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Show UTAH UINTAH BASIN vvrnRD. DUCHESNE FRIDAY, JUNE 3, 1933. WantL UINTAH BASIN RECORD E. J. Schonlan, Publisher Roy A. Schonlan, Editor PUBLISHED EVERY FRID AY AT DUCHESNE, UTAH matter at the Postoffice at Mrs. Homer Robinson was Display Advertising Flat Rate, For Plates. Per Agate Duchesne, Utah, under the act ot hostess to the Friday Bridge club last week. Card tables were arLine, March, 3, 1879. Per Colun n Inch, SOc. ranged for the following members and guests: Mrs. William Notices Classified and Reading Preece,, Mrs. R. E. Waugh, Mrs. For Sale, For Rent, Wanted, Lost SUBSCRIPTION RATES and Found, Miscellaneous, 10c per Three Months .75 Bliss Lott, Mrs. Wm. Koehler, ... Miss Alice Todd, Mrs. Hilary line, first insertion; 5c per line for Six Months 1.00 ... Holder and Mrs. J. T. Burke. A each succeeding issue minimum ADVERTISING RATES Entered as second-clas- s May 26, 1922 2c. charge. 30c. One Year L. Curran By Sirs. Ethel wishes to ex- 12.00 delicious lunch was served by the hostess at the close of the party. The prize for high score was to Mrs. Waugh. Mr. Oliver Sagers of Duchesne was a business visitor in Myton Wednesday of last week. Mr. Charles Albright and son stopped in Myton Wednesday, when returning from Mt. Pleasant. Miss Alma Lou Lott returned Wednesday evening from Mount Pleasant where she has been attending school. Alma Lou graduated from the Wasatch Academy this year and her parents, who attended the graduation exercises returned with her. Mr. and Mrs. Willard Horrocks and son Who have been visiting with Mrs. Jessie Dowling at Par-iet- te returned to Salt Lake City Wednesday. Mrs. C. J. Neal returned Friday from Mt. Pleasant where she attended a visitation of state officers of the O E. S. Mr. and Mrs. Giles Wood and son Merrill, accompanied by Mr. Giles Wood Sr. of Roosevelt left Thursday night for Flint, Michi- gan. Giles will purchase a new car while there and drive it home. Mr. James Dalgleirih made a business trip to Duchesne Friday. Mrs Glenn Draper and daughter, Ida Jean, who have .been visiting in Roosevelt, (returned home Thursday. Mr. Draper re- turned Saturday night from a business (trip to Los Angeles, California. Mrs. Paul Hansen and small son, who have been guests of Mrs. Hansens mother, Mrs. Geo. Wedig for the past month left Sunday for their home Mojave, California. Mr. Lawrence Odekirk who has been quite ill was rushed to Salt Lake City Thursday night where he entered the Veterans hospital. Mrs. Odekirk, Mr. Albert Tanner and Mr. R. E. Miller accompanied him. Mr. Miller and Mr. Tanner returned Friday, while Mrs., Odekirk remained in Sajlt Lake to be with her husband. Who is somewhat improved. Mr. and Mrs. Gus Solmonson of Arcadia were shopping in My and family spent Monday visiting in Tabiona. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gingell and their guests, Mr. ond Mrs. Kenneth Gingell spent Monday at Hanna. Dr. L. S. Saunders, Mrs. Martha Shanks and Mrs. Wm. JenWilliam nings, assisted by Mrs. and Preece Wm. Mrf. Koehler1, conducted Mrs. Emery Neilson clinic at the school the They inoculated for Thursday. diphtheria and; vaccinated, for small pox. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gingell and small daughter were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Gingell until Tuesday from Saturday when they returned to their home in Palisade. Colorado. Announoemenlt has been received of the graduation of Louise Frizzell at Orland, California. Louise, who attended school here until about five years ago was valedictorian of her class. Guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Loyal Perry on South Myton Bench are Mr. and Mrs. Henry Deitrich and family of Rexburg, Idaho and Mrs. Grant Jones and baby of Bingham, Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Tanner left Tuesday for Salt Lake City, where Mrs. Tanner will receive medical attention. An excellent program was given at the Presbyterian church Monday morning at 11:00 under the direction of the Wm. Sands Post No. 5 of the Americal Legion. At the close of the pro-frathey assembled at the cemetery where they completed the usual Memorial Day services. O. A. Dart Jr. is spending his vacation with his parents on the North Myton Bench. Miss Evelyn George of Salt Lake City was a week end guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. pre-scho- ol m Sutteer. