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Show UINTAH BASIN FRIDAY, JUNE 10, 1938. j matter 1922 at the Postoffice at 26, The Myton Literary Club held Mming Company. May Display Advertising Mr. and Mrs. Dave Allen and Flat Rate, For Plates, Per Agate Duchesne, Utah, under the act ot its regular meeting at the home of Mrs. Wilmer Murray on Wed- family have rented their house March, 3, 1879. Line, 2c. and took pos30c. Per Colurn Inch, nesday of last week, with the to Harold Knudsea home Monnew their following members and guests session of Classified and Reading Notices N. Mrs. A. Lost Edinlaton, day. present: For Sale, For Rent, Wanted, SUBSCRIPTION RATES Mias Alice Mr. Harold Frandsen of Hanand Found, Miscellaneous, 10c per Three Months .75 Mrs. Hilary Holder, Mrs. for John Mrs. line 5c Zirker Todd, Sr., na was visiting at the home of per line, first Insertion; 1.00 Months H. S. Sutherland, Mrs. James his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Otto each succeeding issue minimum Six 32.00 One Year Dalgleish, Mrs. J. B. Stewart, Frandsen Tuesday. charge, 30c. Mrs. O. A. Smith, Mrs. Jack Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Todd, Miss and Mrs. Alan Sims. A new Alice Todd, Mr. and Mrs. A. N. THE FORGOTTEN MAN member, Mrs. J. B. Stewart was Edmiston and daughter Pauline, voted into the club. A review of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Todd and "The Tudor Wench 'by Elswyth Nancy Ann and Philipp, and Mrs. Thane was given by Mr. Edmis-to- Alan Sims and children spent after the usual current events Sunday afternoon picnicking on at roll call. The hostess served the Duchesne river west of MyADVERTISING RATES Entered es second-clas- s Gin-ge- ll n delicious lunch at the close of ton, the afternoon. The next meeting Mr. Denzel Hemphill is driving will be held June 15th at the mail truck on Route No. 1 the with home of Mrs. Wm. Stewart out of Myton during the absence the review assigned to Mrs. J. of Mr. Giles Wood who is visitB. Stewart. in Michigan. Mr and Mrs. Warren Odekirk ing Mary Harris was the Margaret and family arrived Wednesday of Edmiston last Pauline of last week from ElPaso, Texas, geest to the Monday week, returning being called here by the serious Harris rivFork on Lake camp illness of Mr. Odekirks brother, er. the Lawrence, who Is confined to Mr. Frank Defa of Hanna was Veterans hospital In Salt Lake business visitor in Myton on a and City. Mr. and Mrs. Odekirk son and Mr. Nick Odekirk con- Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Stone retinued on to Salt Lake Thursday turned Thursday from & visit to and found Lawrence sufficiently and Salem. Miss Zella improved that Warren felt he Ogden Miss Beatrice Stone, Stone and could return to his duties in Texas. Mrs. Odekirk and son motor- sisters of Mr. Stone accompanireturn from ed to Logan Friday where they ed them on their a were joined by Robert Zirker, Salem and will visit here for time. short who has been attending school Mrs. Charles Meranda visited there and ail returned to Myin Vernal Saturday with her sisOdeton FViday evening. Mrs. who kirk and children will spend ter, Mrs. Wallace Jones, to Colorado came Vernal from to Mrs. some time here visiting with end. week the Odekirks parents, Mr. and Mrs. spend Mr. H S. Sutherland and Mr. John Zirker Sr. Wm. Sutteer came up from OurW. Duchesne Mr. E. Crocker of to spend the week end with was transacting business in My- ay families. their ton Saturday afternoon. Miss Alma Lamb, who ha3 been Mr. R. C. Walker and Mr. attending the University of Utah Frank Hale of Duchesne and Mr. in Salt Lake City returned TuesWillard Smith of Altonah were day to spend the summer with attending to business .matters in her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Myton Saturday. Lamb. Miss Lamb graduated Mr. and Mrs. Evan Peterson from the University this year. are the proud parents of an in- Mr. and Mrs. Lamb spent