Show Keeping Up Wi f Science Service Service Sky Dog Team of 2000 Balloons Seeks Stratosphere Jean Will ill Attempt Hop Using New Method l Denver New New stratosphere records will be sought in an entirely new kind of strato- strato I phere cre balloon Jean win n brother of strato-pioneer strato Auguste Pic card announced to the meeting of the American Ameri Amen can Association for the Advancement Advancement Advancement Ad Ad- of Science here Mr will undertake the thelong thelong thelong long ascension under the lift not of ofa a single giant balloon as heretofore used but with a sky dog team of 2000 small rubber pilot balloons of ot the type now used by the U. U S. S weather bureau for unmanned flights with light recording instruments Since a single sounding balloon is able to carry a n pound half in instrument instrument instrument in- in strument to an altitude of ot twenty miles it is obvious that 2000 soundIng sounding sounding sound- sound Ing balloons could lilt lift an tight air gondola weighing 1000 pounds to the same lofty position he said It is my intention to construct such an assembly and to make scientific observations at the altitudes altitudes altitudes alti alti- tudes reached by sounding balloons Before making aking such a flight I Intend intend In in- tend to test the possibilities of the composite balloon by making inthe inthe in the near future an experimental y flight with eighty sounding balloons attached to an open gondola On this experimental flight Mr expects to be contented with the modest altitude of ot about two miles He added As a n whole our new lighter lighter- than-air than craft if it works will work like a very large dog team and the pilot will be the driver of 2000 sky dogs There is a widely accepted story of ot a multiple-balloon multiple flight years ago go with a craft said to have been invented by two prominent earl early members of the American Philosophical Philosophical Philosophical Philo Philo- society in Philadelphia Published in France not long after the the first balloon flights there it went frito great and convincing detail detail- and was all a hoax But the story has persisted and is solemnly repeated repeated repeated re re- re- re in every history of aeronautics aeronautics aero aero- and in all the dias However multiple balloon flights really were made in both this country country country coun coun- try and Europe during the so the proposal has precedents precedents precedents prece prece- dents of quite respectable standing |