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Preece and children spent Memorial Day in The community to the tend its heartfelt sympathy hour their Wimmer family in and C. Abbott and Mr. small and Abbot Wilford Mrs. visited the daughter of provo Pearl Meachem Abbot, Johnny Sunand Wils Merkley families old their visited also day. They home here. AntMrs. Ellsworth Clark of Ethel Mrs. of aunt lers, Colorado, visiting Curran, who has been to here for sometime, returned accomTuesday, last home her Curran and panied by Ellsworth who Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Curran, friends spent the week viseiting and relatives in Antlers. Among of those who entertained in honor Mrs. Clark were: Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Curran, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Curran and Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Emry. Mrs. Pearl Meachem was ill on Sunday. Mrs. Wilcox of Salt Lake City spent last week with her daughter, Mrs. Harold Wimmer. Ellsworth Curran made a trip to Moan Lake Tuesday, taking Earl Giles and Lawrence Curran back to their work there. Mr. and Mrs. Vernal Nielson and baby and Miss Bernice Meachem were Sunday dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Nielsen of Bridgeland. Mr. Reece Claybum and Vere Nielsen of Bridgeland are workDuing on the headgate of the chesne diversion canal. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Curran made a trip to Roosevelt trSeE. Legal Advertising National Forest Timber For Sale Sealed bids will be recedved by the Forest Supervisor, Salt Lake City, Utah, up to and including June 20, 1938, for all or any part of the green sawtimber to he marked or designated for cutting from Miners Gulch, a tributary of Rock Creek, Duchesne County, Utah, estimated to be two million feet B. M., more or less, as determined by actual scale counL No bid less than $2.32 per M feet B. M. for all species will be considered. The sum of $200.00 must be deposited with each bid to be applied on the purchase price, refunded or retained in part as liquidated damages, according to the conditions of the sale. The right to reject any and all bid3 is reserved. In addition to the stumpage price bid, successful bidder may be required to deposit an additional amount equivalent to 90 cents per M feet B. M. in a cooperative work fund for fire hazard reduction and forest sanitation. Before bids are submitted full information concerning the timber, conditions of sale and the submission of bids should be obtained from the Forest Ranger, Stockmore, Utah, or the Forest Supervisor at Salt Lake City, Utah. By Mrs. Sarah Case The ML Emmons ward was organized Sunday withO Floyd Case as Bishop, Evan and nion, first counselor Wall' as second counselor. call- Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cook ed at the home of her parents, on Mr. and Mrs. Volney Boswell Wednesday. Mrs. Mae Meachem, a sister of Mr. Rufus Rogers, who died last week and sons Clarence and ben and wife of Rock Springs Ben-Leona- rd ut Of Town Folks, toofvT Have Our LEAVE YOUR CLEixS1 A FRIEND IN TOWN T8 FASHION CLEANERS Vernal - . Weekly Service to Fort DucLna Roosevelt, Myton and Duche 43-- FOR SALE AutomobiieaMrt traiiers. I save you ing the financing. See joh! funeral Watters. Duchesne Motor Co. 37. the attended Wyoming home WANTED Wednesday. They returned Good fath WU1 pay market Monday. prices, pw from Mr. and Mrs. Rae Barney Hotel, Duchesne. t Arthur Mr3. Leota. Mr. and Mr- FOR and Leota of also ney em home in Duchesne. A bareain to Rogers of Idaho were here at easy terms. Call at Record Of. tend the funeral services of S.YLE--nveroom- at-M- r. Rufus