Show 1 WHO'S NEWS 9 THIS WEEK By LEMUEL F. F PARTON NEW EW YORK Pres President President dent Getulio L Vargas of Brazil was a far far- western frontiersman in his youth still wearing or I gaucho trousers II Pres Vargas for informal dress Handy With and quite in char- char Six-Shooter Six acter pumping a six-gun six at the palace pal- pal nee ace and putting down a Graustark- Graustark ian revolt A swarthy stocky little man quick on the draw he has never been shy gun-shy and impromptu shooting 1 has been an occasional in his rise to supreme power I When he established his totalitarian totalitarian total total- state on November 10 of I last year there were those who said he was dealing in the dark of the moon with the green shirts that that here was where Germany and fascism a toe-hold toe on this continent The green shirt revolt and its vigorous vigorous vig vig- I orous suppression by Sr Vargas seems to be an answer to that even cven if he had not previously made it clear that his authoritarian state stat was as not of the European model I Brazil has hns a complex racial makeup make make- up which provides no proscribed I group or racial I Home Talent myth the first re re- re- re Expert at in fas fas- fas- fas Strong Arm cist technique an and furthermore when it comes to strong-arm strong government all South American countries hay have plenty of or home talent and inc indigenous genous ge- ge skill Sr Vargas recruited his political following as a liberal He denounced monopoly and promised th the overthrow overthrow overthrow over over over- throw of the coffee plantation kings He seized power in 1930 by bythe bythe bythe the overthrow of President Washington Luiz with the aid of his lifetime friend old General Aurclio l Luiz had won wone the e election against him but argas vargas a cry o or fraud From the first he ruled partially by decree now entirely since the adoption of the Denies All constitution of No No- Rights of vember 10 His re re- re- re Free Speech organization of the country followed followed fol fol- lowed established dictatorial practice practice practice tice in the formation of labor syndicates tes the fixing o of maximum maximum maximum maxi maxi- mum and minimum wages anc and the denial of all rights of free press and free ree assemblage He is a famous orator speaking g ga a fluent and flowery Portuguese using using using us us- ing the radio a great deal in national national na na- nai na- i appeals He is credited with just about the shrewdest political intelligence in South America In his prairie town he attended a private private private vate college later enrolled in a military college but was diverted to the law His rise through minor offices to the national congress parallels the standard career chart of our congressional congressional congressional con con- gressional record biographies biographies dis dis district attorney state legislature and andall andall andall all the rest of it 5 0 T THE HE make believe war in which the eastern seaboard was defended defended defended de de- de- de fended against black expeditionary expedition expedition- ary forces from rom overseas was the first scale large-scale Air Forces forces work-out work of our Defend U. U S. S flying fortresses in in Mock War under der a unified command Major General Frank 1 M. M Andrews I running running running run run- ning the show Is one a of the few flying generals He up the strands a of the unified service when the GHO GHQ air nir force which he commands moved into the huge air base basc at Langley field March 1 1935 Called the handsomest man manIn manIn manIn In the service he be Is quietly effective effective ef ef- and the last lost man in the world to be called a swivel chair officer He De warns the country against a shortage of ot fliers and urges civilian training He lie was I not an A. A E. E F F. flier filer In 1934 he made the unusual jump from lieutenant-colonel lieutenant to brigadier- brigadier i general and was made a gen major m jor gener gen gen- er eral l in 1935 He was graduated from West Point in 1906 and was With the cavalry on the thc Mexican Me bord border r before before be be- fore he lie l found nd his liis wings Consolidated News Features Service |