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Show 1 than cream. Cream in muk rises to the surface because it is composed cf Inflnj. tesimal drops of oil and fat which Brooks are lighter than the AiM remainder of jlr. Mrs. Marion S. Shields .nd Mrs. Ernest Sweat had the milk. The rising of cream is Mrs. ' Thomas M. Gilbert, who dinner guests Sunday not at first apparent because the has ,i their been on the sick list the McMillian past T4ry ImaI1 and Mrs. George tom week Is improving. lildrea of Pleasant Grove. upTowly Dinner guests Thursday at the Sam Sweat and W and Mrs. borne of Mr. and Mrs. Wanless An Early Ohio Settlement Ralph of Salt Lake City A Sunday and Monday in Jeromeville was the only settle-me- Shields were, Mrs. Shields mothin Ashland county, Ohio, Jutland visiting relatives and dur er, Mrs. J, C. Nielson and grandIng the War of 1811 mother, Mrs. Maggie Keel of jjienda Bridge land and Mrs. Bert ColeCole-Gu- ff T. Coleman, Hugh of Salt Lake Gty man and children of Heber, spent Sunday went to with Mrs. Williams and Henry Mr. parents Lawrence Ode kirk is confined Memorial :1T for Day. and Mrs. Warren Mecham to the Veteran's hospital In Salt Mr. and Mrs. Bert Sweat 'V Dean Pulley of Strawberry spent Lake Qty, where he is seriously Mec-- L the week end at Daniela and Pay-so- n a guest1 of Miss Gladys ill with pneumonia. on business. Sunday and Monday. Guests Thursday at the home Mrs. R. Mr. John P. Madsen spent last Ita Dewey Roberts, of Mrs. Elza J. Gilbert, were 0. Young ednesday in Fruitland putting Mrs. Martha Shanks of Utahn and Heber business visit-- 1 up closed water signs on Red and Mrs. Mettle Moore, Mrs. Thursday and Friday, creek and Current creek. Barbara Smith and daughter, Frank Soyka of jjr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ada Lee of on were end and Mrs. Harvey Moore of Sylvia week Maple Lake Gty vt home of Mrs. J and Miss Lucille Rhoades and Salt Lake Gty. jests at the Miss Blanche Rose of Provo visit Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ross of j. Rockhill. ed Mrs. Lee's sisters and brother, is of Rusell Clifton Salt Lake Gty and Mr. and. Mrs. Magna Mrs. Ernest Sweat, Mrs. Forest Frank Rosa and children of days with his Iris and ioending a few Peter Ivie Sunday. Green River were week end visitW. R-- Clifton, Mr. and Mrs. Francis Brooks ors at the home of their son gr! and Mrs. M. J. Casper and week spent Memorial Day in Duchesne daughter-in-laMr. and Mrs. jaughter, LaXora spent the Mr. Mrs. and Tablona. and of Marion Ross. home at the ad Mrs. J. W. Rockhill and Mr. Brooks. Miss LaNora is Saturday night guests of Mr. a short and Mrs. Frank Soyka attended and Mrs. D. B. Farnsworth were aying ia Fruitland for the picture show in Duchesne on Rex, Leo and Grace Farnsworth and Harry and Jeniel Thayne of Ur. and Mrs. Selby Will tarns Sunday evening. Mtn. Home. Miss Beatrice Gill, who is employed in Roosevelt spent Sunday with home folks. Dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Lus ty were, Mr. and Mrs. Grey Lusty of Salt Lake Gty and Mr. and Mrs. Verl Roper and Mr. and Mrs. Arden Evans and son Hugh of Upalco. Mr. and Mrs. Don Shelton and family were Heber City visitors Sunday. Mr. Bernard Liddell, stake genealogical representative and Mrs. Liddell of Bridge land were in at- tendance at Sacrament meeting Sunday. Some very structions were given. timely to their departed relatives. Mr. Richard Nelson of the Farm Security office in Duchesne held a meeting here Monday night with the farmers, pertaining to livestock transactions. I B E T U Jod Tonkins' Idea ef Fsme Jud Tunkim says fame just nat- F. W. CARROLL Vernal, Utah urally comes to some people. George Washington got more credit for chopping a cherry tree than anybody else could get for breaking up a cord of wood. & But you want to know exactly why. Youre leery of general statements that wont save you one