Rogers. Mrs. Rulon Bird and sons Price are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie Or-r- . Stake President E. L. Murphy and Mr. Owen Bennion made a trip to Salt Lake City Tuesday. Most Famous Dogfight The most famous dogfight ever staged in the United States took place on a farm near Louisville on October 19, 1881. The match, held for a stake of $2,000, attracted a large number of "sportsmen from i. Professional HARRY M. WALKER, D. D. 8. Practice Limited to Plate Wort Utah Salt Lake City 516-17-1- Oil Building 8 DR. many large cities and created much betting throughout the country. A railroad company even ran special excursion trains to the Kentucky metropolis, says Colliers Weekly, and the incoming crowds were welcomed by the notables of the city. Charles Burdick, of Duchesne, Utah, who, on May 4, 1933, made stockraising homestead entry, No. 051045, for SW& Sec. 14, E Sec. 22, NEM, SE4, SSWK SW&, Section 23, Township 11 South, Range 12 East, Salt Lake Meridian, has filed notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before Helen B. Hollenbeck, Notary Public, at Duchesne, Utah, on the 27th day of June, 1938. Claimant names as witnesses: Stanley Ross, of Arcadia, Utah, Verdus E. Olsen, of Price, Utah, Neville Wimmer and Harold J. Wimmer, of Duchesne, Utah. (Signed) Thomas F. Thomas, Register. Date of first publication. May Cards M. C. CAMPBELL - DENTIST -Roosevelt, Utah Office - Main Street Phone - 43-- J L. A. HOLLENBECK Attorney t-Law Duchesne utab H. B. HOLLENBECK Notary Public North of Vernal CEMETERY BEAUTIFICATION Miss lone Bird spent from FriCounty Court House It is actually pitiful to watch the efforts of g day until Wednesday visiting in Duchesne Utah Denver, Colorado. relatives and friends attempting to beautify Mr. and Mrs. Byron C. Webber graves and lots in the city cemetery. Each year on were guests of Mr. and Mrs. ElDecoration Day and throughout the year lots are don Wall from Friday until Sunday. They were returning from a BOY A. SCHONIAN cleaned and flowers and green foliage spread over to Dam Boulder honeymoon trip the graves but before the day is even ended a visit 13, 1938. and Southern Utah. Mrs. Webber Registered Date of last publication, June to the spot presents only a sorry picture of wilted was formerly Miss Ruby Wall. Mortician 10, 1938. Mrs. Charles Martin and small flowers and forlorn hopes. son visited with her parents durUtah Duchesne What a different picture it could present if lawns ing the week end. They returned Notice For Publication to Salt Lake City Monday evenpermanently green, flowers permanently bright and and trees to lend beauty and shade to the ing. DEPARTMENT OF THE INHOTEL BEN LCSOND Mrs. Wllmer Murray and childscene could be planted there and all that is needed tonMr.Friday. TERIOR, U. S. LAND OFFICE and Mrs. Denzel Hemphill ren spent Monday visiting at at Salt Lake City, Utah, May is a little water. and children were Myton visitors Bluebell. 4, 1938. We believe the City of Duchesne will do its share Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Hilary Holder NOTICE is hereby given that if the lot owners and other townspeople will show Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tuttle and and family and Mrs. Wilmer MurNeville Wimmer, of Duchesne, son spent the week end ray and children visited at Mt. Utah, who, on April 11, 1933, the interest in pushing a cemetery water project that here Frank visiting with Mrs. Jennie Emmons and Bluebell Sunday. made stockraising homestead enthey show in decorating the graves on Memorial Day. Tuttle, returning to their home Mr. and Mrs. Lynn Stone and No. 050996, for try, even SENEtf, son, Stewart left Tuesday for a Two possibilities have been proposed at divers times, in Salt Lake City Monday Sec. 13, SW ESE to return ENE, will ing. Ogden. They trip the building of a dam on Indian creek and piping waSE Sec. 24, Twp. 11 yNEK, Mr. Ray Knox who is now lo- through Salem, where they will South Range 12 East, Lots 1, 2, ter from a storage reservoir to the cemetery and the