Show MARKET REPORT Weekly summary of the tho North Salt Lake Lalm livestock market for week ended Friday Juno 3rd Cattle and Calves The receipts in the cattle alleys al alleys alleys al- al leys totaled head hend compared to last week and 1128 durIng during dur dur- inga ing a like period a year ago The cattle market was generally steady during the current ses ses- sion were 25 lower Top good steers and heifers were absent A few low good steer offerings offerings offerings of of- made Common Common Common Com Com- mon to medium grades ranged from Common to medium medium me me- chum heifers secured The bulk of good cows scored the latter price pice ce mr those on or or- der Common to medium kinds made Cutter grades extremely thin offerIngs offerIngs offerings offer- offer Ings down to Bulls brought A few choice made Medium to good 1 kinds scored Common graes down to Hogs Bogs During the weeks week's session scion inthe Inthe in inthe the hog barns butcher classes have declined Packing sows were fully steady The closing top is The bulk of good to choice lb Ib butchers ranged ranged ranged rang rang- ed from Mixed offerings offerings offerings offer offer- ings ranged down to Packing Packing Packing Pack Pack- ing sows bulked from with light smooth kinds on butcher butcher butcher but but- cher order up to Sheep The receipts in the sheep sheds during duling the week totaled head against during the previous week and receipts of over a like period a a. year a- a go The arrivals of California spring lambs up to date totaled decks or head compared compared compared com com- pared to decks or head up to a corresponding date a year ago The lamb market has advanced compared ed to closing sales last week Closing sales of California lambs during the previous deck deek included ed 6 doubles good to choice 87 82 lb Ib at straight 3 doubles scaling 82 lbs Ibs at sorted 30 out to the car at One double made with to out at One Que double 80 lb Ib Utah lambs secured heavily heavily heavily ly sorted at Near the close of the week 3 doubles of good to choice 82 lb Ib California lambs made straight five doubles doubles doubles doub doub- les around 78 lb Ib clipped Califor Califor- nias at straight A few lots lotsof lotsof lotsof of drive in lambs ranged from Odd lots of slaughter ter ewes Note Noto Carloads of shipped-in shipped live v stock bought for reshipment on on the Ogden and North Salt Lake markets carry freight benefits inva in invariable invariable va variable able amounts except when otherwise stated |