piston ring or one quart of oil. So you want what the doctors call a I ; By IROQUOIS DAHL Press dispatch from New tells a story which is sponsored by W. E. Geiger, superintendent of Tuscarawas park. Geiger says that sawyers working on a rotted tree in the park found a seven-inc- h catfish in a watery crevice of the tree, 40 feet above ground. The fish was thrown into the lake and swam away. Since a catfish doesnt belong to the flying-fis- h family, it is reasonable to suppose, as Geiger says, that the catfish must have been carried into the tree by a kingfisher or some other bird. ASSOCIATED ANdelphia, Ohio, C Field k Stream Other oils cant. No matter how theyre refined they cannot surpass the correct refining of Germ Processed oil. But refining only al $6.00. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gagon and Qiildren of Roosevelt were visiting' at the home of Mrs. Gagons parents, Mr. and Mrs. Levison Hancock Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Holder and son, Larry of Myton were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mr. R. A. Murray Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Leon aid and family of Price pent Memorial Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Allred. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Harmston and Miss El da Goodrich of Roosevelt spent Memorial Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Leslie B. Goodrich. Miss Myrtle Allen of Myton is visiting with her sister and brother-in-laMr. and Mrs. Lee Lisonbee. Mr. Franklin B. Smith left on Monday of last week for Salt Lake Gty, were he will spend some time visiting there with friends and relatives. Mr. Alva D. Hancock made a trip to Tooele on Saturday to move Ray Gagons furniture to Roosevelt. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cook of Ioka were visiting at the home of Mr. and Airs. James Cook on Friday. Mrs. M. G Seeley made a business trip to Roosevelt Wednesday. She was accompanied by Misses Mildred Powell and Blanche Brackenbury. Mr. Harry Smith was a business visitor to Roosevelt Thursday. Miss Virginia Lisonbee of Myton was visiting at tne home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lisonbee from Thursday to son-in-la- G. 50-65- Service. By Miss Florence Murray business. Mr. Joseph Anderson of Upalco was visiting with his daughter Mft and) Mrs. and Claude Allred for a few days last week. Misses Gladys and Florence Murray were calling at te Seeley home Friday. Blanche Brackenbury Miss spent Wednesday and Thursday at Roosevelt visiting with her mother, who is la the hospital Only patented Conoco Germ Processed oil from Your Mileage Merchants station can give your engine WNU Bluebell News Mr. Charles Brackenbury made a trip to Roosevelt Thursday on specific. OIL-PLATIN- G. OIL-PLATIN- j Saturday. And thats what you. get from your change to j In- Mr. and Mrs. B. Riggs and daughter Ravae were visitors on Monday at the H. T. Richena home. Most of the people in our community went to the various cemeteries Monday to pay respects R Early Prize Fighting Roles Under the Lcndoa ring rules a round in prize fighting ended when a man was knocked, fell or was thrown to the ground. Seme Firs. W. G. Gentry rounds lasted many minutes, ethers Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Mecham of only a second or two. Roosevelt were visiting relatives and friends in Ioka Monday. in Ioka looking after his farms. A son was born to Mr. and Derm Gentry and son, Lloyd of Mrs. Guy Pereival of Provo May were his parents, Myton 24th. Mr. Pereival was a former j Mr. and Mrs. visiting Y. Gentry, resident of Ioka. j Mrs. J. H. Robison and Mrs. Mrs. Roy Benson of Roosevelt Russel Robison were visitors at was a guest of Mrs. M. J. Ben- j the Jensen home Monday. son Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. L. S. Saunders Mrs. Tom Gentry entertained and Elizabeth