Show Emergency Project Will ViII Provide River g Fear of danger from the Duchesne Duchesne Du Du- Du- Du chesne river which is threatening threatening threatening threaten threaten- ing to overflow its banks in the north section of the city prompted prompt prompt- ed an emergency VP A project designed to eliminate this dan dan- ger Ben H. H Beveridge Regional W. W P. P A. A director was in Duchesne Thursday and after investigating ing the danger personally Obtained obtained obtained ob Ob- immediate release release of a project for the river after telephoning the Salt Lake City office He will ask for men to work on the project at once he said and anticipated that work would begin either Friday or Saturday of this week Approximately eight or ten men will be put to work on the project according to the number available Chief point of danger is near the Pope property on the west westside westside westside side of the river and northward along the river where the city pipe line is laid between the river river river riv riv- er and the West Bench City Councilmen J. J P. P Madsen and C. C C. C 1 accompanied ed Mr on the investigation investigation gation and later conferred 1 with him and Mayor B. B A. A Jacoby on setting up the project I |