Tuesfant daughter, born Thursday, day in Salt Lake City to attend the graduation exercises and reJune 2nd. Mrs. Tennis Poulson of Du- turned that evening with their chesne was a Myton visitor Fri- daughter. Miss Jeanette Wall returned day afternoon. Mrs. Melvin Bunce who has Friday from, Logan, where sfce been visiting here for the past attended school this year. She ten days left Tuesday for her will spend the summer here with home near San Francisco, Cali- her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Wall. fornia. Mr. John Hardy Blaine returnMr. and Mrs. Harold Holdway and daughter Joan of Price and ed Thursday from Salt Lake Mrs. LaRue Thompson and her City, where he attended the U. of Maurine Long of U. this past term. daughter, Beach, California were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Peatross on South Myton Bench Sunday. Mrs. Wilmer Murray and children are visiting relatives In Br Romania Mott Bluebell. Mrs Elva Pace of Spanish Mr. Lloyd Pope of Heber City was a business visitor in Myton Fork is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Royal Mezenen this week. Monday. Mr. Jack Barton is spending Mrs. Preston Nutter of Salt Lake City Is a guest at the home his vacation on the farm, visitof Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Fisher. ing his uncle, Mr. W. C. Barton. Miss Jessie Baum was visitr Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart and Joyce Stone returned Wednesday ing in Tabiona with Mr. and of last week from Salem. They Mrs. Irvin Clegg last week. She were accompanied by Mrs. Earl returned home Tuesday. F. Card and daughter, Eula who Mr. Froble Williams was here on business and visiting his parwill, visit here for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eldredge ents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Willand family came down from Al- iams Saturday. tonah Thursday. Miss Vicina Bancroft of DuThey visited friends and attended to business chesne spent the week end with matters while here. Miss Pauline Mott. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mr. Earl McCormick is able to Mrs. Jay Smith at their ranch return to his home after being west of Myton were Mr. Smiths at the home of Bishop Baum for brdther-in-laand sister, Mr. the past few weeks suffering and Mrs. Ellis Walker, who ar- with pneumonia. rived Monday from Arizona Mrs. Miss Ione Clegg of Tabiona Walker was formerly a resident is visiting with Miss Jessie Baum of the Uintah Basin, having lived for a few days. at Utahn and Ducheane. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Mr. Owen Smith left Tuesday and baby of Utahn areThompson for Colorado, where he will be with Mr. and Mrs. D. W. visiting Baum. employed by Strong & Grant Mr. Dean Pulley and Miss Construction company on road Gladys Mecham were married construction on Highway 40. last Thhrsday, Their many The Pariette Mining Company friends wish them & happy life. have a contract for road surfacMr. Alvin Baum signed up to ing material to be used on High- enter the CCC camp at Bridge-lanway 40 In Colorado. Mr. Milton He expects to leave July 1. Hansen and Mr. Garland Reed Bishop Clarence Baum wa3 a left Wednesday morning ftr Duchesne business visitor TuesColorado to attend to the melt- day. ing plant. Mr. and Mrs. Victor Mott and Mr. C. J. Neal left Tuesday for Miss Mamie Mott were Duchesne Colorado to attend to business visitors Tuesday. matters connected with his duA jolly crowd of your.g people as ties manager of the Pariette enjoyed Sunday afternoon to & . J WE SEE THE NEED OF REPAIRS During the past few months we have watched a slight depression in the paring in front of our office gradually being pounded by passing traffic to a hole which has now reached the proportions of a We do not know whether, the state or the city is responsible for the maintenance of this stretch of oil, but believe it 'is time for whichever has the