Gentry of Roose-jve- lt Tuesday afternoon in honor of were Ioka visitors Monday, her mother, Mrs. John Brice, who i Wesley Jensen was transacting will leave soon for her home in in ML Ehnmons Tuesbusiness San Jacenito, California. The falday. lowing laies were in attendance: Eva Angus entertained a numMrs. Lois Benson, Mrs. James Lloyd and daughter, Mary, Mrs. ber of her friends at a quilting Eiza Robison, Mrs. M. J. Ben party Friday. Henry Nelson was a business son, Mrs P. C. Johnson, Mrs. Russel Robison, Mrs. W. G. Gent- visitor in Vernal Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Morrell of ry, Mrs. True Hatch of Myton and Mrs. David Borden of Los Monroe are visiting Mrs. Morrell's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Angeles. Mr. James Lloyd and William B. Lemon. Mr. and Mrs. James Lemon Jr. Faussett made & trip to the head of the Dry Gulch ditch Sunday. were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Lemon Jr. spent Mrs. Tom Gentry Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Key ha Sunday and Monday with her announce the birth of a daughMr. Mrs. and Oscar Nelparents, ter May 27th at the Ft. Duchesne son of Upalco. J. M. Alexander of Lynwood, hospital. Mrs. Keyha is the dauC&kfornia spent the past week ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanfelice. period a year ago. The arrivals Mr. and Mrs. Archie Benson of California spring lambs total- and Robert March art were shoped 593 decks, or 82,171 head to ping in Roosevelt Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Angus and date, compared to 573 decks, or hi, 670 head a year previous. Mrs. Charles Pereival acceom-panie- d c Lambs are lower than the Eva Angus and Hugh Fer-civclosing sales last week. At the to Salt Lake City Tuesday close of last week 4 doubles of where the young couple were lb. Californ- married in the Salt Lake temple. good to choice 82-8- 7 ia springers made JS.65 straight Mr. and Mrs. Flay Ferguson Two doubles scaling 82 lbs. scor- and daughter, Geneva of Idaho ed JS.65, with 15 out to the car Falls were the overnight guests at J7.65, At the close of the cur- of Mr. and Mrs. W. G. Gentry. rent week 2 doubles of good to Mrs. Fergus-ois & neice of Mr. choice 85 lb. California lambs Gentry. scored JS.10 straight. A package Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sanfelice of shorn old crop lambs brought wag visiting in Fort Duchesne on of her mother. Mrs. M. Verona Winkler. Mrs. Lucille Winkler and children and Mrs. M. Verona Winkler were visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Murray Sunday. Miss Helen Drollinger is working for Mrs. Ora Cook, who recently underwent an operation. Miss Nell Stevenson of Mtn. Home spent Monday and Tuesday at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. H. D. All-re- Friday. TEX REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD BUY A Automatic Water Heater G. E. Its Safe fumes. d. Mrs. R. A. Murray and daughters, Gladys and Florence spent Memorial Day visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Holder and family of Myton. Mrs. Garda Seeley was calling at the Murray home on Monday. Mr. Afton Seeley of Bridge-lan- d G G G camp spent the week end and Memorial Day at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. G Seeley. Mr. Dave Roberts and Mr. Harry Smith were calling at the Murray home Tuesday afternoon. Out of town visitors at Sunday school and Sacrament meeting on Sunday were: Stake President E. L. Murphy and Mr. Gyde Mitchell of Upalco, Mr. Harold Edredge and Mis. Dorthella Dastrup of Altonah, Mr. Birch Bennion and Patriarch F. Ead Case of Mt. Emmons, Mr. Ward Evans and Mr. Darwin Brother-so- n of Boneta. Mr. and Mrs. Harold White of Duchesne were visiting at the home of Mrs. Whites parents, Mr. and Mrs. John X. Anderson on Tuesday. Mr. Lee Lisonbee was In Roosevelt on business Thursday. MARKET -- Its