cated on the upper Strawberry meet Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Stewart 4, Sec. 18, Lot 1, Section 19, 3, installation of the recently purchased city water river was a Myton visitor Sat- and Joyce Stone, who are visiting 11 South, Township Range 13 there. Salt Lake pump on Strawberry to pump the water to the ceme- urday. has East, Meridian, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Holder and Mr. E. W. Crocker of Duchesne filed notice of intention to make tery. was attending to business mat- daughter, Ruth Jean were guests final Proof, to establish claim to of Mr. and Mrs. Hilary Holder on We favor the latter method, believing it to be the ters in Myton Saturday. the land above described, before Mr. Monday. Mrs. and George Tingley more practical and the more dependable. the Clerk of the district court, at OGDEN, UTAH Mr. Mrs. and R. A. Murray and and Mss Mary Ting B We also believe that the city can well afford to of Duchesne t Duchesne, Utah, on the 20th day 350 Rooms 350 Bathj . Florence daughters and were of Salt Lake ley Gladys City Myton of June 1938. Rooma for peraona Family do this either through a W. P. A. project, or by call- visitors Sunday and visited with Mr. and Mrs. Hilary Monday. Claimant names as witnesses: Monday Mr. and Mrs. B. L. Dart and Holder returning to and Lobby ing for volunteer labor. The cost of the pipe and inAir Cooled Leslie Pearson, of Boneta, Utah, Bluebell Monday evening. Grill Room . . Coffee Shop . . Top stallation of power can soon be recovered by the city family spent Sunday and Mon Ralph Gibboney, of Price, Utah, day in Myton. During their stay and Charles Burdick and H. J. by a charge to the lot owners. Several of these own here arrangements Bona of were complet Notice To Water Users Wimmer, of Duchesne, Utah. Rotary Kiwanle Execotlvee ers have already expressed their willingness to pay ed for moving the furniture to Exchange Optimu (Signed) Thomas F. Thomas, Price. Mr. and Mrs. Dart have Chamber of Commerce and Ad such a charge and it would only be a matter of THE STATE OF UTAH, OF Register. made thettr home for a FICE OF STATE ENGINEER, short time after these lots showed the effect of beau- numberMyton Date of first publication, May HOTEL BEN LOMOND of years and will be SALT LAKE CITY. 13, 1938. Mrs. Minnie Hamilton tification before many many others would want to greatly missed by their many Mr.By Coma aa yon ary Notice is hereby given that Date of last publication, June Raymond Ellis, accompanifriends. Located at Price we feel fall in line. T. E. Fitigerald. RA ed by Mr. and Mrs. Owen Ellis Harold W. Thompson, Talmage, 10, 1938. sure that they will often visit The city showed a fine desire to help in the work in Utah Mr. and has made Application, in and Mrs. Nello Hicken Myton. and family spent Saturday in accordance with the laws of Utah, done in cleaning the cemetery before Memorial Day. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Adams and to appropriate 1.5 sec. ft. of waLet us not forget it for another year, but continue in Bonnie and Mr. and Mrs. Vernal Kamas. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Johnson ter from an unnamed creek in STER LING TRANSPORTATION CO. the same spirit and put water and its resultant beau- Labrum of Roosevelt were Myton spent Thursday in Salt Lake Duchesne county, Utah. Said wavisitors Sunday afternoon. ter will be diverted from March tification in the cemetery. City. Elntah Basis To From Salt Lake, Provo Mr. H. S. Sutherland and Mr. Mrs. Anna Stanley spent the 1 to November 30, inclusive, of Wm. Sutteer, who are employed week end In THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR VANDALISM each year at a point located W. Heber City. Intermediate Point Pure vandalism, for which there can be no ex near Ouray on an Indian Irriga- Mr . and Mrs. Lawrence 2640 ft. and S. 463 ft. from the Maxtion project spent the week end well and son, Jay spent the week E14 Cor. Sec. 34, T. 1 S., R. 5 cuse, will if not checked, soon make of the Escalante in Myton with