responsibility to take care of it. If it becomes much worse it could easily throw a car out of control sufficiently to cause some real damage should it be thrown among other cars parked along the curb. SALT LAKE SIDETRACKS US AGAIN The Salt Lake City Junior Chamber of Commerce, according to last Sundays Salt Lake Tribune has prepared a map to lure delegates to the national convention of that group through Utah on their trip across the continent to Oakland. As pictured the map clearly shows the route chosen as being over highway 30, thus crossing only the short neck of Utah and missing many of the scenic attractions they claim to be lauding. Highway 40 is known as the scenic route, not only through Utah but through Colorado where it crosses two of the finest passess from a scenery standpoint traversed by any highway. ' We had begun to hope that Salt Lake City was at last coming to the realization that the Uintah Basin is a part of Utah and worthy of the Capitols support. Apparently the Junior Chamber of Commerce does not hold with this line of thought, or they y would not go to such length to direct traffic elsewhere. Colorado is proud of Highway 40 and is going to great length to tell the world about it. Denver boosters are sponsoring a big celebration in honor of the completion of highway 40 on July 3rd and 4th, to be held atop Berthoud pass. Salt Lake City, which has just as much to gain from this highway as Denver has, still fails to fully recognize it, and through its Junior Chamber of Commerce continues to sidetrack it in favor of another highway. A CHANCE FOR SOME GOOD PUBLICITY Each year newspaper editors of the state, under the auspices of the State Press Association ensummer outing at which some business joy a is done, but which is devoted mostly to recreation. For this purpose choice spots in the state are selected from a recreational and scenic standpoint. 2 years ago the outing was held at Cedar City and Cedar Breaks. Last year Alpine grove and the Hot Tots at Midway had the honors. This year the editors will gather at Como Springs near Morgan. Aside from the recreation the editors enjoy for themselves they gain each year they attend these outings further information concerning some interesting part of our state, and invariably go away with an impression valuable to themselves and to the section they have visited. It is the ambition of the Uintah Basin Record staff to be able some time to invite the association to pick some spot in Duchesne county or the Uintah Basin for its summer outing. Moon Lake, the old Moon Lake CCC camp on the Yelluwstone or in Uintah Canyon, or Greens Lake in Uintah county are spring-breake- r. cross-countr- 2-d- ay w d. likely spots, with Moon Lake at the head of the list in our opinion. When such an imitation is extended, however, one must be able to five assurance of proper accommodations a suitable meeting room, facilities for - a banquet, proper housing for the group at and as yet Duchesne county is not prepared to night, offer this. When the Press Association members come they form opinions by what they see and how they enjoy themselves. They pay well for the recreation they receive and the impression they carry away to every part of the state if it is a good one is worth far more to the community than the dollars they leave in it. So get busy, Duchesne county, be prepared to create the proper impression and to offer the proper accommodations and perhaps the editors will visit our section at some date. not-too-dista- nt the N Weekly summary of I market Salt Lake livestock 3rd. June week ended Friday, Cattle and Calves: cattle The receipts to the 995 head, compared totaled leys 1128 dur-- a to 595 last week and The like period a year ago. mg was generally market cattle current steady daring the lower. were sion. Vealers were heifers and Top good steers ofsteer good low few absent. A Com?7.00-$7.2ferings made mon to medium grades ranged