Show Rock Creek Will ViII WillBe WillBe Be Included In Fish Planting In a n report published last week on fish to be planted in streams around Duchesne on six permits for fish to be obtained from the government hatcheries at Springville Springville Springville Spring- Spring ville Rock Creek was accidentally accidentally accident accident- ally any omitted from the list of fishing waters to be planted The correct list according to toI I Wm H. H Lawson of the Duchesne Fish and Game club includes the Duchesne river river Rock Creek Moon Lake Yellowstone Strawberry Strawberry Straw- Straw berry erry ri river er and the upper lake in Lake Canyon Supplemental to these plantings will be the tile program to be carried on by the Forest department which will plant all waters in the national forest which includes the upper waters of the Ithe Duchesne I Rock Creek Lake Fork and Yel- Yel Rock Creek since it is probably ly y the favorite of all fishing Waters waters wa- wa ers available near Duchesne will rec receive ve Special ecial atten attention on in the planting of fish under both programs programs pro- pro I grams Mr Lawson assured the Record reporter |