Show Robidoux Monument ToBe To To- ToBe Be Unveiled During Indian Fair FairfI fI 1 Whiterocks lliter D. D U. U P. P Joins With Utah Pioneer Trails Association l To Establish Historic f. f Memorial l To Old Fort Robidoux Vei Vernal Hal Man lan N Named To Fill Reception Committee Vacancy The Pioneer Trails association in conjunction with the Whiterocks ch chapter pter of the Daughters of Utah Pioneers have arranged to build a a monument rating the establishment of the old Fort Robidoux Robidoux Ro Ro- at th the present site of the Whiterocks trading post Unveiling Unveiling Unveiling Unveil Unveil- ing ceremonies will be held on the afternoon of August the Uintah Basin Industrial Convention Convention Convention Con Con- and Indian Fair Fall according to a r. r report port received this week from the Ut V B B. B I. I C C. C and Indian Fair committee Following the P policy oli C of the association association association as as- in ill the of historical historical hist hist- orical spots the monument will willbe willbe be placed on highway 40 at the junction of lh the Whiterocks road I It will viII carry a bronze plaque 20 I 4 Ji by 24 with historical data ed At a later date if permission can be obtained from the Indian council a smaller marker will be placed upon the actual site of the theold theold theold old fort A committee of the Utah Pioneer Trails and Landmarks assocIation association as as- with members of the association will attend the unveiling ceremony Officials Official to Attend A great deal of historic significance significance j cance is attached to this old trading trading trading trad trad- ing post and executive officers of the National Oregon Trails association association asso asso- elation represented b by Dr Howard R. R Driggs Major Procter and others others oth oth- 4 it ers as well as the officers of the Utah Trails association Including Geo Albert Smith John D. D Giles and J. J C C. C Alter will be in attendance attendance attendance attend attend- ance August at 11 o'clock for forthe forthe forthe the U. U B. B I. I C C. C program and will take charge of the unveiling ceremonies ceremonies cere cere- monies in the afternoon Mr A. A Reed Morrill principal of the Roosevelt high school has been actively working on historical data data data da da- da- da ta in this area for the past few years Following is a short from data he has prepared It is significant that the first Continued on Page S 8 3 Robidoux Monument l To ToBe ToBe ToBe Be Unveiled During U. U B. B I. I Indian C.-Indian Fair Continued from page 1 year-round year establishment built in what later became Utah was constructed constructed constructed con con- here in the Uintah Basin near the present Whiterocks It was also the first chain store here herein herein herein in the West as another branch was built bunt and maintained near the Gunnison river In Colorado The liThe Robidoux post was v also called by the Indians Fort Win tey or Uintah It was wag constructed construct construct- ed by the French trader Antoine Robidoux in 1832 Captain J. J C C. C the government explorer visited the fort in 1844 1801 and tells us It was a n motley garrison of Cana Canadian lan and Spanish engages and hunters Site Located d la In 1936 1930 It was an extensive structure and was surrounded by numerous Indian lodges and private traders establishments There were many travelers and missionaries who re restocked restocked restocked re- re stocked their supplies during its existence It was on the main route of travel the Utah lake region to the Platte river region and also visited by trading pa parties Ues from Taos New Mexico over the trail to Fort Bridger and Fort HallIt HallIt HallIt Hall It was destroyed and burned In 1844 The old site was relocated in September 1936 Word Vord was received by the committee committee committee com com- from Senator Wm H. H King and Representative Abe Murdock that they would attend the ConI Convention Convention Con Con- if congressional duties I would permit The resignation of W. W H H. H Paul of Myton as chairman of tile the re reception reception reception re- re committee was accepted and Mr Glen Miller of Vernal was elected to fill the vacancy Announcement was made that adequate stable facilities will ll be provided for teams to be entered in the pulling horse-pulling contests No Admission Charge From the the- reports of the various committees s indications are that this years year's U. U B B. B I. I C. C and Indian Fair bids fair to be the biggest and best that the Basin has seen for many years In the past it has been the policy to solicit funds to finance the event This year it is hoped that it will not be necessary to ask for donations Local merchants merchants merchants mer mer- chants have been solicited for advertising advertising advertising ad ad- for forthe the program booklet now being printed Attention was called to the fact that some people have the impression Impression impressIon sion that a fee would be charged this year to defray expenses This rumor is entirely erroneous erroneous This Tills year as in years past admission is absolutely free and and everybody is cordially invited to attend I |