to from 55.50-36.7heifers secured 35.00-5b.2scored The hulk of good cows the latter) price tof 55.50-56.0-0, heiferette orrluding those on kinds medium to Common der Cutter grades made extremely thin offer2 Bulls brought ings down to 52.50. vealers choice few A 54 Medium to made 5900-59-557.50-58.7good kinds scored 56.00. to down Common graes Hogs: session in During the weeks the hog barns, butcher classes sows have declined 15c. Packing The closing were fully steady. to top is 58.75. The bulk of good lb. butchers rang0 choice Mixed offered from Packings ranged down to from bulked sows ing with light smooth kinds on butcher order up to Sheep: The receipts in the sheep sheds during the week totaled 13,514 head, against 18,448 during the of previous week and receipts 3392 over a like period a year The arrivals of California spring lambs up to date totaled 666 decks, or 92,301 head, compared to 608 decks, or 85,762 head up to a corresponding date a year ago. The lamb market comparhas advanced ed to closing sales last week. Closing sales of California lambs during the previous deek includ7 ed 6 doubles good to choice lb. Calif or nia3 at 58.10 straight, 3 doubles scaling 82 lbs. at 58.10, . sorted 30 out to the car at with to One double made out at 57.25. One double 80 lb. heavi, Utah lambs secured close Near at the 56.00. sorted ly of the week, 3 doubles of good to choice 82 lb. California lambs made 58.75 straight, five doubles around 78 lb. clipped Califor-nia- s at 53.00 straight. A few lots of drivein lambs ranged from 56.50-58.0Odd lots of slaughter ewes Note: Carloads of shipped-i- n livestock bought for reshipment on the Ogden and North Salt Lake markets carry freight benefits in ratable amounts except when otherwise stated. ses-25-5- Coon 5. to November 30, inclusive, of each year at a point located W. 2640 ft. and S. 463 ft. from the 1 MARKET REPORT UINTAH BASIN RECORD E. J. Schonian, Publisher Roy A. Schonian, Editor PUBLISHED EVERY FRID AY AT DUCHESNE, UT.H UTAH PrrnRP. DUCHESNE me-diu- m 0, Cor. Sec. 34, T. 1 S., R. 5 conveyed by ditch USB&M., W., 3390 ft. and used as a supplemental supply to irrigate 120 38.50-38-7- 5. 57-7- 57-0- o. 0, 82-8- 57-10- 58-2- 38-00- No More The Stateacres of land, embraced in SJ4 LEAVE YOUR CLE T. NWii and SW&NE'i Sec. 35, A FRIEXd7n W., USB&M. This Application is designated In the office of the State Engineer as No. 12665. All protests resisting the granting of said Application, with reasons therefor, made in affidavit form, must be filed with T. H. Humpherys, State Engineer, 403 State Capiwith tol, Salt Lake City, Utah, filing one extra copy and fee on or before July 24, 1938. (Signed) T. H. HUMPHERYS, State Engineer. Date of first publication, May 1 S., R- - 5 51-0- FASHION Vernal - CLEANERS - . uf.V3 Weekly Service to Fort Mi,on - ss sr 43-t- t. FOR SALE rAtoomobUeT trailers. I save you money mg the financing. See john Watters. Duchesne Motor Co 37-- n WANTED ToodT'faT'ir'-Wil- l pay market prices P? Hotel, Duchesne. 42-t- f F(?B SALEwTrMffl June ern home in Duchesne. baJS at easy terms. Call at Record? 27, 1938. Date of last publication, 24. 1938. 5. 170-23- Wants Eri National Forest Timber Professional tt Cards For Sale Sealed bids will be received by the Forest Supervisor, Salt Lake City, Utah, up to and including June 20. 1938, for all or any part of the green sawtimber to be marked or designated for cutting from Miners Gulch, a tributary of Rock Creek, Duchesne County, Utah, estimated to be two million feet B. M., more or less, as determined by actual scale count. No hid less than 52.32 per M feet B. M. for all species will be considered. The sum of 5200.00 must be deposited with each bid to be applied on the purchase price, refunded or retained in part as liquidated damages, according to the conditions of the sale. The right to reject any and all bids Is reserved. In addition to the stumpage price bid, successful bidder may