Its No matches, no flame, heat is sealed INSIDE the tank where it belongs. Its Cool-Th- e Clean - as electric light - no soot, no smoke, no ashes. Healthful - Essential to cleanliness, health and beauty. Its Economical - High efficiency at only 1c per kilowatt Hour. Convenient Plenty of hot water for an emergency, anytime. Its Automatic -- Needs no care; no switches to turn off or on. Dependable - Always on the job install it and forget it. Its Simple All working parts sealed away and automatically controlled. Modern - Another G. E. Appliance for Better Living. -- ust -- Its Install It And Forget It nun POWER 8 LIGHT GO. Electricity Is Your Most Efficient Servant REPORT Weekly summary of th North Salt Lake livestock market, for week ended Friday, Slay 27th. Cattle and Calves The receipts for the week totaled 595 head, against 693 head last week and 605 during a like period a year ago. Good quality offerings were scarce. The bulk of the saleable supply consisted of she stock, a scant supply ol bulls and a few vealers. The market looked fully steady during there. the session. A few medium to low Mr- - and Mrs. Charles Smith good steers brought I6.00-J7.0and sons, Harry and Albert Pow- Common to medium heifers scorThe bulk of the ell were in Roosevelt on Satur- ed J5.50-J6.0a good cows secured J5.50-J5.7day. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bracken- few reaching J6.00. Common to a medium grades ranged from bury announce the arrival of Roosevelt Cutter grades J2.75 to at born 71' pound son, All Odd head of common bulls J4.00. on Wednesday, May 25th. The bulk of the made J4.25-J4.3concerned are doing nicely. JS.50-J9.5Mrs. Anna Murray of Myton good vealers scored was visiting friends and relatives Plainer kinds down to J6.00. Culls down to J4.50. here on Sunday. of MyLaura Hogs: Mrs. Thompson During the week's session button was visiting with relatives classes advanced 30 cents. cher on here Saturday. 25c been Packing sows were around Mr. Alvie Bird, who has was week for the The the for past top higher. at Myton employed Bulk few weeks returned home Sat- J9.00, closing top JS.90. but0 to choice lg. good urday. JS.65-J00. Those Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Woodard cher secured lbs. mostly J3.-0- 0 2S0 to were up from scaling Upalco and family to JS.50. Packing sows bulkvisiting at the home of Mr. and with light on from J5.75-J6.2ed Saturday A. Mr. R. Murray Rosmooth offerings up to J6.50, Miss Mary Stevenson of osevelt spent Memorial Day at Sheep: The receipts for the current the home of her grandparents, totaled 18,443 head, com- week Allred. D. H. Mrs. and Mr. and Mrs. Anna Murray ctf Myton pared to 16,333 last week epenV'Memorlal Day at the home' 14,834 during the corresponding 0. takes things out, while Germ Processing sdds in the patented man- 5, made substance that forces oil to join up with the working parts, keeping them All the while Germ Processed oil is used, Like all plating, you have permanent down keeps wear away and it never drains even could oils r waits for the oil pump! Before other no Hence lubricate will "dry begin to circulate, And platings dont starts with your engine heat. So the heat fly off at Summer speeds, or frizzle away in the gauge-sticand the says safe side, indicator stays on the oil! Have Mileage Processed your Germ Still full of Conoco E Your Engine. Continental Oil Co. Merchant OIL-PLATE- D. G 1 G OIL-PLATE- x OIL-PLAT- 170-23- 9 FRANK DAVIES, Agent Glad To Serve You At Any Time DUCHESNE UTAH - Phone 37 Complete With Springs And Mattresses Six Baby Cribs, Constructed of the finest r materials stock from the Schonian Furniture Store They were made to sell from - Left-ove- $11.63 to $17.93. NOW ON SPECIAL SALE AT - - $7.50 to $12.00 All of the Cribs have been in storage and were To see them Call at the just recently uncratcd UINTAH BASIN RECORD H&MZB KSi-- |