TRUSSES Surgical Instruments Hospital Supplies Trusses Truse Manufacturers of oC Abdominal Supporters Sup Sup- porters Elastic Stockings Stocking t The Physicians Supply Company 4 44 4 W V 2nd South St. St Salt Lake Liko City Utah OFFICE EQUIPMENT NEW AND USED desks and chairs file typewriters addIng rach's rachs cafes cases bk S S. S I. I L. L DESK EX 35 W. W Broadway Salt Lake ICE CREAM FREEZERS I SODA FOUNTAINS ICE FOUNTAINS ICE CREAM CHEAM COUNTER COUN COUN- TER FREEZERS and Ice Cream cabinets cabinets- lIar Dar Fixtures Fixture Stools Steam Tables Also reconditioned equipment equipment terms MOSER MOSER HARTMAN IAN ART CO Manufacturers a 55 Post Office Place Salt Lake CU City WATCE REPAIRING Watches cleaned rind and repaired regardless of oC condition only 2 Pack Jack carefully and mall Meyers e Wholesale e Watch t Repair Service r 54 53 East t 1st It South Salt Lake City f A WOMAN b between bc 30 40 Refined as IU exclusive sive e distributor for tor Nat Corporation Must rave have ave car financially responsible References Grace W. W Ball Dall Ut UL Sav Say Trust Bids S. S L. L TIRE lRE REPAIRING and RECAPPING We Wet can Repair or Recap in our shop enop Any e size 2 Truck or Tractor Tire up to and antI including 1350 BAILEY Inc Firestone Distributors stI West Third South Salt Snit Lake City PHOTOGRAPHY PHOTO-KRAFT PHOTO ECONOMY FILM SERVICE Any Roll Developed with 8 Quality Prints Extra Prints Wrap rap coin and film carefully SCHRAMM-JOHNSON SCHRAMM DRUGS PHOTO KRAFT Box Salt Lake City Utah BUSINESS TRAINING L D. D S. S Training Doesn't Cost Cost It It Pays LOOKING FOR WORK WHAT T CAN YOU DO s b Take a short inexpensive course in business training and you can answer that question satisfactorily L. L D. D S. S BUSINESS COLLEGE 70 o NORTH MAIN SALT LAKE CITY Baby Chicks U. U S. S Approved Tested Leghorns Lea Reds Rocks nock end and others Production Bred Mountain Bred and Acclimated Hatched Right Delivered Fr Fresh h Produced under Government and State u supervision ut for tor Your four p pot protection ot Chick Brooders Fa Wn rera Etc Etc SUPERIOR TURKEY Write call caU or wire for Cor free Cree circular circulars and prices Cooperating In InTHE InTHE InTHE I THE NATIONAL POULTRY IMPROVEMENT PLAN Youre You're dollars ahead when wileD there Ramshaw bred RAMS RAMSHAW HAW HATCHERIES South State Slate Street Slit Silt Lake Lkc City Utah We Week k No SALT LAKE CLASSIFIED DEPARTMENT REMEDY EPILEPTICS Why EPILEPTICS Why not have the others h have EpU Epilepsy permanently perma relieved Send Oc st stamp mp POWELL TOWELS A CO Walla W Wash Songs Poems Wanted Soot Songs Sour Poems bought composed published Metro Melody Music Publish eta ers Geary St. St San Francisco Call Calif OLD FOLKS Here Hero IB Is Amazing Relief for Duo to Sluggish Bowels If you oU think all afi laxatives lt IIII act alike just tY try 1 So all mild 1 laxative tl IC- IC Invigorating Dependable relief rc from sick headaches bilious spells feeling when associated with constipation Mt a bot of r rU Nil from your Ills Risk KISK JJ r Without t. t Mako u tho t test tet then If U not return tho box to us Wo We will mu rotund refund the tho purchase That fel fair Oct NR Tablets today I. I ALWAYS CARRY RELIEF FOR ACID INDIGESTION Pp KILL ALL FLIES 1 7 1 Placed r Mr ny Killer attracts and kills flies s' s e I Guaranteed Neat convenient Cannot N U a 0 all lI reason resson at aU dealers toe Inc I W V W 22 39 22 39 nEW IDEAS ADVERTISEMENTS arc are your guide to modem modern living They bring you today's NEWS about the food you eat t and ond the clothes you wear WeM the stor stores you OU visit and the home homo you live in Factories everywhere are turning out new and interesting products a. a O e And the tIle place to find out about these new things is right here in inthis inthis this newspaper Its columns ore are filled with important m messages es which you should read rend |