be required to deposit an additional amount equivalent to 90 cents per M feet B. M. in a cooperative work fund for fire hazard reduction and forest sanitation. Before bids are submitted full information concerning the timber, conditions of sale and the submission of bids should be obtained from the Forest Ranger, Stockmore, Utah, or the Forest Supervisor at Salt Lake City, Utah. HARRY M. WALKER, D. D. s Practice Limited to Plate Wor Utah Oil Building Salt Lake City lta 516-17-1- 8 a DR. JL CAMPBELL - DENTIST -- Roosevelt, Utah 1 Office - Main Street Phone - 45-- J L. A. HOLLENBECK Attorney-at-La- w Duchesne Utah H. B. HOLLENBECK 1 Notary Public North of County Court Duchesne ; t House t Utah BOY A. SCHONIAN Registered 0. 52.75-53.2- Largest Statistical Bureau The largest statistical bureau In the world is the bureau of census at Washington, D. C. j. Duchesne DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR, U. S. LAND OFFICE at Salt Lake City, Utah, May F.3TEL BEN LOMOND 4, 1938. NOTICE is hereby given that Neville Wimmer, of Duchesne, Utah, who, on April 11, 1933, made stockraising homestead en- No. 050996, for SEViNEU, Sec. 13, SW Lake Canyon and at the Orson SE!4 Sec. 24, Twp. 11 Mott home. The Russell boys, who have South Range 12 East, Lots 1, 2, been employed by Royal Mezen- 3, 4, Sec. 18, Lot 1, Section 19, Township 11 South, Range 13 en are their leaving for home to Mrs. Orson Mott entertained at her home Friday afternoon In honor of her daughter, Paulinas eighth birthday anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Dail Ivie and son Deloy were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Baum Sunday. Notice For Publication try, ENE, East, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before the Clerk of the district court, at Duchesne, Utah, on the 20th day of June 1938. Claimant names as witnesses: Leslie Pearson, of Boneta, Utah, Ralph Gibboney, of Price, Utah, and Charles Burdick and H. J. Wimmer, of Duchesne, Utah. (Signed) Thomas F. Thomas, Register. Date of first publlcaUon, May DEPARTMENT OF THE IN- 13, 1938. Date of last publication, TERIOR, U. S. LAND OFFICE at Salt Lake City, Utah, May 10, 1938. 10, Utah Notice For Publication ESEU Colorado. i Mortician 5. ' fv - ? - & lliT( C'U'iri l, r3' - OGDEN, UTAH 330 Bathl - 12.00 Room Family Room for 4 poroono 33 to H. ll-- Air Cooled Lonnre and lobbyKoO Grill Room . . Coffee Shop . . Top Homo of Evchan ire Optumi- oChamber of Commerce and HOTEL BEN LQ.M0ND Como ao yon are T. E. FiUgerald, W1 June 1938. NOTICE is hereby given that Charles Burdick, of Duchesne, Utah, who, on May 4, 1933, made stockraising homestead entry, No. 051045, for SW1 Sec. 14 Er NEi;, SEU, Si'SW'i Sec. 22, SW1, Section 23, Township 11 South, Range 12 East, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof to establish claim to the land above described, before Helen B. Hollenbeck, Notary Public, at Duchesne, Utah, on the 27th day of June, 1933. Claimant names as witnesses: Stanley Ross, of Arcadia, Utah Verdus E. Olsen, of Price, Utah, Nevide trimmer and Harold J. trimmer, of Duchesne, Utah. (Signed) Thomas F. Thomas, Register. firSt PUbUcation. May 13 1933f CO. STERLING TRANSPORTATION Uintah Basin To & From Salt Lake, Provo A Intermediate Points j CO. EASTERN UTAH TRANSPORTATION Uintah Basin To & From Price and Intermediate FlnU Every Day Service Each Way L. A SALT LAKES the STATE OF OF F STATE ENGINEER SALT LAKE CITY. at H?CVVhm'by Thompson, Talmage Uah has male Application, In accordance with the laws of Utah o appropriate 1 5 sec. ft. of wa r from an unnamed creek in Duchesne county, Utah. ter will be d, verted fromSaid waMarch Fiven j i 10.D1933f laSt pUbUcaUon. Jun Notice To Water Users j ROOMS FAVORITE HOTEL 4 FAMOUS LARGE MODERN RESTAURANTS IN THE NEW MIRROR ROOM FRIDAY SIGHTSEEING HEADQUARTERS Mra J. H Wotaro DANCE DINE SATURDAY Ouunccy W, West Manner fS': 400oufMil2.-!4- . ei-- SALT LAKE CITV : |