their families. EASTERN UTAH TRANSPORTATION CO. end in Salt Lake City. W., USB&M., conveyed by ditch monument at the Duchesne river bridge an object of Mr. and Mrs. Art Cedanquist was clean up day at 3390 ft. and used as a suppleSaturday Uintah Basin To & From Falls, Idaho, Mrs. Myra the cemetery. A disgrace rather than one of pride. The Daughters of of Twin of Price and Intermediate Potato large crowd of mental supply to Irrigate 120 New York City and Boy Scouts acres of the Utah Pioneers have gone to considerable work Philipps all workembraced land, spent in Sui day Mrs. Alan Sims and children of ing. The cemetery is very much NW4 and SWNE Sec. 35 T. and expense in placing this monument, to acquaint Salt Lake City arrived 1 S., R. 5 Sunday Erery Day Service Each Way W., USB&M. and remind the public of one of the historic incidents to visit at the A. M. Todd home. Improved. Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lambert This Application is designated of the state. Defacing of this monument, which has Mr. and Mrs. Cedarquist and Mrs. and family of Altonah spent last in the office of the State EnginePhilipps left Monday but Monday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank er as No. 12665. AU protests realready occurred in the form of shooting etc. is a di Mrs. Sims and childrenevening will visit Clark. sisting the granting of said rect insult to this fine organization and to the State in Myton for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Francis Brooks with reasons therefor, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Todd and of Fruitland of Utah. spent Monday af- made in affidavit form, must be family were dinner guests at the ternoon at the Tabdona cemetery. filed with T. H. Probably the vandals are youngsters, who are A. M. Todd home Monday. Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Mlckelson State Engineer, 403 Humpherys State Capinot so much themselves to blame as are their parMr. and Mrs. Richard Adams of Duchesne were in Tabiona on tol, Salt Lake City, Utah, with ents. Young people carry into public the training and daughter, Bonnie of Roose- Monday. one extra copy and $1.00 velt were guests of Mr. and Mrs. filing Mrs. Rella LeFevre spent Mem- fee on or before they receive at home. If they are taught respect of James Dalgleish Monday July 24, 1938. orial day in Talmage. ?rhTAAKE,S FAV0WTE HOTEL LARGE MOO (Signed) T. H. HUMPHERYS, FAW0US RESTAURANTS property at home they carry it with them wherever Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Maxwell DA DINE State Engineer. Mr. Glen Moss, Scout Master and not if are home this at they of they go; respect taught Date family MonAy of Myton first spent of the Myton Scouts took the publication May SIGHTSEeTngSdqu ALTERS day with Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence 27, 1938. they can not be expected to have it elsewhere. boys on a hike to Yellowstone on Maxwell. Date of last publication, June Ckauncay W. We Shooting is fine sport, if done in the proper way. Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Kay rrwldci 24, 1938. Fraughton Mrs. Robert Wells and There are thousands of places around Duchesne daugh- of Kamas spent the week end ter, Irma Lee visited at Mount with Mr. and Mrs. John H. Jones Notice where a rock, a bottle or can or a regular target can Emmons For Publication at the Chester Monday Mr. and Mrs. Walter Kerkstek be set up and the sport engaged in without danger Hartman home. 400s,Krsi2-'- 4 of ML Emmons spent the week to life or property. It is only pure vandalism which Mr, and Mrs. Vernal Frandsen end with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace DEPARTMENT OF THE INand family have moved to their Johnson. TERIOR, U. S. LAND OFFICE Iead.3 one to shoot at something like the Escalante ranch at Neola, Mrs. Pearl Calder is S. SmLk' a,)- - uh- monument. spending Mr. and Mrq. Bruce Maxwell a few in lov,-in- r, 'nmmmw 2.00 4 W H-- Loon-r- Club, t TflaflBIMffa even-ta- .xju fob g. HI! days VeraaL NOTICE Is hereby given that |