Show I My Myton ton News By C Mrs G Grace J The My Myton ton Literary Club held its regular meeting at the home of Mrs Wilmer Murray on Wednesday Wednesday Wednesday Wed Wed- of last week with the following members and guests present Mr Mrs A A. N. N Mrs Hilary Holder Miss Alice Todd Mrs John Zirkel Sr Mrs H. H S S. S Sutherland Mrs James Dalgleish Mrs J. J B B. B Stewart Mrs O. O A. A SD Smith th Mrs Jack Gingell Gingell Gin Gin- gell and Mrs Mra Alan Sims A new member Mrs s. s J. J B. B Stewart was voted into the club A review of The Tudor Wench by by Elswyth Thane was given by Mrs Edmist Edmiston Edmiston ton t n after the usual current events at roll call The hostess served a delicious lunch at the close of the afternoon The next meeting will bo held June at the home of Mrs Wm Stewart with the review assigned to Mrs J. J B. B Stewart Mr r and Mrs Warren I and family arrived Wednesday of of last week from ElPaso Texas being called hero here by the serious Illness of Mr brother Lawrence who is confined to the Veterans hospital in Salt Lake City Mr and Mrs and andson andson andson son and Mr Nick Nick continued continued continued con con- on to Salt Lake Thursday and found Lawrence sufficiently improved unproved that Warren felt he could return to ItO his duties in Tex Tex- as Mrs and son motored motor motor- ed to Logan Friday where they were joined by Robert who has been attending school there and aU returned to Myton Mj Myton My- My ton Friday evening Mrs Ode- Ode kirk and children will spend some time here visiting with Mrs parents Mr and Mrs John Sr Mr E. E W. W Crocker of Duchesne was transacting business in Myton Myton Myton My My- ton Saturday afternoon Mr R. R C C. Walker and Mr Frank Hale of Duchesne and Mr Willard Smith of Altonah were attending to business matters in Myton Saturday Mr and Mrs Evan Peterson are the proud parents of an infant infant infant in in- fant daughter born Thursday June 2nd Mrs Tennis Poulson of Duchesne Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- Du- Du chesne was a My Myton ton visitor Friday Friday Friday Fri Fri- Fri Fri- day afternoon Mrs Melvin Bunce who has been visiting here for the past ten days left Tuesday for her home near San Francisco California Cali Cali- fornia fornia- Mr and Mrs Harold Holdway and daughter Joan of Price and Mrs LaRue Thompson and her daughter Maurine of Long LongBeach LongBeach LongBeach Beach California were guests at atthe atthe atthe the home of Mr and Mrs W. W S S. S Peatross on South My Myton ton Bench Sunday Sunda Mrs Wilmer Murray and children children children child child- ren are visiting relatives in Bluebell Mr Lloyd Pope of Heber City was a business visitor in Myton Monday Mrs Preston Nutter of Salt Lake City is a guest at the home of Mr and Mrs W. W T T. Fisher Mr and Mrs Wm Stewart and Joyce Stone returned Wednesday of last week from Salem They were accompanied by Mrs Earl F. F Card and daughter Eula who will visit here for some time Mr and Mrs Harold Eldredge and family came cam down from Al Al- tonah Thursday They visited friends and attended to business matters while here Guests at the home of Mr and Mrs Jay Smith at their ranch west of My Myton ton were Mr Smiths Smith's law iq and sister Mr and Mrs Ellis Walker who arrived arrived arrived ar ar- rived Monday from Arizona Mrs Walker was formerly a resident of ot the Uintah Basin having lived at Utahn and Duchesne Mr Owen Smith left Tuesday for Colorado where he lie will be employed by Strong Grant Construction company on road construction on Highway 40 The Parlette Mining Company have a contract for road surfacing sUrfacing surfacing ing material to be used on Highway Highway Highway High High- way 40 in Colorado Mr Milton Hansen and Mr Garland Reed left W Wednesday t morning for Colorado to attend to the melting melting melt melt- ing plant Mr C. C J. J Neal left Tuesday for Colorado to attend to business matters connected with his duties duties duties du du- du- du ties as manager of the Parlette Mining Company Mr and Mrs Mra Dave Allen and family have rented their house to Harold Knudsen and took possession possession possession pos pos- session of or their new home Mon Mon- day Mr Harold Frandsen of Hanna Hanna Hanna Han- Han na was visiting at the home of f his parents Mr and Mrs Otto Frandsen Tuesday Mr and Mrs A. A M. M Todd Miss Alice Allee Todd Mr and Mrs A. A N N. Edmiston and daughter Pauline Mr and Mrs Fred Todd and Nancy Ann and Philipp and Mrs i Alan Sims and en spent Sunday afternoon picnicking on the Duchesne river west of My My- ton Mr Denzel Hemphill is driving the mail truck on Route No 1 out of My Myton ton during the absence of Mr Giles Wood who is visiting visiting visit visit- ing in Michigan Margaret Mary Harris was the est gest of Pauline Edmiston ton last Jast week returning Monday to the Harris camp on Lake Fork riv riv- er Mr Frank Defa of Hanna was wasa a business visitor in My Myton ton on Tuesday Mr and Mrs Lynn Stone re returned returned returned re- re turned Thursday from a visit in Ogden and Salem Miss Zella Stone and Miss Beatrice Stone sisters of Mr Stone accompanied ed them on their return from Salem and will visit here for a short time Mrs Charles Meranda visited in Vernal Saturday with her sister sister sis sis sis- ter Mrs Wallace Jones who came to Vernal from fram Colorado to spend the week end Mr H H. S S. S Sutherland and Mr Wm came up from Ouray Ouray Ouray Our- Our ay to s spend nd the week end with their families Miss Alma Lamb who has been attending the University of Utah in Salt Lake City returned Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tues- day to spend the summer with her parents Mr and Mrs Floyd Lamb Miss Lamb graduated from the University this year Mr and Mrs Lamb spent Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday Tues Tues- day in Salt Lake City to attend the graduation exercises and re returned returned returned re- re turned that evening ng with their daughter Miss Jeanette Wall returned Friday from Logan where she attended school this year She will spend the summer here with her parents Mr and Mrs l Eldon Wall Mr John Hardy Elaine Blaine Blaine returned return return- ed Thursday from Salt Late Lake e City where he attended the U U. of U. U this past term I |